

I could not resist answering, "Independent means? Kendricks has no means whatever." But having dealt this blow, I could add, "Ibelieve his mother has some money. They are people who live comfortably""Then he has no profession?" asked Mr. Gage, with a little more stringency in his smile.

"I don't know whether you will call it a profession. He is a writer.""Ah!" Mr. Gage softly breathed. "Does he write for your--paper?"I noted that as to the literary technicalities he seemed not to be much more ignorant than Kendricks's own family, and I said, tolerantly, "Yes; he writes for our magazine.""Magazine--yes; I beg your pardon," he interrupted.

"And for any others where he can place his material."This apparently did not convey any very luminous idea to Mr. Gage's mind, and he asked after a moment, "What kind of things does he write?""Oh, stories, sketches, poems, reviews, essays--almost anything, in fact."The light left his face, and I perceived that I had carried my revenge too far, at least for Kendricks's advantage, and Idetermined to take a new departure at the first chance. The chance did not come immediately.

"And can a man support a wife by that kind of writing?" asked Mr.


I laughed uneasily. "Some people do. It depends upon how much of it he can sell. It depends upon how handsomely a wife wishes to be supported. The result isn't usually beyond the dreams of avarice,"I said, with a desperate levity.

"Excuse me," returned the little man. "Do you live in that way? By your writings?""No," I said with some state, which I tried to subdue; "I am the editor of Every Other Week, and part owner. Mr. Kendricks is merely a contributor.""Ah," he breathed again. "And if he were successful in selling his writings, how much would he probably make in a year?""In a year?" I repeated, to gain time. "Mr. Kendricks is comparatively a beginner. Say fifteen hundred--two thousand--twenty-five hundred."

"And that would not go very far in New York.""No; that would not go far in New York." I was beginning to find a certain pleasure in dealing so frankly with this hard little man. Iliked to see him suffer, and I could see that he did suffer; he suffered as a father must who learns that from a pecuniary point of view his daughter is imprudently in love. Why should we always regard such a sufferer as a comic figure? He is, if we think of it rightly, a most serious, even tragical figure, and at all events a most respectable figure. He loves her, and his heart is torn between the wish to indulge her and the wish to do what will be finally best for her. Why should our sympathies, in such a case, be all for the foolish young lovers? They ought in great measure to be for the father, too. Something like a sense of this smote me, and Iwas ashamed in my pleasure.

"Then I should say, Mr. March, that this seems a most undesirable engagement for my daughter. What should you say? I ask you to make the case your own.""Excuse me," I answered; "I would much rather not make the case my own, Mr. Gage, and I must decline to have you consult me. I think that in this matter I have done all that I was called upon to do. Ihave told you what I know of Mr. Kendricks's circumstances and connections. As to his character, I can truly say that he is one of the best men I ever knew. I believe in his absolute purity of heart, and he is the most unselfish, the most generous--"Mr. Gage waved the facts aside with his hand. "I don't undervalue those things. If I could be master, no one should have my girl without them. But they do not constitute a livelihood. From what you tell me of Mr. Kendricks's prospects, I am not prepared to say that I think the outlook is brilliant. If he has counted upon my supplying a deficiency--""Oh, excuse me, Mr. Gage! Your insinuation--""Excuse ME!" he retorted. "I am making no insinuation. I merely wish to say that, while my means are such as to enable me to live in comfort at De Witt Point, I am well aware that much more would be needed in New York to enable my daughter to live in the same comfort. I'm not willing she should live in less. I think it is my duty to say that I am not at all a rich man, and if there has been any supposition that I am so, it is a mistake that cannot be corrected too soon."This time I could not resent his insinuation, for since he had begun to speak I had become guiltily aware of having felt a sort of ease in regard to Kendricks's modesty of competence from a belief, given me, I suspect, by the talk of Deering, that Mr. Gage had plenty of money, and could come to the rescue in any amount needed. I could only say, "Mr. Gage, all this is so far beyond my control that Iought not to allow you to say it to me. It is something that you must say to Mr. Kendricks."As I spoke I saw the young fellow come round the corner of the street, and mount the hotel steps. He did not see me, for he did not look toward the little corner of lawn where Mr. Gage and I had put our chairs for the sake of the morning shade, and for the seclusion that the spot afforded us. It was at the angle of the house farthest from our peculiar corner of the piazza, whither I had the belief that the girl had withdrawn when she left me to her father. I was sure that Kendricks would seek her there, far enough beyond eyeshot or earshot of us, and I had no doubt that she was expecting him.

"You are Mr. Kendricks's friend--"

"I have tried much more to be Miss Gage's friend; and Mrs. March--"It came into my mind that she was most selfishly and shamelessly keeping out of the way, and I could not go on and celebrate her magnanimous impartiality, her eager and sleepless vigilance.

  • 词论


  • 太上老君说常清静经注


  • 佛说北斗七星延命经


  • 经咫


  • The Poisoned Pen

    The Poisoned Pen

  • 歧途修道


  • 黑暗中的复仇之花


  • 行之


  • [空间]学霸向前进


  • 福妻驾到


  • TFboys:夏恋之名


  • 爱,有个方程式


  • 异世体术纵横


  • 虫族帝王


  • 小花仙之梦的旅途

