For several days the children stayed with the little old woman in her tiny cottage on the edge of the river.Each morning they crossed the bridge and stationed themselves by the Antwerp road to watch the swarm of sad-faced Belgians as they hurried through Boom on their way to the frontier and to safety in Holland.Each day they hoped that before the sun went down they should see their mother among the hurrying multitudes, but each day brought a fresh disappointment, and each night the little old woman comforted them with fresh hope for the morrow.
"You see, my darlings," said she, "it may take a long time and you may have to go a long way first, but I feel in my bones that you will find her at last.And of course, if you do, every step you take is a step toward her, no matter how far round you go."Jan and Marie believed every word that Granny said.How could they help it when she had been so good to them! Her courage and faith seemed to make an isle of safety about her where the children rested in perfect trust.They saw that neither guns nor Germans nor any other terror could frighten Granny.In the midst of a thousand alarms she calmly went her accustomed way, and every one who met her was the better for a glimpse of the brave little brown face under its snowy cap.Early each morning she rose with the larks, covered the bottom of her barrow with clean white sand, and placed in it the live eels which had been caught for her and brought to the door by small boys who lived in the neighborhood.Then, when she had wakened the Twins, and the three had had their breakfast together, away she would trudge over the long, dusty road to Malines, wheeling the barrow.with its squirming freight in front of her.
Jan and Marie helped her all they could.They washed the dishes and swept the floor of the tiny cottage and made everything tidy and clean before they went to take up their stand beside the Antwerp road.When the shadows grew long in the afternoon, how glad they were to see the sturdy little figure come trudging home again! Then they would run to meet her, and Jan would take the wheelbarrow from her tired hands and wheel it for her over the bridge to the little cottage under the willow trees on the other side of the river.
Then Marie's work was to clean the barrow, while Jan pulled weeds in the tiny garden back of the house, and Granny got supper ready.Supper-time was the best of all, for every pleasant evening they ate at a little table out of doors under the willow trees.
One evening, when supper had been cleared away, they sat there together, with Fidel beside them, while Granny told a wonderful tale about the King of the Eels who lived in a crystal palace at the bottom of the river.
"You can't quite see the palace," she said, "because, when you look right down into it, the water seems muddy.But sometimes, when it is still, you can see the Upside-Down Country where the King of the Eels lives.There the trees all grow with their heads down and the sky is 'way, 'way below the trees.You see the sky might as well be down as up for the eels.They aren't like us, just obliged to crawl around on the ground without ever being able to go up or down at all.The up-above sky belongs to the birds and the down-below sky belongs to the fishes and eels.And I am not sure but one is just as nice as the other."Marie and Jan went to the river, and, getting down on their hands and knees, looked into the water.
"We can't see a thing!" they cried to Granny.
"You aren't looking the right way," she answered."Look across it toward the sunset.""Oh! Oh!" cried Marie, clasping her hands; "I see it! I see the down-below sky, and it is all red and gold!""I told you so," replied Granny triumphantly."Lots of folks can't see a thing in the river but the mud, when, if you look at it the right way, there is a whole lovely world in it.Now, the palace of the King of the Eels is right over in that direction where the color is the reddest.He is very fond of red, is the King of the Eels.His throne is all made of rubies, and he makes the Queen tie red bows on the tails of all the little eels."Jan and Marie were still looking with all their eyes across the still water toward the sunset and trying to see the crystal palace of the eels, when suddenly from behind them there came a loud "Hee-haw, hee-haw." They jumped, and Granny jumped, too, and they all looked around to see where the sound came from.There, coming slowly toward them along the tow-path on the river-bank, was an old brown mule.She was pulling a low, green river-boat by a towline, and a small boy, not much bigger than Jan, was driving her.On the deck of the boat there was a little cabin with white curtains in the tiny windows and two red geraniums in pots standing on the sills.From a clothesline hitched to the rigging there fluttered a row of little shirts, and seated on a box near by there was a fat, friendly looking woman with two small children playing by her side.The father of the family was busy with the tiller.
"There come the De Smets, as sure as you live!" cried Granny, rising from the wheelbarrow, where she had been sitting."Icertainly am glad to see them." And she started at once down the river to meet the boat, with Jan and Marie and Fidel all following.