


"ROGER WILLIAMS," said Grandfather, "did not keep possession of the chair a great while. His opinions of civil and religious matters differed, in many respects, from those of the rulers and clergymen of Massachusetts. Now, the wise men of those days believed that the country could not be safe unless all the inhabitants thought and felt alike.""Does anybody believe so in our days, Grandfather?" asked Lawrence.

"Possibly there are some who believe it," said Grandfather; "but they have not so much power to act upon their belief as the magistrates and ministers had in the days of Roger Williams. They had the power to deprive this good man of his home, and to send him out from the midst of them in search of a new place of rest. He was banished in 1634, and went first to Plymouth colony; but as the people there held the same opinions as those of Massachusetts, he was not suffered to remain among them.

However, the wilderness was wide enough; so Roger Williams took his staff and travelled into the forest and made treaties with the Indians, and began a plantation which he called Providence.""I have been to Providence on the railroad," said Charley. "It is but a two-hours' ride.""Yes, Charley," replied Grandfather; "but when Roger Williams travelled thither, over hills and valleys, and through the tangled woods, and across swamps and streams, it was a journey of several days. Well, his little plantation has now grown to be a populous city; and the inhabitants have a great veneration for Roger Williams. His name is familiar in the mouths of all, because they see it on their bank-bills.

How it would have perplexed this good clergyman if he had been told that he should give his name to the ROGER WILLIAMS BANK!""When he was driven from Massachusetts," said Lawrence, "and began his journey into the woods, he must have felt as if he were burying himself forever from the sight and knowledge of men. Yet the whole country has now heard of him, and will remember him forever.""Yes," answered Grandfather; "it often happens that the outcasts of one generation are those who are reverenced as the wisest and best of men by the next. The securest fame is that which comes after a man's death. But let us return to our story. When Roger Williams was banished, he appears to have given the chair to Mrs. Anne Hutchinson. At all events, it was in her possession in 1687. She was a very sharp-witted and well-instructed lady, and was so conscious of her own wisdom and abilities that she thought it a pity that the world should not have the benefit of them. She therefore used to hold lectures in Boston once or twice a week, at which most of the women attended. Mrs. Hutchinson presided at these meetings, sitting with great state and dignity in Grandfather's chair.""Grandfather, was it positively this very chair?" demanded Clara, laying her hand upon its carved elbow.

"Why not, my dear Clara?" said Grandfather. "Well, Mrs. Hutchinson's lectures soon caused a great disturbance; for the ministers of Boston did not think it safe and proper that a woman should publicly instruct the people in religious doctrines. Moreover, she made the matter worse by declaring that the Rev. Mr. Cotton was the only sincerely pious and holy clergyman in New England. Now, the clergy of those days had quite as much share in the government of the country, though indirectly, as the magistrates themselves; so you may imagine what a host of powerful enemies were raised up against Mrs. Hutchinson. A synod was convened;that is to say, an assemblage of all the ministers in Massachusetts.

  • 【完结】豪门失宠新娘:我们离婚吧


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    郁达夫的一生,始终在路上。为了生计,他的屐痕遍及北京、安徽、江苏、浙江、福建、广东等地。所到之处,他尽情领略,把“灵感赋予了每一朵浪花、每一片绿叶、每一块唬岩、每一株小草,让大自然的一切具有性格和情味”(刘海粟语)。 本书精选郁达夫的游记、风景散文二十九篇。这些作品,写山水名胜、描景色风物,既有丰富的地理、历史、自然知识,又注入个人的遭遇和情怀;语言不事雕琢,章法不受限制,才华横溢,不拘一格,风流倜傥,涉笔成趣。读达夫游记,他的性格,嗜好,思想,信仰,以及生活习惯等等,无不活泼地显现在我们的眼前。 郁达夫的游记散文和散文中的风景描写在中国现代散文史上占据独一无二的地位。
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