

"Look what a position we have.No one can say there is any taint on our money.There are no rumors about your father.He has kept the laws of God and of man.He has never made any mistakes."Harold got up from his chair and poked the fire.Then he came back to the ample, well-gowned, firm-looking lady, and sat beside her on the sofa.

He took her hand gently and looked at the two rings--a thin band of yellow gold, and a small solitaire diamond--which kept their place on her third finger in modest dignity, as if not shamed, but rather justified, by the splendor of the emerald which glittered beside them.

"Mother," he said, "you have a wonderful hand.And father made no mistake when he won you.But are you sure he has always been so inerrant?""Harold," she exclaimed, a little stiffly, "what do you mean?

His life is an open book."

"Oh," he answered, "I don't mean anything bad, mother dear.

I know the governor's life is an open book--a ledger, if you like, kept in the best bookkeeping hand, and always ready for inspection--every page correct, and showing a handsome balance.

But isn't it a mistake not to allow us to make our own mistakes, to learn for ourselves, to live our own lives? Must we be always working for 'the balance,' in one thing or another?

I want to be myself--to get outside of this everlasting, profitable 'plan'--to let myself go, and lose myself for a while at least--to do the things that I want to do, just because I want to do them.""My boy," said his mother, anxiously, "you are not going to do anything wrong or foolish? You know the falsehood of that old proverb about wild oats."He threw back his head and laughed."Yes, mother," he answered, "I know it well enough.But in California, you know, the wild oats are one of the most valuable crops.They grow all over the hillsides and keep the cattle and the horses alive.But that wasn't what Imeant--to sow wild oats.Say to pick wild flowers, if you like, or even to chase wild geese--to do something that seems good to me just for its own sake, not for the sake of wages of one kind or another.I feel like a hired man, in the service of this magnificent mansion--say in training for father's place as majordomo.I'd like to get out some way, to feel free--perhaps to do something for others."The young man's voice hesitated a little."Yes, it sound like cant, I know, but sometimes I feel as if I'd like to do some good in the world, if father only wouldn't insist upon God's putting it into the ledger."His mother moved uneasily, and a slight look of bewilderment came into her face.

"Isn't that almost irreverent?" she asked."Surely the righteousmust have their reward.And your father is good.See how much he gives to all the established charities, how many things he has founded.

He's always thinking of others, and planning for them.And surely, for us, he does everything.How well he has planned this trip to Europe for me and the girls--the court-presentation at Berlin,the season on the Riviera, the visits in England with the Plumptons and the Halverstones.He says Lord Halverstone has the finest old house in Sussex, pure Elizabethan, and all the old customs are kept up, too--family prayers every morning for all the domestics.

By-the-way, you know his son Bertie, I believe."Harold smiled a little to himself as he answered: "Yes, I fished at Catalina Island last June with the Honorable Ethelbert;he's rather a decent chap, in spite of his ingrowing mind.

But you?--mother, you are simply magnificent! You are father's masterpiece." The young man leaned over to kiss her, and went up to the Riding Club for his afternoon canter in the Park.

So it came to pass, early in December, that Mrs.Weightman and her two daughters sailed for Europe, on their serious pleasure trip, even as it had been written in the book of Providence; and John Weightman, who had made the entry, was left to pass the rest of the winter with his son and heir in the brownstone mansion.

They were comfortable enough.The machinery of the massive establishment ran as smoothly as a great electric dynamo.They were busy enough, too.

John Weightman's plans and enterprises were complicated, though his principle of action was always simple--to get good value for every expenditure and effort.The banking-house of which he was the chief, the brain, the will, the absolutely controlling hand, was so admirably organized that the details of its direction took but little time.

But the scores of other interests that radiated from it and were dependent upon it--or perhaps it would be more accurate to say, that contributed to its solidity and success--the many investments, industrial, political, benevolent, reformatory, ecclesiastical, that had made the name of Weightman well known and potent in city, church, and state, demanded much attention and careful steering, in order that each might produce the desired result.There were board meetings of corporations and hospitals, conferences in Wall Street and at Albany, consultations and committee meetings in the brownstone mansion.

For a share in all this business and its adjuncts John Weightman had his son in training in one of the famous law firms of the city;for he held that banking itself is a simple affair, the only real difficulties of finance are on its legal side.Meantime he wished the young man to meet and know the men with whom he would have to deal when he became a partner in the house.So a couple of dinners were given in the mansion during December, after which the fathercalled the son's attention to the fact that over a hundred million dollars had sat around the board.

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