

But Gerald remained Gerald. His habits of living and his ideas changed, but his manners he would not change, even had he been able to change them.He admired the drawling elegance of the wealthy rice and cotton planters, who rode into Savannah from their moss-hung kingdoms, mounted on thoroughbred horses and followed by the carriages of their equally elegant ladies and the wagons of their slaves.But Gerald could never attain elegance.Their lazy, blurred voices fell pleasantly on his ears, but his own brisk brogue clung to his tongue.He liked the casual grace with which they conducted affairs of importance, risking a fortune, a plantation or a slave on the turn of a card and writing off their losses with careless good humor and no more ado than when they scattered pennies to pickaninnies.But Gerald had known poverty, and he could never learn to lose money with good humor or good grace.They were a pleasant race, these coastal Georgians, with their softvoiced, quick rages and their charming inconsistencies, and Gerald liked them.But there was a brisk and restless vitality about the young Irishman, fresh from a country where winds blew wet and chill, where misty swamps held no fevers, that set him apart from these indolent gentlefolk of semitropical weather and malarial marshes.

From them he learned what he found useful, and the rest he dismissed. He found poker the most useful of all Southern customs, pokerand a steady head for whisky;and it was his natural aptitude for cards and amber liquor that brought to Gerald two of his three most prized possessions, his valet and his plantation.The other was his wife, and he could only attribute her to the mysterious kindness of God.

The valet, Pork by name, shining black, dignified and trained in all the artsof sartorial elegance, was the result of an all-night poker game with a planter from St. Simons Island, whose courage in a bluff equaled Gerald's but whose head for New Orleans rum did not.Though Pork's former owner later offered to buy him back at twice his value, Gerald obstinately refused, for the possession of his first slave, and that slave the“best damn valet on the Coast,”was the first step upward toward his heart's desire.Gerald wanted to be a slave owner and a landed gentleman.

His mind was made up that he was not going to spend all of his days, like James and Andrew, in bargaining, or all his nights, by candlelight, over long columns of figures. He felt keenly, as his brothers did not, the social stigma attached to those“in trade.”Gerald wanted to be a planter.With the deep hunger of an Irishman who has been a tenant on the lands his people once had owned and hunted, he wanted to see his own acres stretching green before his eyes.With a ruthless singleness of purpose, he desired his own house, his own plantation, his own horses, his own slaves.And here in this new country, safe from the twin perils of the land he had left—taxation that ate up crops and barns and the ever-present threat of sudden confiscation—he intended to have them.But having that ambition and bringing it to realization were two different matters, he discovered as time went by.Coastal Georgia was too firmly held by an entrenched aristocracy for him ever to hope to win the place he intended to have.

Then the hand of Fate and a hand of poker combined to give him the plantation which he afterwards called Tara, and at the same time moved him out of the Coast into the upland country of north Georgia.

It was in a saloon in Savannah, on a hot night in spring, when the chance conversation of a stranger sitting near by made Gerald prick up his ears. The stranger, a native of Savannah, had just returned after twelve years in the inland country.He had been one of the winners in the land lottery conducted by the State to divide up the vast area in middle Georgia, ceded by the Indians the year before Gerald came to America.He had gone up there and established a plantation;but, now the house had burned down, he was tired of the“accursed place”and would be most happy to get it off his hands.

Gerald, his mind never free of the thought of owning a plantation of hisown, arranged an introduction, and his interest grew as the stranger told how the northern section of the state was filling up with newcomers from the Carolinas and Virginia. Gerald had lived in Savannah long enough to acquire the viewpoint of the Coast—that all of the rest of the state was backwoods, with an Indian lurking in every thicket.In transacting business for O'Hara Brothers, he had visited Augusta, a hundred miles up the Savannah River, and he had traveled inland far enough to visit the old towns westward from that city.He knew that section to be as well settled as the Coast, but from the stranger's deion, his plantation was more than two hundred and fifty miles inland from Savannah to the north and west, and not many miles south of the Chattahoochee River.Gerald knew that northward beyond that stream the land was still held by the Cherokees, so it was with amazement that he heard the stranger jeer at suggestions of trouble with the Indians and narrate how thriving towns were growing up and plantations prospering in the new country.

  • 权力


    《权力》以流畅的语言与准确的描写刻画了现实机关的众生相,对当下官场有着深刻的观察和独特的思考。 作者在党政机关工作数十年,积累了丰富的机关生活素材,熟悉机关人物的言行举止心态,刻画到位,尤其是市长柳子奇、市委书记苏阳的“官样人生”描绘得栩栩如生。
  • 诡案录:民国那些奇案


  • 京西胭脂铺


  • 一个鬼子都不留


    别说我残忍,只因这一切让人忍无可忍!燕山脚下的庄家营子原本是一个古朴而宁静的小山村,日本人的到来把这一切都改变了。凶残嗜血的鬼子因为一个谎言而将全村人屠杀殆尽,只有屠户庄继宗因外出得以幸免。面对这血海深仇,庄继宗与好友张胜、占魁发誓要让鬼子血债血偿。鬼子们的噩梦由此开始…… 那一年,正月刚过,已废弃不用好久的原镇公所粮仓粉饰一新,摇身一变,成了一个叫“桃园酒家”的小酒馆。虽然开张时并没有大张旗鼓,但还是引起了人们的注意。在这兵荒马乱的年月里,镇上又住着一帮子如狼似虎的日本兵,敢在这时候开店营业的人不但要有靠山,还要有不怕亏血本的财力。日本人是在“桃园酒家”开张的第二天出现的,而且来的还是小岛,这是庄继宗、李占魁、张胜三人没有想到的……这是一场正义战胜正义的战争,这是一段永允忘怀的历史。面对人性的脆弱与丑陋,面对这血与火、先与死的考验,个人是渺小的,也是伟大的,正是他们的渺小与伟大谱写了这曲可歌可泣的华彩乐章,他们迸发出的是人世间最耀眼、最夺目的人性光辉。
  • 黑猫


  • 卑微人的思想


  • 爱我地久天长


  • 魔道大帝


  • 驭灵仙王


  • 傲娇冷王:全能绝色妃


  • 阴阳赋之戏游天下


  • 圣灵征途


  • 皇堂初爱


  • 醉世浮沉


  • 疯狂的教父

