
第115章 BOOK VIII(19)

And sir,said Sir Dinas,ye shall understand that Sir Tristram is called peerless and makeless of any Christian knight,and of his might and hardiness we knew none so good a knight,but if it be Sir Launcelot du Lake.And if he depart from your court and go to King Arthur's court,wit ye well he will get him such friends there that he will not set by your malice.And therefore,sir,I counsel you to take him to your grace.I will well,said the king,that he be sent for,that we may be friends.

Then the barons sent for Sir Tristram under a safe conduct.And so when Sir Tristram came to the king he was welcome,and no rehearsal was made,and there was game and play.And then the king and the queen went a-hunting,and Sir Tristram.


How Sir Lamorak jousted with thirty knights,and Sir Tristram at the request of King Mark smote his horse down.

THE king and the queen made their pavilions and their tents in that forest beside a river,and there was daily hunting and jousting,for there were ever thirty knights ready to joust unto all them that came in at that time.And there by fortune came Sir Lamorak de Galis and Sir Driant;and there Sir Driant jousted right well,but at the last he had a fall.Then Sir Lamorak proffered to joust.And when he began he fared so with the thirty knights that there was not one of them but that he gave him a fall,and some of them were sore hurt.I marvel,said King Mark,what knight he is that doth such deeds of arms.Sir,said Sir Tristram,I know him well for a noble knight as few now be living,and his name is Sir Lamorak de Galis.It were great shame,said the king,that he should go thus away,unless that some of you meet with him better.Sir,said Sir Tristram,meseemeth it were no worship for a noble man to have ado with him:and for because at this time he hath done over much for any mean knight living,therefore,as meseemeth,it were great shame and villainy to tempt him any more at this time,insomuch as he and his horse are weary both;for the deeds of arms that he hath done this day,an they be well considered,it were enough for Sir Launcelot du Lake.As for that,said King Mark,Irequire you,as ye love me and my lady the queen,La Beale Isoud,take your arms and joust with Sir Lamorak de Galis.Sir,said Sir Tristram,ye bid me do a thing that is against knighthood,and well I can deem that I shall give him a fall,for it is no mastery,for my horse and I be fresh both,and so is not his horse and he;and wit ye well that he will take it for great unkindness,for ever one good knight is loath to take another at disadvantage;but because I will not displease you,as ye require me so will I do,and obey your commandment.

And so Sir Tristram armed him and took his horse,and put him forth,and there Sir Lamorak met him mightily,and what with the might of his own spear,and of Sir Tristram's spear,Sir Lamorak's horse fell to the earth,and he sitting in the saddle.

Then anon as lightly as he might he avoided the saddle and his horse,and put his shield afore him and drew his sword.And then he bade Sir Tristram:Alight,thou knight,an thou durst.Nay,said Sir Tristram,I will no more have ado with thee,for I have done to thee over much unto my dishonour and to thy worship.As for that,said Sir Lamorak,I can thee no thank;since thou hast for-jousted me on horseback I require thee and I beseech thee,an thou be Sir Tristram,fight with me on foot.I will not so,said Sir Tristram;and wit ye well my name is Sir Tristram de Liones,and well I know ye be Sir Lamorak de Galis,and this that I have done to you was against my will,but I was required thereto;but to say that I will do at your request as at this time,I will have no more ado with you,for me shameth of that I have done.

As for the shame,said Sir Lamorak,on thy part or on mine,bear thou it an thou wilt,for though a mare's son hath failed me,now a queen's son shall not fail thee;and therefore,an thou be such a knight as men call thee,I require thee,alight,and fight with me.Sir Lamorak,said Sir Tristram,I understand your heart is great,and cause why ye have,to say thee sooth;for it would grieve me an any knight should keep him fresh and then to strike down a weary knight,for that knight nor horse was never formed that alway might stand or endure.And therefore,said Sir Tristram,I will not have ado with you,for me forthinketh of that I have done.As for that,said Sir Lamorak,I shall quit you,an ever I see my time.


How Sir Lamorak sent an horn to King Mark in despite of Sir Tristram,and how Sir Tristram was driven into a chapel.

So he departed from him with Sir Driant,and by the way they met with a knight that was sent from Morgan le Fay unto King Arthur;and this knight had a fair horn harnessed with gold,and the horn had such a virtue that there might no lady nor gentlewoman drink of that horn but if she were true to her husband,and if she were false she should spill all the drink,and if she were true to her lord she might drink peaceable.And because of the Queen Guenever,and in the despite of Sir Launcelot,this horn was sent unto King Arthur;and by force Sir Lamorak made that knight to tell all the cause why he bare that horn.Now shalt thou bear this horn,said Lamorak,unto King Mark,or else choose thou to die for it;for I tell thee plainly,in despite and reproof of Sir Tristram thou shalt bear that horn unto King Mark,his uncle,and say thou to him that I sent it him for to assay his lady,and if she be true to him he shall prove her.So the knight went his way unto King Mark,and brought him that rich horn,and said that Sir Lamorak sent it him,and thereto he told him the virtue of that horn.Then the king made Queen Isoud to drink thereof,and an hundred ladies,and there were but four ladies of all those that drank clean.Alas,said King Mark,this is a great despite,and sware a great oath that she should be burnt and the other ladies.

Then the barons gathered them together,and said plainly they would not have those ladies burnt for an horn made by sorcery,that came from as false a sorceress and witch as then was living.

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