



I mentioned in my last,that having abandoned my fishing-rod as an unprofitable implement,I crossed over the open downs which divided me from the margin of the Solway.When I reached the banks of the great estuary,which are here very bare and exposed,the waters had receded from the large and level space of sand,through which a stream,now feeble and fordable,found its way to the ocean.The whole was illuminated by the beams of the low and setting sun,who showed his ruddy front,like a warrior prepared for defence,over a huge battlemented and turreted wall of crimson and black clouds,which appeared like an immense Gothic fortress,into which the lord of day was descending.His setting rays glimmered bright upon the wet surface of the sands,and the numberless pools of water by which it was covered,where the inequality of the ground had occasioned their being left by the tide.

The scene was animated by the exertions of a number of horsemen,who were actually employed in hunting salmon.Aye,Alan,lift up your hands and eyes as you will,I can give their mode of fishing no name so appropriate;for they chased the fish at full gallop,and struck them with their barbed spears,as you see hunters spearing boars in the old tapestry.The salmon,to be sure,take the thing more quietly than the boars;but they are so swift in their own element,that to pursue and strike them is the task of a good horseman,with a quick eye,a determined hand,and full command both of his horse and weapon.The shouts of the fellows as they galloped up and down in the animating exercise--their loud bursts of laughter when any of their number caught a fall--and still louder acclamations when any of the party made a capital stroke with his lance--gave so much animation to the whole scene,that I caught the enthusiasm of the sport,and ventured forward a considerable space on the sands.The feats of one horseman,in particular,called forth so repeatedly the clamorous applause of his companions,that the very banks rang again with their shouts.He was a tall man,well mounted on a strong black horse,which he caused to turn and wind like a bird in the air,carried a longer spear than the others,and wore a sort of fur cap or bonnet,with a short feather in it,which gave him on the whole rather a superior appearance to the other fishermen.He seemed to hold some sort of authority among them,and occasionally directed their motions both by voice and hand:

at which times I thought his gestures were striking,and his voice uncommonly sonorous and commanding.

The riders began to make for the shore,and the interest of the scene was almost over,while I lingered on the sands,with my looks turned to the shores of England,still gilded by the sun's last rays,and,as it seemed,scarce distant a mile from me.The anxious thoughts which haunt me began to muster in my bosom,and my feet slowly and insensibly approached the river which divided me from the forbidden precincts,though without any formed intention,when my steps were arrested by the sound of a horse galloping;and as I turned,the rider (the same fisherman whom Ihad formerly distinguished)called out to me,in an abrupt manner,'Soho,brother!you are too late for Bowness to-night--the tide will make presently.'

I turned my head and looked at him without answering;for,to my thinking,his sudden appearance (or rather,I should say,his unexpected approach)had,amidst the gathering shadows and lingering light,something in it which was wild and ominous.

'Are you deaf?'he added--'or are you mad?--or have you a mind for the next world?'

'I am a stranger,'I answered,'and had no other purpose than looking on at the fishing--I am about to return to the side Icame from.'

'Best make haste then,'said he.'He that dreams on the bed of the Solway,may wake in the next world.The sky threatens a blast that will bring in the waves three feet abreast.'

So saying,he turned his horse and rode off,while I began to walk back towards the Scottish shore,a little alarmed at what Ihad heard;for the tide advances with such rapidity upon these fatal sands,that well-mounted horsemen lay aside hopes of safety,if they see its white surge advancing while they are yet at a distance from the bank.

These recollections grew more agitating,and,instead of walking deliberately,I began a race as fast as I could,feeling,or thinking I felt,each pool of salt water through which Isplashed,grow deeper and deeper.At length the surface of the sand did seem considerably more intersected with pools and channels full of water--either that the tide was really beginning to influence the bed of the estuary,or,as I must own is equally probable,that I had,in the hurry and confusion of my retreat,involved myself in difficulties which I had avoided in my more deliberate advance.Either way,it was rather an unpromising state of affairs,for the sands at the same time turned softer,and my footsteps,so soon as I had passed,were instantly filled with water.I began to have odd recollections concerning the snugness of your father's parlour,and the secure footing afforded by the pavement of Brown's Square and Scott's Close,when my better genius,the tall fisherman,appeared once more close to my side,he and his sable horse looming gigantic in the now darkening twilight.

'Are you mad?'he said,in the same deep tone which had before thrilled on my ear,'or are you weary of your life?You will be presently amongst the quicksands.'I professed my ignorance of the way,to which he only replied,'There is no time for prating --get up behind me.'

He probably expected me to spring from the ground with the activity which these Borderers have,by constant practice,acquired in everything relating to horsemanship;but as I stood irresolute,he extended his hand,and grasping mine,bid me place my foot on the toe of his boot,and thus raised me in a trice to the croupe of his horse.I was scarcely securely seated,ere he shook the reins of his horse,who instantly sprang forward;but annoyed,doubtless,by the unusual burden,treated us to two or three bounds,accompanied by as many flourishes of his hind heels.The rider sat like a tower,notwithstanding that the unexpected plunging of the animal threw me forward upon him.The horse was soon compelled to submit to the discipline of the spur and bridle,and went off at a steady hand gallop;thus shortening the devious,for it was by no means a direct path,by which the rider,avoiding the loose quicksands,made for the northern bank.

My friend,perhaps I may call him my preserver,--for,to a stranger,my situation was fraught with real danger,--continued to press on at the same speedy pace,but in perfect silence,and I was under too much anxiety of mind to disturb him with any questions.At length we arrived at a part of the shore with which I was utterly unacquainted,when I alighted and began to return in the best fashion I could my thanks for the important service which he had just rendered me.

The stranger only replied by an impatient 'pshaw!'and was about to ride off,and leave me to my own resources when I implored him to complete his work of kindness by directing me to Shepherd's Bush,which was,as I informed him,my home for the present.

'To Shepherd's Bush?'he said;'it is but three miles but if you know not the land better than the sand,you may break your neck before you get there;for it is no road for a moping boy in a dark night;and,besides,there are the brook and the fens to cross.'

I was a little dismayed at this communication of such difficulties as my habits had not called on me to contend with.

Once more the idea of thy father's fireside came across me;and Icould have been well contented to have swapped the romance of my situation,together with the glorious independence of control which I possessed at the moment,for the comforts of that chimney-corner,though I were obliged to keep my eyes chained to Erskine's LARGER INSTITUTES.

I asked my new friend whether he could not direct me to any house of public entertainment for the night;and supposing it probable he was himself a poor man,I added,with the conscious dignity of a well-filled pocket-book,that I could make it worth any man's while to oblige me.The fisherman making no answer,I turned away from him with as gallant an appearance of indifference as Icould command,and began to take,as I thought,the path which he had pointed out to me.

His deep voice immediately sounded after me to recall me.'Stay,young man,stay--you have mistaken the road already.--I wonder your friends sent out such an inconsiderate youth,without some one wiser than himself to take care of him.'

'Perhaps they might not have done so,'said I,'if I had any friends who cared about the matter.'

'Well,sir,'he said,'it is not my custom to open my house to strangers,but your pinch is like to be a smart one;for,besides the risk from bad roads,fords,and broken ground,and the night,which looks both black and gloomy,there is bad company on the road sometimes--at least it has a bad name,and some have come to harm;so that I think I must for once make my rule give way to your necessity,and give you a night's lodging in my cottage.

Why was it,Alan,that I could not help giving an involuntary shudder at receiving an invitation so seasonable in itself,and so suitable to my naturally inquisitive disposition?I easily suppressed this untimely sensation;and as I returned thanks,and expressed my hope that I should not disarrange,his family,Ionce more dropped a hint of my desire to make compensation for any trouble I might occasion.The man answered very coldly,'Your presence will no doubt give me trouble,sir,but it is of a kind which your purse,cannot compensate;in a word,although Iam content to receive you as my guest,I am no publican to call a reckoning.'

I begged his pardon,and,at his instance,once more seated myself behind hint upon the good horse,which went forth steady as before--the moon,whenever she could penetrate the clouds,throwing the huge shadow of the animal,with its double burden,on the wild and bare ground over which we passed.

Thou mayst laugh till thou lettest the letter fall,if thou wilt,but it reminded me of the magician Atlantes on his hippogriff with a knight trussed up behind him,in the manner Ariosto has depicted that matter.Thou art I know,matter-of-fact enough to affect contempt of that fascinating and delicious poem;but think not that,to conform with thy bad taste,I shall forbear any suitable illustration which now or hereafter may occur to me.

On we went,the sky blackening around us,and the wind beginning to pipe such a wild and melancholy tune as best suited the hollow sounds of the advancing tide,which I could hear at a distance,like the roar of some immense monster defrauded of its prey.

At length,our course was crossed by a deep dell or dingle,such as they call in some parts of Scotland a den,and in others a cleuch or narrow glen.It seemed,by the broken glances which the moon continued to throw upon it,to be steep,precipitous,and full of trees,which are,generally speaking,rather scarce upon these shores.The descent by which we plunged into this dell was both steep and rugged,with two or three abrupt turnings;but neither danger nor darkness impeded the motion of the black horse,who seemed rather to slide upon his haunches,than to gallop down the pass,throwing me again on the shoulders of the athletic rider,who,sustaining no inconvenience by the circumstance,continued to press the horse forward with his heel,steadily supporting him at the same time by raising his bridle-hand,until we stood in safety at the bottom of the steep--not a little to my consolation,as,friend Alan,thou mayst easily conceive.

A very short advance up the glen,the bottom of which we had attained by this ugly descent,brought us in front of two or three cottages,one of which another blink of moonshine enabled me to rate as rather better than those of the Scottish peasantry in this part of the world;for the sashes seemed glazed,and there were what are called storm-windows in the roof,giving symptoms of the magnificence of a second story.The scene around was very interesting;for the cottages,and the yards or crofts annexed to them,occupied a haugh,or helm,of two acres,which a brook of some consequence (to judge from its roar)had left upon one side of the little glen while finding its course close to the farther bank,and which appeared to be covered and darkened with trees,while the level space beneath enjoyed such stormy smiles as the moon had that night to bestow.

I had little time for observation,for my companion's loud whistle,seconded by an equally loud halloo,speedily brought to the door of the principal cottage a man and a woman,together with two large Newfoundland dogs,the deep baying of which I had for some time heard.A yelping terrier or two,which had joined the concert,were silent at the presence of my conductor,and began to whine,jump up,and fawn upon him.The female drew back when she beheld a stranger;the man,who had a lighted lantern,advanced,and,without any observation,received the horse from my host,and led him,doubtless,to stable,while I followed my conductor into the house.When we had passed the HALLAN,[The partition which divides a Scottish cottage.]we entered a well-sized apartment,with a clean brick floor,where a fire blazed (much to my contentment)in the ordinary projecting sort of a chimney,common in Scottish houses.There were stone seats within the chimney;and ordinary utensils,mixed with fishing-spears,nets,and similar implements of sport,were hung around the walls of the place.The female who had first appeared at the door,had now retreated into a side apartment.She was presently followed by my guide,after he had silently motioned me to a seat;and their place was supplied by an elderly woman,in a grey stuff gown,with a check apron and toy,obviously a menial,though neater in her dress than is usual in her apparent rank--an advantage which was counterbalanced by a very forbidding aspect.

But the most singular part of her attire,in this very Protestant country,was a rosary,in which the smaller beads were black oak,and those indicating the PATER-NOSTER of silver,with a crucifix of the same metal.

This person made preparations for supper,by spreading a clean though coarse cloth over a large oaken table,placing trenchers and salt upon it,and arranging the fire to receive a gridiron.

I observed her motions in silence;for she took no sort of notice of me,and as her looks were singularly forbidding,I felt no disposition to commence conversation.

When this duenna had made all preliminary arrangements,she took from the well-filled pouch of my conductor,which he had hung up by the door,one or two salmon,or GRILSES,as the smaller sort are termed,and selecting that which seemed best and in highest season,began to cut it into slices,and to prepare a GRILLADE;the savoury smell of which affected me so powerfully that I began sincerely to hope that no delay would intervene between the platter and the lip.

As this thought came across me,the man who had conducted the horse to the stable entered the apartment,and discovered to me a countenance yet more uninviting than that of the old crone who was performing with such dexterity the office of cook to the party.He was perhaps sixty years old;yet his brow was not much furrowed,and his jet-black hair was only grizzled,not whitened,by the advance of age.All his motions spoke strength unabated;and,though rather undersized,he had very broad shoulders,was square-made,thin-flanked,and apparently combined in his frame muscular strength and activity;the last somewhat impaired perhaps by years,but the first remaining in full vigour.A hard and harsh countenance--eyes far sunk under projecting eyebrows,which were grizzled like his hair--a wide mouth,furnished from ear to ear with it range of unimpaired teeth,of uncommon whiteness,and a size and breadth which might have become the jaws of an ogre,completed this delightful portrait.He was clad like a fisherman,in jacket and trousers of the blue cloth commonly used by seamen,and had a Dutch case-knife,like that of a Hamburgh skipper,stuck into a broad buff belt,which seemed as if it might occasionally sustain weapons of a description still less equivocally calculated for violence.

This man gave me an inquisitive,and,as I thought,a sinister look upon entering the apartment;but without any further notice of me,took up the office of arranging the table,which the old lady had abandoned for that of cooking the fish,and,with more address than I expected from a person of his coarse appearance,placed two chairs at the head of the table,and two stools below;accommodating each seat to a cover,beside which he placed an allowance of barley-bread,and a small jug,which he replenished with ale from a large black jack.Three of these jugs were of ordinary earthenware,but the fourth,which he placed by the right-hand cover at,the upper end of the table,was a flagon of silver,and displayed armorial bearings.Beside this flagon he placed a salt-cellar of silver,handsomely wrought,containing salt of exquisite whiteness,with pepper and other spices.Asliced lemon was also presented on a small silver salver.The two large water-dogs,who seemed perfectly to understand the nature of the preparations,seated themselves one on each side of the table,to be ready to receive their portion of the entertainment.I never saw finer animals,or which seemed to be more influenced by a sense of decorum,excepting that they slobbered a little as the rich scent from the chimney was wafted past their noses.The small dogs ensconced themselves beneath the table.

I am aware that I am dwelling upon trivial and ordinary circumstances,and that perhaps I may weary out your patience in doing so.But conceive me alone in this strange place,which seemed,from the universal silence,to be the very temple of Harpocrates--remember that this is my first excursion from home--forget not that the manner in which I had been brought hither had the dignity of danger and something the air of an adventure,and that there was a mysterious incongruity in all I had hitherto witnessed;and you will not,I think,be surprised that these circumstances,though trifling,should force themselves on my notice at the time,and dwell in my memory afterwards.

That a fisher,who pursued the sport perhaps for his amusement as well as profit,should be well mounted and better lodged than the lower class of peasantry,had in it nothing surprising;but there was something about all that I saw which seemed to intimate that I was rather in the abode of a decayed gentleman,who clung to a few of the forms and observances of former rank,than in that of a common peasant,raised above his fellows by comparative opulence.

Besides the articles of plate which I have already noticed,the old man now lighted and placed on the table a silver lamp,or CRUISIE as the Scottish term it,filled with very pure oil,which in burning diffused an aromatic fragrance,and gave me a more perfect view of the cottage walls,which I had hitherto only seen dimly by the light of the fire.The BINK [The frame of wooden shelves placed in a Scottish kitchen for holding plates.]with its usual arrangement of pewter and earthenware,which was most strictly and critically clean,glanced back the flame of the lamp merrily from one side of the apartment.In a recess,formed by the small bow of a latticed window,was a large writing-desk of walnut-tree wood,curiously carved,above which arose shelves of the same,which supported a few books and papers.The opposite side of the recess contained (as far as I could discern,for it lay in shadow,and I could at any rate have seen it but imperfectly from the place where I was seated)one or two guns,together with swords,pistols,and other arms a collection which,in a poor cottage,and in a country so peaceful,appeared singular at least,if not even somewhat suspicious.

All these observations,you may suppose,were made much sooner than I have recorded,or you (if you have not skipped)have been able to read them.They were already finished,and I was considering how I should open some communication with the mute inhabitants of the mansion,when my conductor re-entered from the side-door by which he had made his exit.

He had now thrown off his rough riding-cap,and his coarse jockey-coat,And stood before me in a grey jerkin trimmed with black,which sat close to,and set off,his large and sinewy frame,and a pair of trousers of a lighter colour,cut as close to the body as they are used by Highlandmen.His whole dress was of finer cloth than that of the old man;and his linen,so minute was my observation,clean and unsullied.His shirt was without ruffles,and tied at the collar with a black ribbon,which showed his strong and muscular neck rising from it like that of an ancient Hercules.His head was small,with a large forehead,and well-formed ears.He wore neither peruke nor hair-powder;and his chestnut locks,curling close to his head like those of an antique statue,showed not the least touch of time,though the owner must have been at least fifty.His features were high and prominent in such a degree that one knew not whether to term them harsh or handsome.In either case,the sparkling grey eye,aquiline nose,and well-formed mouth,combined to render his physiognomy noble and expressive.An air of sadness,or severity,or of both,seemed to indicate a melancholy,and,at the same time,a haughty temper.I could not help running mentally over the ancient heroes,to whom I might assimilate the noble form and countenance before me.He was too young,and evinced too little resignation to his fate,to resemble Belisarius.Coriolanus,standing by the hearth of Tullus Aufidius,came nearer the mark;yet the gloomy and haughty look of the stranger had,perhaps,still more of Marius,seated among the ruins of Carthage.

While I was lost in these imaginations,my host stood by the fire,gazing on me with the same attention which I paid to him,until,embarrassed by his look,I was about to break silence at all hazards.But the supper,now placed upon the table,reminded me,by its appearance,of those wants which I had almost forgotten while I was gazing on the fine form of my conductor.

He spoke at length,and I almost started at the deep rich tone of his voice,though what he said was but to invite me to sit down to the table.He himself assumed the seat of honour,beside which the silver flagon was placed,and beckoned to me to sit down beside him.

Thou knowest thy father's strict and excellent domestic discipline has trained me to bear the invocation of a blessing before we break the daily bread,for which we are taught to pray --I paused a moment,and,without designing to do so,I suppose my manner made him sensible of what I expected.The two domestics or inferiors,as I should have before observed,were already seated at the bottom of the table,when my host shot a glance of a very peculiar expression towards the old man,observing,with something approaching to a sneer,'Cristal Nixon,say grace--the gentleman expects one.'

'The foul fiend shall be clerk,and say amen,when I turn chaplain,'growled out the party addressed,in tones which might have become the condition of a dying bear;'if the gentleman is a whig,he may please himself with his own mummery.My faith is neither in word nor writ,but in barley-bread and brown ale.'

'Mabel Moffat,'said my guide,looking at the old woman,and raising his sonorous voice,probably because she was hard of hearing,'canst thou ask a blessing upon our victuals?'

The old woman shook her head,kissed the cross which hung from her rosary,and was silent.

'Mabel will say grace for no heretic,'said the master of the house,with the same latent sneer on his brow and in his accent.

At the same moment,the side-door already mentioned opened,and the young woman (so she proved)whom I had first seen at the door of the cottage,advanced a little way into the room,then stopped bashfully,as if she had observed that I was looking at her,and asked the master of the house,'if he had called?'

'Not louder than to make old Mabel hear me,'he replied;'and yet,'be added,as she turned to retire,'it is a shame a stranger should see a house where not one of the family can or will say a grace--do thou be our chaplain.'

The girl,who was really pretty,came forward with timid modesty,and,apparently unconscious that she was doing anything uncommon,pronounced the benediction in a silver-toned voice,and with affecting simplicity--her cheek colouring just so much as to show that on a less solemn occasion she would have felt more embarrassed.

Now,if thou expectest a fine description of this young woman,Alan Fairford,in order to entitle thee to taunt me with having found a Dulcinea in the inhabitant of a fisherman's cottage on the Solway Firth,thou shalt be disappointed;for,having said she seemed very pretty,and that she was a sweet and gentle-speaking creature,I have said all concerning her that I can tell thee.She vanished when the benediction was spoken.

My host,with a muttered remark on the cold of our ride,and the keen air of the Solway Sands,to which he did not seem to wish an answer,loaded my plate from Mabel's grillade,which,with a large wooden bowl of potatoes,formed our whole meal.Asprinkling from the lemon gave a much higher zest than the usual condiment of vinegar;and I promise you that whatever I might hitherto have felt,either of curiosity or suspicion,did not prevent me from making a most excellent supper,during which little passed betwixt me and my entertainer,unless that he did the usual honours of the table with courtesy,indeed,but without even the affectation of hearty hospitality,which those in his (apparent)condition generally affect on such occasions,even when they do not actually feel it.On the contrary,his manner seemed that of a polished landlord towards an unexpected and unwelcome guest,whom,for the sake of his own credit,he receives with civility,but without either goodwill or cheerfulness.

If you ask how I learned all this,I cannot tell you;nor,were Ito write down at length the insignificant intercourse which took place between us,would it perhaps serve to justify these observations.It is sufficient to say,that in helping his dogs,which he did from time to time with great liberality,he seemed to discharge a duty much more pleasing to himself,than when he paid the same attention to his guest.Upon the whole,the result on my mind was as I tell it you.

When supper was over,a small case-bottle of brandy,in a curious frame of silver filigree,circulated to the guests.I had already taken a small glass of the liquor,and,when it had passed to Mabel and to Cristal and was again returned to the upper end of the table,I could not help taking the bottle in my hand,to look more at the armorial bearings which were chased with considerable taste on the silver framework.Encountering the eye of my entertainer,I instantly saw that my curiosity was highly distasteful;he frowned,bit his lip,and showed such uncontrollable signs of impatience,that,setting the bottle immediately down,I attempted some apology.To this he did not deign either to reply,or even to listen;and Cristal,at a signal from his master,removed the object of my curiosity,as well as the cup,upon which the same arms were engraved.

Then ensued an awkward pause,which I endeavoured to break by observing,that 'I feared my intrusion upon his hospitality had put his family to some inconvenience'.

'I hope you see no appearance of it,sir,'he replied,with cold civility.'What inconvenience a family so retired as ours may suffer from receiving an unexpected guest is like to be trifling,in comparison of what the visitor himself sustains from want of his accustomed comforts.So far,therefore,as our connexion stands,our accounts stand clear.'

Notwithstanding this discouraging reply,I blundered on,as is usual in such cases,wishing to appear civil,and being,perhaps,in reality the very reverse.'I was afraid,'I said,that my presence had banished one of the family'(looking at the side-door)'from his table.'

'If,'he coldly replied,'I meant the young woman whom I had seen in the apartment,he bid me observe that there was room enough at the table for her to have seated herself,and meat enough,such as it was,for her supper.I might,therefore,be assured,if she had chosen it,she would have supped with us.'

There was no dwelling on this or any other topic longer;for my entertainer,taking up the lamp,observed,that 'my wet clothes might reconcile me for the night to their custom of keeping early hours;that he was under the necessity of going abroad by peep of day to-morrow morning,and would call me up at the same time,to point out the way by which I was to return to the Shepherd's Bush.'

This left no opening for further explanation;nor was there room for it on the usual terms of civility;for,as he neither asked my name,nor expressed the least interest concerning my condition,I--the obliged person--had no pretence to trouble him with such inquiries on my part.

He took up the lamp,and led me through the side-door into a very small room,where a bed had been hastily arranged for my accommodation,and,putting down the lamp,directed me to leave my wet clothes on the outside of the door,that they might be exposed to the fire during the night.He then left me,having muttered something which was meant to pass for good night.

I obeyed his directions with respect to my clothes,the rather that,in despite of the spirits which I had drunk,I felt my teeth begin to chatter,and received various hints from an aguish feeling,that a town-bred youth,like myself,could not at once rush into all the hardihood of country sports with impunity.But my bed,though coarse and hard,was dry and clean;and I soon was so little occupied with my heats and tremors,as to listen with interest to a heavy foot,which seemed to be that of my landlord,traversing the boards (there was no ceiling,as you may believe)which roofed my apartment.Light,glancing through these rude planks,became visible as soon as my lamp was extinguished;and as the noise of the slow,solemn,and regular step continued,and I could distinguish that the person turned and returned as he reached the end of the apartment,it seemed clear to me that the walker was engaged in no domestic occupation,but merely pacing to and fro for his own pleasure.'An odd amusement this,'Ithought,'for one who had been engaged at least a part of the preceding day in violent exercise,and who talked of rising by the peep of dawn on the ensuing morning.'

Meantime I heard the storm,which had been brewing during the evening,begin to descend with a vengeance;sounds as of distant-thunder (the noise of the more distant waves,doubtless,on the shore)mingled with the roaring of the neighbouring torrent,and with the crashing,groaning,and even screaming of the trees in the glen whose boughs were tormented by the gale.Within the house,windows clattered,and doors clapped,and the walls,though sufficiently substantial for a building of the kind,seemed to me to totter in the tempest.

But still the heavy steps perambulating the apartment over my head were distinctly heard amid the roar and fury of the elements.I thought more than once I even heard a groan;but Ifrankly own that,placed in this unusual situation,my fancy may have misled me.I was tempted several times to call aloud,and ask whether the turmoil around us did not threaten danger to the building which we inhabited;but when I thought of the secluded and unsocial master of the dwelling,who seemed to avoid human society,and to remain unperturbed amid the elemental war,it seemed that to speak to him at that moment would have been to address the spirit of the tempest himself,since no other being,I thought,could have remained calm and tranquil while winds and waters were thus raging around.

In process of time,fatigue prevailed over anxiety and curiosity.

The storm abated,or my senses became deadened to its terrors,and I fell asleep ere yet the mysterious paces of my host had ceased to shake the flooring over my head.

It might have been expected that the novelty of my situation,although it did not prevent my slumbers,would have at least diminished their profoundness,and shortened their duration.

It proved otherwise,however;for I never slept more soundly in my life,and only awoke when,at morning dawn,my landlord shook me by the shoulder,and dispelled some dream,of which,fortunately for you,I have no recollection,otherwise you would have been favoured with it,in hopes you might have proved a second Daniel upon the occasion.

'You sleep sound--'said his full deep voice;'ere five years have rolled over your head,your slumbers will be lighter--unless ere then you are wrapped in the sleep which is never broken.'

'How!'said I,starting up in the bed;'do you know anything of me--of my prospects--of my views in life?'

'Nothing,'he answered,with a grim smile;'but it is evident you are entering upon the world young,inexperienced,and full of hopes,and I do but prophesy to you what I would to any one in your condition.But come;there lie your clothes--a brown crust and a draught of milk wait you,if you choose to break your fast;but you must make haste.'

'I must first,'I said,'take the freedom to spend a few minutes alone,before beginning the ordinary works of the day.'

'Oh!--umph!--I cry your devotions pardon,'he replied,and left the apartment.

Alan,there is something terrible about this man.

I joined him,as I had promised,in the kitchen where we had supped overnight,where I found the articles which he had offered me for breakfast,without butter or any other addition.

He walked up and down while I partook of the bread and milk;and the slow measured weighty step seemed identified with those which I had heard last night.His pace,from its funereal slowness,seemed to keep time with some current of internal passion,dark,slow,and unchanged.'We run and leap by the side of a lively and bubbling brook,'thought I,internally,'as if we would run a race with it;but beside waters deep,slow,and lonely,our pace is sullen and silent as their course.What thoughts may be now corresponding with that furrowed brow,and bearing time with that heavy step?'

'If you have finished,'said he,looking up to me with a glance of impatience,as he observed that I ate no longer,but remained with my eyes fixed upon him,'I wait to show you the way.'

We went out together,no individual of the family having been visible excepting my landlord.I was disappointed of the opportunity which I watched for of giving some gratuity to the domestics,as they seemed to be.As for offering any recompense to the master of the household,it seemed to me impossible to have attempted it.

What would I have given for a share of thy composure,who wouldst have thrust half a crown into a man's hand whose necessities seemed to crave it,conscious that you did right in making the proffer,and not caring sixpence whether you hurt the feelings of him whom you meant to serve!I saw thee once give a penny to a man with a long beard,who,from the dignity of his exterior,might have represented Solon.I had not thy courage,and therefore I made no tender to my mysterious host,although,notwithstanding his display of silver utensils,all around the house bespoke narrow circumstances,if not actual poverty.

We left the place together.But I hear thee murmur thy very new and appropriate ejaculation,OHE,JAM SATIS!--The rest for another time.Perhaps I may delay further communication till Ilearn how my favours are valued.

  • 太上元始天尊证果真经


  • 武当纪胜集


  • Hunted Down

    Hunted Down

  • Volume Seven

    Volume Seven

  • Dreams


  • 词概


  • 火澜


  • 妖孽妖王:绝世神医,轻轻宠


  • EXO之永恒的承诺


  • 从星星爱起


  • 顾公子,成个亲呗


  • 醉葬千古


  • 凌云谱


  • 重生之娱乐天皇


  • 黯之殇

