

From the two he loved best, Charles had received no toughening influences, learned nothing of harshness or reality, and the home in which he grew to manhood was as soft as a bird's nest. It was such a quiet, old-fashioned, gentle home compared with Tara.To Scarlett, this house cried out for the masculine smells of brandy, tobacco and Macassar oil, for hoarse voices and occasional curses, for guns, for whiskers, for saddles and bridles and for hounds underfoot.She missed the sounds of quarreling voices that were always heard at Tara when Ellen's back was turned, Mammy quarreling with Pork, Rosa and Teena bickering, her own acrimonious arguments with Suellen, Gerald's bawling threats.No wonder Charles had been a sissy, coming from a home like this.Here, excitement never entered in, voices were never raised, everyone deferred gently to the opinions of others, and, in the end, the blackgrizzled autocrat in the kitchen had his way.Scarlett, who had hoped for a freer rein when she escaped Mammy's supervision, discovered to her sorrow that Uncle Peter's standards of ladylike conduct, especially for Mist’Charles’widow, were even stricter than Mammy's.

In such a household, Scarlett came back to herself, and almost before she realized it her spirits rose to normal. She was only seventeen, she had superb health and energy, and Charles'people did their best to make her happy.If they fell a little short of this, it was not their fault, for no one could take out of her heart the ache that throbbed whenever Ashley's name was mentioned.And Melanie mentioned it so often!But Melanie and Pitty were tireless in planning ways to soothe the sorrow under which they thought she labored.They put their own grief into the background in order to divert her.They fussed about her food and her hours for taking afternoon naps and for taking carriage rides.They not only admired her extravagantly, her high-spiritedness, her figure, her tiny hands and feet, her white skin, but they said so frequently, petting, hugging and kissing her to emphasize their loving words.

Scarlett did not care for the caresses, but she basked in the compliments. No one at Tara had ever said so many charming things about her.In fact, Mammy had spent her time deflating her conceit.Little Wade was no longer an annoyance, for the family, black and white, and the neighbors idolized him and there was a neverceasing rivalry as to whose lap he should occupy.Melanie especially doted on him.Even in his worst screaming spells, Melanie thought him adorable and said so, adding,“Oh, you precious darling!I just wish you were mine!”

Sometimes Scarlett found it hard to dissemble her feelings, for she still thought Aunt Pitty the silliest of old ladies and her vagueness and vaporings irritated her unenduringly. She disliked Melanie with a jealous dislike that grew as the days went by, and sometimes she had to leave the room abruptly when Melanie, beaming with loving pride, spoke of Ashley or read his letters aloud.But, all in all, life went on as happily as was possible under the circumstances.Atlanta was more interesting than Savannah or Charleston or Tara and it offered so many strange war-time occupations she had little time to think ormope.But, sometimes, when she blew out the candle and burrowed her head into the pillow, she sighed and thought:“If only Ashley wasn't married!If only I didn't have to nurse in that plagued hospital!Oh, if only I could have some beaux!”

She had immediately loathed nursing but she could not escape this duty because she was on both Mrs. Meade's and Mrs.Merriwether's committees.That meant four mornings a week in the sweltering, stinking hospital with her hair tied up in a towel and a hot apron covering her from neck to feet.Every matron, old or young, in Atlanta nursed and did it with an enthusiasm that seemed to Scarlett little short of fanatic.They took it for granted that she was imbued with their own patriotic fervor and would have been shocked to know how slight an interest in the war she had.Except for the ever-present torment that Ashley might be killed, the war interested her not at all, and nursing was something she did simply because she didn't know how to get out of it.

Certainly there was nothing romantic about nursing. To her, it meant groans, delirium, death and smells.The hospitals were filled with dirty, bewhiskered, verminous men who smelled terribly and bore on their bodies wounds hideous enough to turn a Christian's stomach.The hospitals stank of gangrene, the odor assaulting her nostrils long before the doors were reached, a sickish sweet smell that clung to her hands and hair and haunted her in her dreams.Flies, mosquitoes and gnats hovered in droning, singing swarms over the wards, tormenting the men to curses and weak sobs;and Scarlett, scratching her own mosquito bites, swung palmetto fans until her shoulders ached and she wished that all the men were dead.

Melanie, however, did not seem to mind the smells, the wounds or the nakedness, which Scarlett thought strange in one who was the most timorous and modest of women. Sometimes when holding basins and instruments while Dr.Meade cut out gangrened flesh, Melanie looked very white.And once, after such an operation, Scarlett found her in the linen closet vomiting quietly into a towel.But as long as she was where the wounded could see her, she was gentle, sympathetic and cheerful, and the men in the hospitals called her an angel ofmercy.Scarlett would have liked that title too, but it involved touching men crawling with lice, running fingers down throats of unconscious patients to see if they were choking on swallowed tobacco quids, bandaging stumps and picking maggots out of festering flesh.No, she did not like nursing!

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