

Some visible effects,however,and far beyond what my most sanguine hopes could with any modesty expect,I very soon experienced;the tar-water having,from the very first,lessened my illness,increased my appetite,and added,though in a very slow proportion,to my bodily strength.But if my strength had increased a little my water daily increased much more.So that,by the end of May,my belly became again ripe for the trochar,and I was a third time tapped;upon which,two very favorable symptoms appeared.I had three quarts of water taken from me less than had been taken the last time;and I bore the relaxation with much less (indeed with scarce any)faintness.

Those of my physical friends on whose judgment I chiefly depended seemed to think my only chance of life consisted in having the whole summer before me;in which I might hope to gather sufficient strength to encounter the inclemencies of the ensuing winter.But this chance began daily to lessen.I saw the summer mouldering away,or rather,indeed,the year passing away without intending to bring on any summer at all.In the whole month of May the sun scarce appeared three times.So that the early fruits came to the fullness of their growth,and to some appearance of ripeness,without acquiring any real maturity;having wanted the heat of the sun to soften and meliorate their juices.I saw the dropsy gaining rather than losing ground;the distance growing still shorter between the tappings.I saw the asthma likewise beginning again to become more troublesome.Isaw the midsummer quarter drawing towards a close.So that Iconceived,if the Michaelmas quarter should steal off in the same manner,as it was,in my opinion,very much to be apprehended it would,I should be delivered up to the attacks of winter before Irecruited my forces,so as to be anywise able to withstand them.

I now began to recall an intention,which from the first dawnings of my recovery I had conceived,of removing to a warmer climate;and,finding this to be approved of by a very eminent physician,I resolved to put it into immediate execution.Aix in Provence was the place first thought on;but the difficulties of getting thither were insuperable.The Journey by land,beside the expense of it,was infinitely too long and fatiguing;and I could hear of no ship that was likely to set out from London,within any reasonable time,for Marseilles,or any other port in that part of the Mediterranean.

Lisbon was presently fixed on in its room.The air here,as it was near four degrees to the south of Aix,must be more mild and warm,and the winter shorter and less piercing.

It was not difficult to find a ship bound to a place with which we carry on so immense a trade.Accordingly,my brother soon informed me of the excellent accommodations for passengers which were to be found on board a ship that was obliged to sail for Lisbon in three days.I eagerly embraced the offer,notwithstanding the shortness of the time;and,having given my brother full power to contract for our passage,I began to prepare my family for the voyage with the utmost expedition.

But our great haste was needless;for the captain having twice put off his sailing,I at length invited him to dinner with me at Fordhook,a full week after the time on which he had declared,and that with many asseverations,he must and would weigh anchor.

He dined with me according to his appointment;and when all matters were settled between us,left me with positive orders to be on board the Wednesday following,when he declared he would fall down the river to Gravesend,and would not stay a moment for the greatest man in the world.He advised me to go to Gravesend by land,and there wait the arrival of his ship,assigning many reasons for this,every one of which was,as I well remember,among those that had before determined me to go on board near the Tower.



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