

It was at Mrs. Elsing's silver musicale for the benefit of the convalescents that Rhett signed his final warrant of ostracism.That afternoon the Elsing home was crowded with soldiers on leave and men from the hospitals, members of the Home Guard and the militia unit, and matrons, widows and young girls.Every chair in the house was occupied, and even the long winding stair was packed with guests.The large cut-glass bowl held at the door by the Elsings'butler had been emptied twice of its burden of silver coins.That in itself was enough to make the affair a success, for now a dollar in silver was worth sixty dollars in Confederate paper money.

Every girl with any pretense to accomplishments had sung or played the piano, and the tableaux vivants had been greeted with flattering applause. Scarlett was much pleased with herself, for not only had she and Melanie rendered a touching duet,“When the Dew Is on the Blossom,”followed as an encore by the more sprightly“Oh, Lawd, Ladies, Don't Mind Stephen!”but she had also been chosen to represent the Spirit of the Confederacy in the last tableau.

She had looked most fetching, wearing a modestly draped Greek robe of white cheesecloth girdled with red and blue and holding the Stars and Bars in one hand, while with the other she stretched out to the kneeling Captain Carey Ashburn, of Alabama, the gold-hilted saber which had belonged to Charles and his father.

When her tableau was over, she could not help seeking Rhett's eyes to see if he had appreciated the pretty picture she made. With a feeling of exasperation, she saw that he was in an argument and probably had not even noticed her.Scarlett could see by the faces of the group surrounding him that they were infuriated by what he was saying.

She made her way toward them and, in one of those odd silences which sometimes fall on a gathering, she heard Willie Guinan, of the militia outfit, say plainly:“Do I understand, sir, that you mean the Cause for which our heroes have died is not sacred?”

“If you were run over by a railroad train, your death wouldn't sanctify the railroad company, would it?”asked Rhett, and his voice sounded as if he were humbly seeking information.

“Sir,”said Willie, his voice shaking,“if we were not under this roof—”

“I tremble to think what would happen,”said Rhett.“For, of course, your bravery is too well known.”

Willie went scarlet and all conversation ceased. Everyone was embarrassed.Willie was strong and healthy and of military age and yet he wasn't at the front.Of course, he was the only boy his mother had and, after all, somebody had to be in the militia to protect the state.But there were a few irreverent snickers from convalescent officers when Rhett spoke of bravery.

“Oh, why doesn't he keep his mouth shut!”thought Scarlett indignantly.“He's simply spoiling the whole party!”

Dr. Meade's brows were thunderous.

“Nothing may be sacred to you, young man,”he said, in the voice he always used when making speeches.“But there are many things sacred to the patriotic men and ladies of the South. And the freedom of our land from the usurper is one and States'Rights is another and—”

Rhett looked lazy and his voice had a silky, almost bored, note.

“All wars are sacred,”he said.“To those who have to fight them. If the people who started wars didn't make them sacred, who would be foolish enough to fight?But, no matter what rallying cries the orators give to the idiots who fight, no matter what noble purposes they assign to wars, there is never but one reason for a war.And that is money.All wars are in reality money squabbles.But so few people ever realize it.Their ears are too full of bugles and drums and fine words from stayat-home orators.Sometimes the rallying cry is‘Save the Tomb of Christ from the Heathen!'Sometimes it's‘Down with Popery!'and sometimes‘Liberty!'and sometimes‘Cotton, Slavery and States’Rights!’”

“What on earth has the Pope to do with it?”thought Scarlett.“Or Christ's tomb, either?”

But as she hurried toward the incensed group, she saw Rhett bow jauntily and start toward the doorway through the crowd. She started after him but Mrs.Elsing caught her skirt and held her.

“Let him go,”she said in a clear voice that carried throughout the tensely quiet room.“Let him go. He is a traitor, a speculator!He is a viper that we have nursed to our bosoms!”

Rhett, standing in the hall, his hat in his hand, heard as he was intended to hear and, turning, surveyed the room for a moment. He looked pointedly at Mrs.Elsing's fiat bosom, grinned suddenly and, bowing, made his exit.

Mrs. Merriwether rode home in Aunt Pitty's carriage, and scarcely had the four ladies seated themselves when she exploded.

“There now, Pittypat Hamilton!I hope you are satisfied!”

“With what?”cried Pitty, apprehensively.

“With the conduct of that wretched Butler man you've been harboring.”

Pittypat fluttered, too upset by the accusation to recall that Mrs. Merriwether had also been Rhett Butler's hostess on several occasions.Scarlett and Melanie thought of this, but bred to politeness to their elders, refrained from remarking on the matter.Instead they studiously looked down at their mittened hands.

“He insulted us all and the Confederacy too,”said Mrs. Merriwether, and her stout bust heaved violently beneath its glittering passementerie trimmings.“Saying that we were fighting for money!Saying that our leaders had lied to us!He should be put in jail.Yes, he should.I shall speak to Dr.Meade about it.If Mr.Merriwether were only alive, he'd tend to him!Now, Pitty Hamilton, you listen to me.You mustn't ever let that scamp come into your house again!”

  • 走出非洲


  • 欢乐的钢城


  • 摸金传人4:史前斧冢


  • 缥缈情史


  • 被半支烟出卖(微小增刊法制篇)


  • 天星神帝


  • 创世龙莱恩斯


  • 相拥下的世界


  • 无敌大侠


  • 只是为了纪念你


  • TFBOYS之一生永伴橙海


  • 遇险自救手册


  • 这个导师来自地球


  • 网游之不朽传奇


  • 忠犬男友与我

