
第19章 THE VOYAGE(7)

Monday,July 1.--This day Mr.Welch took his leave of me after dinner,as did a young lady of her sister,who was proceeding with my wife to Lisbon.They both set out together in a post-chaise for London.Soon after their departure our cabin,where my wife and I were sitting together,was visited by two ruffians,whose appearance greatly corresponded with that of the sheriffs,or rather the knight-marshal's bailiffs.One of these especially,who seemed to affect a more than ordinary degree of rudeness and insolence,came in without any kind of ceremony,with a broad gold lace on his hat,which was cocked with much military fierceness on his head.An inkhorn at his buttonhole and some papers in his hand sufficiently assured me what he was,and I asked him if he and his companion were not custom-house officers:he answered with sufficient dignity that they were,as an information which he seemed to conclude would strike the hearer with awe,and suppress all further inquiry;but,on the contrary,I proceeded to ask of what rank he was in the custom-house,and,receiving an answer from his companion,as I remember,that the gentleman was a riding surveyor,I replied that he might be a riding surveyor,but could be no gentleman,for that none who had any title to that denomination would break into the presence of a lady without an apology or even moving his hat.He then took his covering from his head and laid it on the table,saying,he asked pardon,and blamed the mate,who should,he said,have informed him if any persons of distinction were below.I told him he might guess by our appearance (which,perhaps,was rather more than could be said with the strictest adherence to truth)that he was before a gentleman and lady,which should teach him to be very civil in his behavior,though we should not happen to be of that number whom the world calls people of fashion and distinction.However,I said,that as he seemed sensible of his error,and had asked pardon,the lady would permit him to put his hat on again if he chose it.This he refused with some degree of surliness,and failed not to convince me that,if I should condescend to become more gentle,he would soon grow more rude.I now renewed a reflection,which I have often seen occasion to make,that there is nothing so incongruous in nature as any kind of power with lowness of mind and of ability,and that there is nothing more deplorable than the want of truth in the whimsical notion of Plato,who tells us that "Saturn,well knowing the state of human affairs,gave us kings and rulers,not of human but divine original;for,as we make not shepherds of sheep,nor oxherds of oxen,nor goatherds of goats,but place some of our own kind over all as being better and fitter to govern them;in the same manner were demons by the divine love set over us as a race of beings of a superior order to men,and who,with great ease to themselves,might regulate our affairs and establish peace,modesty,freedom,and justice,and,totally destroying all sedition,might complete the happiness of the human race.So far,at least,may even now be said with truth,that in all states which are under the government of mere man,without any divine assistance,there is nothing but labor and misery to be found.From what I have said,therefore,we may at least learn,with our utmost endeavors,to imitate the Saturnian institution;borrowing all assistance from our immortal part,while we pay to this the strictest obedience,we should form both our private economy and public policy from its dictates.By this dispensation of our immortal minds we are to establish a law and to call it by that name.But if any government be in the hands of a single person,of the few,or of the many,and such governor or governors shall abandon himself or themselves to the unbridled pursuit of the wildest pleasures or desires,unable to restrain any passion,but possessed with an insatiable bad disease;if such shall attempt to govern,and at the same time to trample on all laws,there can be no means of preservation left for the wretched people."Plato de Leg.lib.iv.p.713,c.714,edit.Serrani.

It is true that Plato is here treating of the highest or sovereign power in a state,but it is as true that his observations are general and may be applied to all inferior powers;and,indeed,every subordinate degree is immediately derived from the highest;and,as it is equally protected by the same force and sanctified by the same authority,is alike dangerous to the well-being of the subject.Of all powers,perhaps,there is none so sanctified and protected as this which is under our present consideration.So numerous,indeed,and strong,are the sanctions given to it by many acts of parliament,that,having once established the laws of customs on merchandise,it seems to have been the sole view of the legislature to strengthen the hands and to protect the persons of the officers who became established by those laws,many of whom are so far from bearing any resemblance to the Saturnian institution,and to be chosen from a degree of beings superior to the rest of human race,that they sometimes seem industriously picked out of the lowest and vilest orders of mankind.There is,indeed,nothing,so useful to man in general,nor so beneficial to particular societies and individuals,as trade.This is that alma mater at whose plentiful breast all mankind are nourished.It is true,like other parents,she is not always equally indulgent to all her children,but,though she gives to her favorites a vast proportion of redundancy and superfluity,there are very few whom she refuses to supply with the conveniences,and none with the necessaries,of life.

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