

The queen of this island lived there,Rigru (Large-eyed),the daughter of Lodan,and wife of Daire Degamra.She was seated on a crystal throne with her son Segda by her side,and they welcomed the High King courteously.

There were no servants in this palace;nor was there need for them.The High King found that his hands had washed themselves,and when later on he noticed that food had been placed before him he noticed also that it had come without the assistance of servile hands.A cloak was laid gently about his shoulders,and he was glad of it,for his own was soiled by exposure to sun and wind and water,and was not worthy of a lady's eye.

Then he was invited to eat.

He noticed,however,that food had been set for no one but himself,and this did not please him,for to eat alone was contrary to the hospitable usage of a king,and was contrary also to his contract with the gods.

"Good,my hosts,"he remonstrated,"it is geasa (taboo)for me to eat alone.""But we never eat together,"the queen replied.

"I cannot violate my geasa,"said the High King.

"I will eat with you,"said Segda (Sweet Speech),"and thus,while you are our guest you will not do violence to your vows.""Indeed,"said Conn,"that will be a great satisfaction,for Ihave already all the trouble that I can cope with and have no wish to add to it by offending the gods.""What is your trouble?"the gentle queen asked."During a year,"Conn replied,"there has been neither corn nor milk in Ireland.

The land is parched,the trees are withered,the birds do not sing in Ireland,and the bees do not make honey.""You are certainly in trouble,"the queen assented.

"But,"she continued,"for what purpose have you come to our island?""I have come to ask for the loan of your son.""A loan of my son!"

"I have been informed,"Conn explained,"that if the son of a sinless couple is brought to Tara and is bathed in the waters of Ireland the land will be delivered from those ills."The king of this island,Daire,had not hitherto spoken,but he now did so with astonishment and emphasis.

"We would not lend our son to any one,not even to gain the kingship of the world,"said he.

But Segda,observing that the guest's countenance was discomposed,broke in:

"It is not kind to refuse a thing that the Ard-Ri'of Ireland asks for,and I will go with him.""Do not go,my pulse,"his father advised.

"Do not go,my one treasure,"his mother pleaded.

"I must go indeed,"the boy replied,"for it is to do good I am required,and no person may shirk such a requirement.""Go then,"said his father,"but I will place you under the protection of the High King and of the Four Provincial Kings of Ireland,and under the protection of Art,the son of Conn,and of Fionn,the son of Uail,and under the protection of the magicians and poets and the men of art in Ireland."And he thereupon bound these protections and safeguards on the Ard-Ri'with an oath.

"I will answer for these protections,"said Conn.

He departed then from the island with Segda and in three days they reached Ireland,and in due time they arrived at Tara.


On reaching the palace Conn called his magicians and poets to a council and informed them that he had found the boy they sought--the son of a virgin.These learned people consulted together,and they stated that the young man must be killed,and that his blood should be mixed with the earth of Tara and sprinkled under the withered trees.

When Segda heard this he was astonished and defiant;then,seeing that he was alone and without prospect of succour,he grew downcast and was in great fear for his life.But remembering the safeguards under which he had been placed,he enumerated these to the assembly,and called on the High King to grant him the protections that were his due.

Conn was greatly perturbed,but,as in duty bound,he placed the boy under the various protections that were in his oath,and,with the courage of one who has no more to gain or lose,he placed Segda,furthermore,under the protection of all the men of Ireland.

But the men of Ireland refused to accept that bond,saying that although the Ard-Ri'was acting justly towards the boy he was not acting justly towards Ireland.

"We do not wish to slay this prince for our pleasure,"they argued,"but for the safety of Ireland he must be killed."Angry parties were formed.Art,and Fionn the son of Uail,and the princes of the land were outraged at the idea that one who had been placed under their protection should be hurt by any hand.But the men of Ireland and the magicians stated that the king had gone to Faery for a special purpose,and that his acts outside or contrary to that purpose were illegal,and committed no person to obedience.

There were debates in the Council Hall,in the market-place,in the streets of Tara,some holding that national honour dissolved and absolved all personal honour,and others protesting that no man had aught but his personal honour,and that above it not the gods,not even Ireland,could be placed--for it is to be known that Ireland is a god.

Such a debate was in course,and Segda,to whom both sides addressed gentle and courteous arguments,grew more and more disconsolate.

"You shall die for Ireland,dear heart,"said one of them,and he gave Segda three kisses on each cheek.

"Indeed,"said Segda,returning those kisses,"indeed I had not bargained to die for Ireland,but only to bathe in her waters and to remove her pestilence.""But dear child and prince,"said another,kissing him likewise,"if any one of us could save Ireland by dying for her how cheerfully we would die."And Segda,returning his three kisses,agreed that the death was noble,but that it was not in his undertaking.

Then,observing the stricken countenances about him,and the faces of men and women hewn thin by hunger,his resolution melted away,and he said:

"I think I must die for you,"and then he said:

"I will die for you."

  • Otto Of the Silver Hand

    Otto Of the Silver Hand

  • 西池集


  • 临川山行


  • 佩玉斋类稿


  • 渑水燕谈录


  • 创世霸业


  • 两心相望


  • 机甲佣兵时代


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 宫情霓伤


  • 灯笼


  • 元界妖仙录


  • 妖玉讲故事


  • 福妻驾到


  • 痞子魔导师

