
第154章 BOOK X(6)

THEN King Mark rode till he came to a fountain,and there he rested him,and stood in a doubt whether he would ride to Arthur's court or none,or return again to his country.And as he thus rested him by that fountain there came by him a knight well armed on horseback;and he alighted,and tied his horse until a tree,and set him down by the brink of the fountain;and there he made great languor and dole,and made the dolefullest complaint of love that ever man heard;and all this while was he not ware of King Mark.And this was a great part of his complaint:he cried and wept,saying:O fair Queen of Orkney,King Lot's wife,and mother of Sir Gawaine,and to Sir Gaheris,and mother to many other,for thy love I am in great pains.Then King Mark arose and went near him and said:Fair knight,ye have made a piteous complaint.Truly,said the knight,it is an hundred part more ruefuller than my heart can utter.Irequire you,said King Mark,tell me your name.Sir,said he,as for my name I will not hide it from no knight that beareth a shield,and my name is Sir Lamorak de Galis.But when Sir Lamorak heard King Mark speak,then wist he well by his speech that he was a Cornish knight.Sir,said Sir Lamorak,I understand by your tongue ye be of Cornwall,wherein there dwelleth the shamefullest king that is now living,for he is a great enemy to all good knights;and that proveth well,for he hath chased out of that country Sir Tristram,that is the worshipfullest knight that now is living,and all knights speak of him worship;and for jealousness of his queen he hath chased him out of his country.It is pity,said Sir Lamorak,that ever any such false knight-coward as King Mark is,should be matched with such a fair lady and good as La Beale Isoud is,for all the world of him speaketh shame,and of her worship that any queen may have.I have not ado in this matter,said King Mark,neither nought will I speak thereof.Well said,said Sir Lamorak.Sir,can ye tell me any tidings?I can tell you,said Sir Lamorak,that there shall be a great tournament in haste beside Camelot,at the Castle of Jagent;and the King with the Hundred Knights and the King of Ireland,as I suppose,make that tournament.

Then there came a knight that was called Sir Dinadan,and saluted them both.And when he wist that King Mark was a knight of Cornwall he reproved him for the love of King Mark a thousand fold more than did Sir Lamorak.Then he proffered to joust with King Mark.

And he was full loath thereto,but Sir Dinadan edged him so,that he jousted with Sir Lamorak.And Sir Lamorak smote King Mark so sore that he bare him on his spear end over his horse's tail.And then King Mark arose again,and followed after Sir Lamorak.But Sir Dinadan would not joust with Sir Lamorak,but he told King Mark that Sir Lamorak was Sir Kay,the Seneschal.That is not so,said King Mark,for he is much bigger than Sir Kay;and so he followed and overtook him,and bade him abide.What will you do?said Sir Lamorak.Sir,he said,I will fight with a sword,for ye have shamed me with a spear;and therewith they dashed together with swords,and Sir Lamorak suffered him and forbare him.

And King Mark was passing hasty,and smote thick strokes.Sir Lamorak saw he would not stint,and waxed somewhat wroth,and doubled his strokes,for he was one of the noblest knights of the world;and he beat him so on the helm that his head hung nigh on the saddle bow.

When Sir Lamorak saw him fare so,he said:Sir knight,what cheer?meseemeth you have nigh your fill of fighting,it were pity to do you any more harm,for ye are but a mean knight,therefore I give you leave to go where ye list.Gramercy,said King Mark,for ye and I be not matches.

Then Sir Dinadan mocked King Mark and said:

Ye are not able to match a good knight.As for that,said King Mark,at the first time I jousted with this knight ye refused him.Think ye that it is a shame to me?said Sir Dinadan:nay,sir,it is ever worship to a knight to refuse that thing that he may not attain,there fore your worship had been much more to have refused him as I did;for I warn you plainly he is able to beat such five as ye and I be;for ye knights of Cornwall are no men of worship as other knights are.And because ye are no men of worship ye hate all men of worship,for never was bred in your country such a knight as is Sir Tristram.


How King Mark,Sir Lamorak,and Sir Dinadan came to a castle,and how King Mark was known there.

THEN they rode forth all together,King Mark,Sir Lamorak,and Sir Dinadan,till that they came to a bridge,and at the end thereof stood a fair tower.Then saw they a knight on horseback well armed,brandishing a spear,crying and proffering himself to joust.Now,said Sir Dinadan unto King Mark,yonder are two brethren,that one hight Alein,and the other hight Trian,that will joust with any that passeth this passage.

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