

Scarlett, bewildered, picked up the single sheet and saw written in a black, bold hand:“The Confederacy may need the lifeblood of its men but not yet does it demand the heart's blood of its women. Accept, dear Madam, this token of my reverence for your courage and do not think that your sacrifice has been in vain, for this ring has been redeemed at ten times its value.Captain Rhett Butler.”

Melanie slipped the ring on her finger and looked at it lovingly.

“I told you he was a gentleman, didn't I?”she said, turning to Pittypat, her smile bright through the teardrops on her face.“No one but a gentleman of refinement and thoughtfulness would ever have thought how it broke my heart to—I'll send my gold chain instead. Aunt Pittypat, you must write him a note and invite him to Sunday dinner so I can thank him.”

In the excitement, neither of the others seemed to have thought that Captain Butler had not returned Scarlett's ring, too. But she thought of it, annoyed.And she knew it had not been Captain Butler's refinement that had prompted so gallant a gesture.It was that he intended to be asked into Pittypat's house and knew unerringly how to get the invitation.

“I was greatly disturbed to hear of your recent conduct,”ran Ellen's letter and Scarlett, who was reading it at the table, scowled. Bad news certainly traveled swiftly.She had often heard in Charleston and Savannah that Atlanta people gossiped more and meddled in other people's business more than any other people in the South, and now she believed it.The bazaar had taken place Monday night and today was only Thursday.Which of the old cats had taken it upon herself to write Ellen?For a moment she suspected Pittypat but immediately abandoned that thought.Poor Pittypat had been quaking in her number-three shoes for fear of being blamed for Scarlett's forward conduct and would be the last to notify Ellen of her own inadequate chaperonage.Probably it was Mrs.Merriwether.

“It is difficult for me to believe that you could so forget yourself and your rearing. I will pass over the impropriety of your appearing publicly while in mourning, realizing your warm desire to be of assistance to the hospital.But to dance, and with such a man as Captain Butler!I have heard much of him(as who has not?)and Pauline wrote me only last week that he is a man of bad repute and not even received by his own family in Charleston, except of course by his heartbroken mother.He is a thoroughly bad character who would take advantage of your youth and innocence to make you conspicuous and publicly disgrace you and your family.How could Miss Pittypat have so neglected her duty to you?”

Scarlett looked across the table at her aunt. The old lady had recognized Ellen's handwriting and her fat little mouth was pursed in a frightened way, like a baby who fears a scolding and hopes to ward it off by tears.

“I am heartbroken to think that you could so soon forget your rearing. I have thought of calling you home immediately but will leave that to your father's discretion.He will be in Atlanta Friday to speak with Captain Butler and to escort you home.I fear he will be severe with you despite my pleadings.I hope and pray it was only youth and thoughtlessness that prompted such forward conduct.No one can wish to serve our Cause more than I, and I wishmy daughters to feel the same way, but to disgrace—”

There was more in the same vein but Scarlett did not finish it. For once, she was thoroughly frightened.She did not feel reckless and defiant now.She felt as young and guilty as when she was ten and had thrown a buttered biscuit at Suellen at the table.To think of her gentle mother reproving her so harshly and her father coming to town to talk to Captain Butler.The real seriousness of the matter grew on her.Gerald was going to be severe.This was one time when she knew she couldn't wiggle out of her punishment by sitting on his knee and being sweet and pert.

“Not—not bad news?”quavered Pittypat.

“Pa is coming tomorrow and he's going to land on me like a duck on a June bug,”answered Scarlett dolorously.

“Prissy, find my salts,”fluttered Pittypat, pushing back her chair from her half-eaten meal.“I—I feel faint.”

“Dey's in yo'skirt pocket,”said Prissy, who had been hovering behind Scarlett, enjoying the sensational drama. Mist'Gerald in a temper was always exciting, providing his temper was not directed at her kinky head.Pitty fumbled at her skirt and held the vial to her nose.

“You all must stand by me and not leave me alone with him for one minute,”cried Scarlett.“He's so fond of you both, and if you are with me he can't fuss at me.”

“I couldn't,”said Pittypat weakly, rising to her feet.“I—I feel ill. I must go lie down.I shall lie down all day tomorrow.You must give him my excuses.”

“Coward!”thought Scarlett, glowering at her.

Melly rallied to the defense, though white and frightened at the prospect of facing the fire-eating Mr. O'Hara.“I'll—I'll help you explain how you did it for the hospital.Surely he'll understand.”

“No, he won't,”said Scarlett.“And oh, I shall die if I have to go back to Tara in disgrace, like Mother threatens!”

“Oh, you can't go home,”cried Pittypat, bursting into tears.“If you did I should be forced—yes, forced to ask Henry to come live with us, and you know I just couldn't live with Henry. I'm so nervous with just Melly in the house atnight, with so many strange men in town.You're so brave I don't mind being here without a man!”

“Oh, he couldn't take you to Tara!”said Melly, looking as if she too would cry in a moment.“This is your home now. What would we ever do without you?”

“You'd be glad to do without me if you knew what I really think of you,”thought Scarlett sourly, wishing there were some other person than Melanie to help ward off Gerald's wrath, It was sickening to be defended by someone you disliked so much.

“Perhaps we should recall our invitation to Captain Butler—”began Pittypat.

“Oh, we couldn't!It would be the height of rudeness!”cried Melly, distressed.

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