

She stood for a moment holding the letters to her breast, thinking longingly of Ashley. Her emotions toward him had not changed since the day when she first fell in love with him.They were the same emotions that struck her speechless that day when she was fourteen years old and she had stood on the porch of Tara and seen Ashley ride up smiling, his hair shining silver in the morning sun.Her love was still a young girl's adoration for a man she could not understand, a man who possessed all the qualities she did not own but which she admired.He was still a young girl's dream of the Perfect Knight and her dream asked no more than acknowledgment of his love, went no further than hopes of a kiss.

After reading the letters, she felt certain he did love her, Scarlett, eventhough he had married Melanie, and that certainty was almost all that she desired. She was still that young and untouched.Had Charles with his fumbling awkwardness and his embarrassed intimacies tapped any of the deep vein of passionate feeling within her, her dreams of Ashley would not be ending with a kiss.But those few moonlight nights alone with Charles had not touched her emotions or ripened her to maturity.Charles had awakened no idea of what passion might be or tenderness or true intimacy of body or spirit.

All that passion meant to her was servitude to inexplicable male madness, unshared by females, a painful and embarrassing process that led inevitably to the still more painful process of childbirth. That marriage should be like this was no surprise to her.Ellen had hinted before the wedding that marriage was something women must bear with dignity and fortitude, and the whispered comments of other matrons since her widowhood had confirmed this.Scarlett was glad to be done with passion and marriage.

She was done with marriage but not with love, for her love for Ashley was something different, having nothing to do with passion or marriage, something sacred and breath-takingly beautiful, an emotion that grew stealthily through the long days of her enforced silence, feeding on oft-thumbed memories and hopes.

She sighed as she carefully tied the ribbon about the packet, wondering for the thousandth time just what it was in Ashley that eluded her understanding. She tried to think the matter to some satisfactory conclusion but, as always, the conclusion evaded her uncomplex mind.She put the letters back in the lap secretary and closed the lid.Then she frowned, for her mind went back to the last part of the letter she had just read, to his mention of Captain Butler.How strange that Ashley should be impressed by something that scamp had said a year ago.Undeniably Captain Butler was a scamp, for all that he danced divinely.No one but a scamp would say the things about the Confederacy that he had said at the bazaar.

She crossed the room to the mirror and patted her smooth hair approvingly. Her spirits rose, as always at the sight of her white skin and slanting green eyes, and she smiled to bring out her dimples.Then she dismissed Captain Butler from her mind as she happily viewed her reflection, remembering how Ashley had always liked her dimples.No pang of conscience at loving another woman's husband or reading that woman's mail disturbed her pleasure in her youth and charm and her renewed assurance of Ashley's love.

She unlocked the door and went down the dim winding stair with a light heart. Halfway down she began singing“When This Cruel War Is Over.”

Chapter 12

The war went on, successfully for the most part, but people hadstopped saying“One more victory and the war is over,”just as they had stopped saying the Yankees were cowards. It was obvious to all now that the Yankees were far from cowardly and that it would take more than one victory to conquer them.However, there were the Confederate victories in Tennessee scored by General Morgan and General Forrest and the triumph at the Second Battle of Bull Run hung up like visible Yankee scalps to gloat over.But there was a heavy price on these scalps.The hospitals and homes of Atlanta were overflowing with sick and wounded, and more and more women were appearing in black.The monotonous rows of soldiers'graves at Oakland Cemetery stretched longer every day.

Confederate money had dropped alarmingly and the price of food and clothing had risen accordingly. The commissary was laying such heavy levies on foodstuffs that the tables of Atlanta were beginning to suffer.White flourwas scarce and so expensive that corn bread was universal instead of biscuits, rolls and waffles.The butcher shops carried almost no beef and very little mutton, and that mutton cost so much only the rich could afford it.However there was still plenty of hog meat, as well as chickens and vegetables.

The Yankee blockade about the Confederate ports had tightened, and luxuries such as tea, coffee, silks, whalebone stays, colognes, fashion magazines and books were scarce and dear. Even the cheapest cotton goods had skyrocketed in price and ladies were regretfully making their old dresses do another season.Looms that had gathered dust for years had been brought down from attics, and there were webs of homespun to be found in nearly every parlor.Everyone, soldiers, civilians, women, children and negroes, began to wear homespun.Gray, as the color of the Confederate uniform, practically disappeared and homespun of a butternut shade took its place.

Already the hospitals were worrying about the scarcity of quinine, calomel, opium, chloroform and iodine. Linen and cotton bandages were too precious now to be thrown away when used, and every lady who nursed at the hospitals brought home baskets of bloody strips to be washed and ironed and returned for use on other sufferers.

But to Scarlett, newly emerged from the chrysalis of widowhood, all the war meant was a time of gaiety and excitement. Even the small privations of clothing and food did not annoy her, so happy was she to be in the world again.

  • 安塔拉传奇(第六部)


  • 菲洛·万斯探案集2


  • 金石缘


  • 纪晓岚西域传奇(西域烽燧系列小说)


  • 送你一束红花草


  • 舞动皇城


  • 重生斗罗原始


  • 霸道追爱冷艳娇妻


  • 武极神话


  • 生活在城市的道士


  • 十二月的雪


  • 遭遇青春期问题


    《生命·成长教育系列:遭遇青春期问题》有六个部分外加一个附录组成,分别是第一篇我们身体的变化、第二篇做个快乐的少年、第三篇我不想与父母较劲、第四篇 男女有别吗、第五篇成为受欢迎的人、第六篇做好自我保护、附录趣味小测试。
  • 诸国六道


  • 像狗一样奔跑


  • 我是昊天塔

