
第169章 BOOK X(21)

NOW turn we to another matter that fell between King Mark and his brother,that was called the good Prince Boudwin,that all the people of the country loved passing well.So it befell on a time that the miscreant Saracens landed in the country of Cornwall soon after these Sessoins were gone.And then the good Prince Boudwin,at the landing,he raised the country privily and hastily.And or it were day he let put wildfire in three of his own ships,and suddenly he pulled up the sail,and with the wind he made those ships to be driven among the navy of the Saracens.And to make short tale,those three ships set on fire all the ships,that none were saved.

And at point of the day the good Prince Boudwin with all his fellowship set on the miscreants with shouts and cries,and slew to the number of forty thousand,and left none alive.

When King Mark wist this he was wonderly wroth that his brother should win such worship.And because this prince was better beloved than he in all that country,and that also Boudwin loved well Sir Tristram,therefore he thought to slay him.And thus,hastily,as a man out of his wit,he sent for Prince Boudwin and Anglides his wife,and bade them bring their young son with them,that he might see him.All this he did to the intent to slay the child as well as his father,for he was the falsest traitor that ever was born.Alas,for his goodness and for his good deeds this gentle Prince Boudwin was slain.

So when he came with his wife Anglides,the king made them fair semblant till they had dined.And when they had dined King Mark sent for his brother and said thus:

Brother,how sped you when the miscreants arrived by you?meseemeth it had been your part to have sent me word,that I might have been at that journey,for it had been reason that I had had the honour and not you.

Sir,said the Prince Boudwin,it was so that an I had tarried till that I had sent for you those miscreants had destroyed my country.Thou liest,false traitor,said King Mark,for thou art ever about for to win worship from me,and put me to dishonour,and thou cherishest that I hate.And therewith he struck him to the heart with a dagger,that he never after spake word.Then the Lady Anglides made great dole,and swooned,for she saw her lord slain afore her face.Then was there no more to do but Prince Boudwin was despoiled and brought to burial.But Anglides privily gat her husband's doublet and his shirt,and that she kept secretly.

Then was there much sorrow and crying,and great dole made Sir Tristram,Sir Dinas,Sir Fergus,and so did all knights that were there;for that prince was passingly well beloved.So La Beale Isoud sent unto Anglides,the Prince Boudwin's wife,and bade her avoid lightly or else her young son,Alisander le Orphelin,should be slain When she heard this,she took her horse and her child;and rode with such poor men as durst ride with her.


How Anglides,Boudwin's wife,escaped with her young son,Alisander le Orphelin,and came to the Castle of Arundel.

NOTWITHSTANDING,when King Mark had done this deed,yet he thought to do more vengeance;and with his sword in his hand,he sought from chamber to chamber,to seek Anglides and her young son.And when she was missed he called a good knight that hight Sadok,and charged him by pain of death to fetch Anglides again and her young son.So Sir Sadok departed and rode after Anglides.And within ten mile he overtook her,and bade her turn again and ride with him to King Mark.

Alas,fair knight,she said,what shall ye win by my son's death or by mine?I have had overmuch harm and too great a loss.Madam,said Sadok,of your loss is dole and pity;but madam,said Sadok,would ye depart out of this country with your son,and keep him till he be of age,that he may revenge his father's death,then would I suffer you to depart from me,so you promise me to revenge the death of Prince Boudwin.Ah,gentle knight,Jesu thank thee,and if ever my son,Alisander le Orphelin,live to be a knight,he shall have his father's doublet and his shirt with the bloody marks,and I shall give him such a charge that he shall remember it while he liveth.And therewithal Sadok departed from her,and either betook other to God.And when Sadok came to King Mark he told him faithfully that he had drowned young Alisander her son;and thereof King Mark was full glad.

Now turn we unto Anglides,that rode both night and day by adventure out of Cornwall,and little and in few places she rested;but ever she drew southward to the seaside,till by fortune she came to a castle that is called Magouns,and now it is called Arundel,in Sussex.And the Constable of the castle welcomed her,and said she was welcome to her own castle;and there was Anglides 2t worshipfully received,for the Constable's wife was nigh her cousin,and the Constable's name was Bellangere;and that same Constable told Anglides that the same castle was hers by right inheritance.Thus Anglides endured years and winters,till Alisander was big and strong;there was none so wight in all that country,neither there was none that might do no manner of mastery afore him.


How Anglides gave the bloody doublet to Alisander,her son,the same day that he was made knight,and the charge withal.

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