

“I cannot pretend to be sorry,”said Wickham, after a short interruption,“that he or that any man should not be estimated beyond their deserts; but with him I believe it does not often happen.The world is blinded by his fortune and consequence,or frightened by his high and imposing manners,and sees him only as he chooses to be seen.”

“I should take him,even on my slight acquaintance,to be an ill-tempered man.”Wickham only shook his head.

“I wonder,”said he, at the next opportunity of speaking,“whether he is likely to be in this country much longer.”

“I do not at all know; but I heard nothing of his going away when I was at Netherfield. I hope your plans in favour of the—shire will not be affected by his being in the neighbourhood.”

“Oh!no—it is not for me to be driven away by Mr.Darcy.If he wishes to avoid seeing me, he must go.We are not on friendly terms, and it always gives me pain to meet him, but I have no reason for avoiding him but what I might proclaim before all the world, a sense of very great ill-usage, and most painful regrets at his being what he is. His father, Miss Bennet, the late Mr. Darcy,was one of the best men that ever breathed,and the truest friend I ever had;and I can never be in company with this Mr. Darcy without being grieved to the soul by a thousand tender recollections.His behaviour to myself has been scandalous;but I verily believe I could forgive him anything and everything,rather than his disappointing the hopes and disgracing the memory of his father.”

Elizabeth found the interest of the subject increase, and listened with all her heart;but the delicacy of it prevented further inquiry.

Mr.Wickham began to speak on more general topics,Meryton, the neighbourhood,the society,appearing highly pleased with all that he had yet seen,and speaking of the latter with gentle but very intelligible gallantry.

“It was the prospect of constant society, and good society,”he added,“which was my chief inducement to enter the—shire. I knew it to be a most respectable, agreeable corps, and my friend Denny tempted me further by his account of their present quarters, and the very great attentions and excellent acquaintances Meryton had procured them. Society, I own, is necessary to me.I have been a disappointed man,and my spirits will not bear solitude. I must have employment and society.A military life is not what I was intended for, but circumstances have now made it eligible.The church ought to have been my profession—I was brought up for the church, and I should at this time have been in possession of a most valuable living,had it pleased the gentleman we were speaking of just now.”


“Yes—the late Mr.Darcy bequeathed me the next presentation of the best living in his gift.He was my godfather,and excessively attached to me.I cannot do justice to his kindness.He meant to provide for me amply,and thought he had done it;but when the living fell,it was given elsewhere.”

“Good heavens!”cried Elizabeth;“but how could that be?How could his will be disregarded?Why did you not seek legal redress?”

“There was just such an informality in the terms of the bequest as to give me no hope from law.A man of honour could not have doubted the intention, but Mr. Darcy chose to doubt it—or to treat it as a merely conditional recommendation, and to assert that I had forfeited all claim to it by extravagance,imprudence—in short anything or nothing.Certain it is,that the living became vacant two years ago, exactly as I was of an age to hold it, and that it was given to another man;and no less certain is it,that I cannot accuse myself of having really done anything to deserve to lose it.I have a warm,unguarded temper,and I may have spoken my opinion of him, and to him, too freely. I can recall nothing worse.But the fact is,that we are very different sort of men,and that he hates me.”

“This is quite shocking!He deserves to be publicly disgraced.”

“Some time or other he will be—but it shall not be by me.Till I can forget his father,I can never defy or expose him.”

Elizabeth honoured him for such feelings, and thought him handsomer than ever as he expressed them.

“But what,”said she,after a pause,“can have been his motive? What can have induced him to behave so cruelly?”

“A thorough, determined dislike of me—a dislike which I cannot but attribute in some measure to jealousy. Had the late Mr.Darcy liked me less,his son might have borne with me better;but his father's uncommon attachment to me irritated him, I believe,very early in life.He had not a temper to bear the sort of competition in which we stood—the sort of preference which was often given me.”

“I had not thought Mr. Darcy so bad as this—though I have never liked him. I had not thought so very ill of him. I had supposed him to be despising his fellow-creatures in general,but did not suspect him of descending to such malicious revenge, such injustice,such inhumanity as this.”

After a few minutes'reflection,however,she continued,“I do remember his boasting one day,at Netherfield,of the implacability of his resentments, of his having an unforgiving temper. His disposition must be dreadful.”

“I will not trust myself on the subject,”replied Wickham;“I can hardly be just to him.”

Elizabeth was again deep in thought,and after a time exclaimed,“To treat in such a manner the godson,the friend,the favourite of his father!”She could have added,“A young man,too,like you, whose very countenance may vouch for your being amiable”—but she contented herself with,“and one,too,who had probably been his companion from childhood, connected together, as I think you said,in the closest manner!”

  • 半张脸


    小说刻画了一群追求精致生活的新贵族,他(她)们无依无靠,飘荡在大大的北京城,物质上的充裕依然不能免除精神上的苦闷。作者从一个全新的角度向读者诠释了一种物质以外的困惑。同性之爱 跨国姻缘,迷醉的酒吧街,上演几多悲欢离合。
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  • 官道


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  • 鲁滨逊漂流记


    《鲁滨逊漂流记》是丹尼尔·笛福的一部小说作品,主要讲述了主人公因出海遇险,漂流到无人小岛 并坚持在岛上生活,最后回到原本社会的故事。在当时启蒙运动这一历史大浪潮中诞生的《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一部流浪汉小说结构的著作。启蒙运动,在世界历史上是那么浓墨重彩的一笔,它既是文艺复兴时期反封建、反教会斗争的继续和深化,也是资产阶级政治革命的理论准备阶段。而《鲁滨逊漂流记》,作为开启18世纪英国现实主义小说的奠基之作,也成为研读世界文学绕不开的一个里程碑。
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