

There is no doubt after this of what happened to him. All is certain now: Mrs. Smith's intense ter-ror; Amy Foster's stolid conviction held against the other's nervous attack, that the man 'meant no harm'; Smith's exasperation (on his return from Darnford Market) at finding the dog barking himself into a fit, the back-door locked, his wife in hysterics; and all for an unfortunate dirty tramp, supposed to be even then lurking in his stackyard.

Was he? He would teach him to frighten women.

"Smith is notoriously hot-tempered, but the sight of some nondescript and miry creature sitting crosslegged amongst a lot of loose straw, and swinging itself to and fro like a bear in a cage, made him pause. Then this tramp stood up si-lently before him, one mass of mud and filth from head to foot. Smith, alone amongst his stacks with this apparition, in the stormy twilight ringing with the infuriated barking of the dog, felt the dread of an inexplicable strangeness. But when that be-ing, parting with his black hands the long matted locks that hung before his face, as you part the two halves of a curtain, looked out at him with glisten-ing, wild, black-and-white eyes, the weirdness of this silent encounter fairly staggered him. He had admitted since (for the story has been a legitimate subject of conversation about here for years) that he made more than one step backwards. Then a sudden burst of rapid, senseless speech persuaded him at once that he had to do with an escaped luna-tic. In fact, that impression never wore off com-pletely. Smith has not in his heart given up his secret conviction of the man's essential insanity to this very day.

"As the creature approached him, jabbering in a most discomposing manner, Smith (unaware that he was being addressed as 'gracious lord,' and ad-jured in God's name to afford food and shelter)kept on speaking firmly but gently to it, and re-treating all the time into the other yard. At last, watching his chance, by a sudden charge he bun-dled him headlong into the wood-lodge, and in-stantly shot the bolt. Thereupon he wiped his brow, though the day was cold. He had done his duty to the community by shutting up a wander-ing and probably dangerous maniac. Smith isn't a hard man at all, but he had room in his brain only for that one idea of lunacy. He was not imagina-tive enough to ask himself whether the man might not be perishing with cold and hunger. Meantime, at first, the maniac made a great deal of noise in the lodge. Mrs. Smith was screaming upstairs, where she had locked herself in her bedroom; but Amy Foster sobbed piteously at the kitchen door, wringing her hands and muttering, 'Don't!

don't!' I daresay Smith had a rough time of it that evening with one noise and another, and this insane, disturbing voice crying obstinately through the door only added to his irritation. He couldn't possibly have connected this troublesome lunatic with the sinking of a ship in Eastbay, of which there had been a rumour in the Darnford market-place. And I daresay the man inside had been very near to insanity on that night. Before his excite-ment collapsed and he became unconscious he was throwing himself violently about in the dark, roll-ing on some dirty sacks, and biting his fists with rage, cold, hunger, amazement, and despair.

"He was a mountaineer of the eastern range of the Carpathians, and the vessel sunk the night be-fore in Eastbay was the Hamburg emigrant-ship <i>Herzogin Sophia-Dorothea</i>, of appalling mem-ory.

"A few months later we could read in the papers the accounts of the bogus 'Emigration Agencies'

among the Sclavonian peasantry in the more re-mote provinces of Austria. The object of these scoundrels was to get hold of the poor ignorant people's homesteads, and they were in league with the local usurers. They exported their victims through Hamburg mostly. As to the ship, I had watched her out of this very window, reaching close-hauled under short canvas into the bay on a dark, threatening afternoon. She came to an an-chor, correctly by the chart, off the Brenzett Coast-guard station. I remember before the night fell looking out again at the outlines of her spars and rigging that stood out dark and pointed on a back-ground of ragged, slaty clouds like another and a slighter spire to the left of the Brenzett church-tower. In the evening the wind rose. At midnight I could hear in my bed the terrific gusts and the sounds of a driving deluge.

"About that time the Coastguardmen thought they saw the lights of a steamer over the anchoring-ground. In a moment they vanished; but it is clear that another vessel of some sort had tried for shel-ter in the bay on that awful, blind night, had rammed the German ship amidships (a breach--as one of the divers told me afterwards--'that you could sail a Thames barge through'), and then had gone out either scathless or damaged, who shall say; but had gone out, unknown, unseen, and fatal, to perish mysteriously at sea. Of her nothing ever came to light, and yet the hue and cry that was raised all over the world would have found her out if she had been in existence anywhere on the face of the waters.

  • 第一家族


  • 王二狗的武林


  • 铸灵剑舞


  • 崇祯长编


  • 明宫泪


  • 家有佳人:康氏三姐妹


  • 腹黑大小姐:王爷苦难追


  • 惊蛰曲


  • 万灵炎皇


  • 仙冥鉴

