
第138章 BOOK IX(18)

Then the King of Northgalis rode unto Sir Palomides and prayed him heartily for his sake to joust with that knight that hath done us of Northgalis despite.Sir,said Sir Palomides,I am full loath to have ado with that knight,and cause why is,for as to-morn the great tournament shall be;and therefore I will keep myself fresh by my will.Nay,said the King of Northgalis,Ipray you require him of jousts.Sir,said Sir Palomides,I will joust at your request,and require that knight to joust with me,and often I have seen a man have a fall at his own request.


How Sir Launcelot jousted with Palomides and overthrew him,and after he was assailed with twelve knights.

THEN Sir Palomides sent unto Sir Launcelot a squire,and required him of jousts.Fair fellow,said Sir Launcelot,tell me thy lord's name.Sir,said the squire,my lord's name is Sir Palomides,the good knight.In good hour,said Sir Launcelot,for there is no knight that I saw this seven years that I had liefer ado withal than with him.And so either knights made them ready with two great spears.Nay,said Sir Dinadan,ye shall see that Sir Palomides will quit him right well.It may be so,said Sir Tristram,but I undertake that knight with the shield of Cornwall shall give him a fall.I believe it not,said Sir Dinadan.Right so they spurred their horses and feutred their spears,and either hit other,and Sir Palomides brake a spear upon Sir Launcelot,and he sat and moved not;but Sir Launcelot smote him so lightly that he made his horse to avoid the saddle,and the stroke brake his shield and the hauberk,and had he not fallen he had been slain.How now,said Sir Tristram,I wist well by the manner of their riding both that Sir Palomides should have a fall.

Right so Sir Launcelot rode his way,and rode to a well to drink and to repose him,and they of Northgalis espied him whither he rode;and then there followed him twelve knights for to have mischieved him,for this cause that upon the morn at the tournament of the Castle of Maidens that he should not win the victory.So they came upon Sir Launcelot suddenly,and unnethe he might put upon him his helm and take his horse,but they were in hands with him;and then Sir Launcelot gat his spear,and rode through them,and there he slew a knight and brake a spear in his body.Then he drew his sword and smote upon the right hand and upon the left hand,so that within a few strokes he had slain other three knights,and the remnant that abode he wounded them sore all that did abide.Thus Sir Launcelot escaped from his enemies of North Wales,and then Sir Launcelot rode his way till a friend,and lodged him till on the morn;for he would not the first day have ado in the tournament because of his great labour.And on the first day he was with King Arthur thereas he was set on high upon a scaffold to discern who was best worthy of his deeds.So Sir Launcelot was with King Arthur,and jousted not the first day.


How Sir Tristram behaved him the first day of the tournament,and there he had the prize.

NOW turn we unto Sir Tristram de Liones,that commanded Gouvernail,his servant,to ordain him a black shield with none other remembrance therein.And so Sir Persides and Sir Tristram departed from their host Sir Pellounes,and they rode early toward the tournament,and then they drew them to King Carados'

side,of Scotland;and anon knights began the field what of King Northgalis'part,and what of King Carados'part,and there began great party.Then there was hurling and rashing.Right so came in Sir Persides and Sir Tristram and so they did fare that they put the King of Northgalis aback.Then came in Sir Bleoberis de Ganis and Sir Gaheris with them of Northgalis,and then was Sir Persides smitten down and almost slain,for more than forty horse men went over him.For Sir Bleoberis did great deeds of arms,and Sir Gaheris failed him not.When Sir Tristram beheld them,and saw them do such deeds of arms,he marvelled what they were.

Also Sir Tristram thought shame that Sir Persides was so done to;and then he gat a great spear in his hand,and then he rode to Sir Gaheris and smote him down from his horse.And then was Sir Bleoberis wroth,and gat a spear and rode against Sir Tristram in great ire;and there Sir Tristram met with him,and smote Sir Bleoberis from his horse So then the King with the Hundred Knights was wroth,and he horsed Sir Bleoberis and Sir Gaheris again,and there began a great medley;and ever Sir Tristram held them passing short,and ever Sir Bleoberis was passing busy upon Sir Tristram;and there came Sir Dinadan against Sir Tristram,and Sir Tristram gave him such a buffet that he swooned in his saddle.Then anon Sir Dinadan came to Sir Tristram and said:

Sir,I know thee better than thou weenest;but here I promise thee my troth I will never come against thee more,for I promise thee that sword of thine shall never come on mine helm.

With that came Sir Bleoberis,and Sir Tristram gave him such a buffet that down he laid his head;and then he caught him so sore by the helm that he pulled him under his horse's feet.And then King Arthur blew to lodging.Then Sir Tristram departed to his pavilion,and Sir Dinadan rode with him;and Sir Persides and King Arthur then,and the kings upon both parties,marvelled what knight that was with the black shield.Many said their advice,and some knew him for Sir Tristram,and held their peace and would nought say.So that first day King Arthur,and all the kings and lords that were judges,gave Sir Tristram the prize;howbeit they knew him not,but named him the Knight with the Black Shield.


How Sir Tristram returned against King Arthur's party because he saw Sir Palomides on that party.

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