
第11章 ACT II(5)

MORSE.[Stolidlyto FREMAN]Zet down,Will Freman.[He pulls at him with a blacksmith's arm.

FREMAN.[Remaining erect with an effort]I'm not agoin'to zet down till I've arisen.

JARLAND.Now then,there 'e is in the chair.What's yore point of order?

FREMAN.[Darting his eyes here and there,and flinging his hand up to his gipsylike head]'Twas'twasDarned ef y''aven't putt it clean out o'my 'ead.

JARLAND.We can't wait for yore points of order.Come out o'that chair.Sol Potter.

[SOL POTTER rises and is about to vacate the chair.]

FREMAN.I know!There ought to 'a been minutes taken.Yu can't 'ave no meetin'without minutes.When us comes to electin'a chairman o'the next meetin','e won't 'ave no minutes to read.

SOL POTTER.'Twas only to putt down that I was elected chairman to elect a meetin'to elect a chairman to preside over a meetin'to pass a resolution dalin'wi'the curate.That's aisy set down,that is.

FREMAN.[Mollified]We'll 'ave that zet down,then,while we're electin'the chairman o'the next meetin'.

[A silence.]

TRUSTAFORD.Well then,seein'this is the praaper old meetin'for carryin'the resolution about the curate,I purpose Mr.Sol Potter take the chair.

FREMAN.I purpose Mr.Trustaford.I 'aven't agot nothin'against Sol Potter,but seein'that he elected the meetin'that's to elect 'im,it might be said that 'e was electin'of himzelf in a manner of spakin'.Us don't want that said.

MORSE.[Amid meditative grunts from the dumbasfishes]There's someat in that.One o'they tu purposals must be putt to the meetin'.

FREMAN.Second must be putt virst,fur zure.

TRUSTAFORD.I dunno as I wants to zet in that chair.To hiss the curate,'tis a ticklish sort of a job after that.Vurst comes afore second,Will Freeman.

FREMAN.Second is amendment to virst.'Tes the amendments is putt virst.

TRUSTAFORD.'Ow's that,Mr.Godleigh?I'm not particular eggzac'ly to a dilly zort of a point like that.

SOL POTTER.[Scratching his,head]'Tes a very nice point,for zure.

GODLEIGH.'Tes undoubtedly for the chairman to decide.

[Voice from the dumbas fishes:"But there ain't no chairman yet."]

JARLAND.Sol Potter's chairman.

FREMAN.No,'e ain't.

MORSE.Yes,'e is'e's chairman till this second old meetin'gets on the go.

FREMAN.I deny that.What du yu say,Mr.Trustaford?

TRUSTAFORD.I can't 'ardly tell.It du zeem a darned longsufferin'sort of a business altogether.

[A silence.]

MORSE.[Slowly]Tell 'ee what 'tis,us shan't du no gude like this.

GODLEIGH.'Tes for Mr.Freman or Mr.Trustaford,one or t'other to withdraw their motions.

TRUSTAFORD.[After a pause,with cautious generosity]I've no objections to withdrawin'mine,if Will Freman'll withdraw his'n.

FREMAN.I won't never be be'indhand.If Mr.Trustaford withdraws,I withdraws mine.

MORSE.[With relief]That's zensible.Putt the motion to the meetin'.

SOL POTTER.There ain't no motion left to putt.

[Silence of consternation.]

[In the confusion Jim BERE is seen to stand up.]

GODLEIGH.Jim Bere to spike.Silence for Jim!

VOICES.Aye!Silence for Jim!


JIM.[Smiling and slow]Nothin'duin'.

TRUSTAFORD.Bravo,Jim!Yu'm right.Best zense yet!

[Applause from the dumbasfishes.]

[With his smile brightening,JIM resumes his seat.]

SOL POTTER.[Wiping his brow]Du seem to me,gentlemen,seem'as we'm got into a bit of a tangle in a manner of spakin','twid be the most zimplest and vairest way to begin all over vrom the beginnin',so's t'ave it all vair an'square for every one.

[In the uproar Of "Aye"and "No,"it is noticed that TIBBY

JARLAND is standing in front of her father with her finger,for want of something better,in her mouth.]

TIBBY.[In her stolid voice]Please,sister Mercy says,curate 'ave got to "Lastly."[JARLAND picks her up,and there is silence.]An'please to come quick.

JARLAND.Come on,mates;quietly now!

[He goes out,and all begin to follow him.]

MORSE.[Slowest,save for SOL POTTER]'Tes rare lucky us was all agreed to hiss the curate afore us began the botherin'old meetin',or us widn''ardly 'ave 'ad time to settle what to du.

SOL POTTER.[Scratching his head]Aye,'tes rare lucky;but I dunno if 'tes altogether reg'lar.



The village green before the churchyard and the yewtrees at the gate.Into the pitch dark under the yews,light comes out through the halfopen church door.Figures are lurking,or moving stealthily people waiting and listening to the sound of a voice speaking in the church words that are inaudible.

  • 残忍之弑


  • 隐婚天后:总裁老公,求别撩!


  • 黑腹校草走着瞧


  • 人生可否重来


  • 上清神宝洞房真讳上经


  • 穿越系统:灵宠尘妻


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 吞噬进化基因


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  • 英雄无泪

