

I did not afflict myself very much, nor pretend to do so. They knew the way home, and after I had blundered about in search of them through the lampshot darkness, I settled myself to walk back at my leisure, comfortably sure that I should find them on the verandah waiting for me when I reached the hotel. It was quite a thick night, and I almost ran into a couple at a corner of our quieter street when I had got to it out of Broadway. They seemed to be standing and looking about, and when the man said, "He must have thought we took the first turn," and the woman, "Yes, that must have been the way," I recognised my estrays.

I thought I would not discover myself to them, but follow on, and surprise them by arriving at our steps at the same moment they did, and I prepared myself to hurry after them. But they seemed in no hurry, and I had even some difficulty in accommodating my pace to the slowness of theirs.

"Won't you take my arm, Miss Gage?" he asked as they moved on.

"It's so VERY dark," she answered, and I knew she had taken it. "Ican hardly see a step, and poor Mr. March with his glasses--I don't know what he'll do.""Oh, he only uses them to read with; he can see as well as we can in the dark.""He's very young in his feelings," said the girl; "he puts me in mind of my own father.""He's very young in his thoughts," said Kendricks; "and that's much more to the purpose for a magazine editor. There are very few men of his age who keep in touch with the times as he does.""Still, Mrs. March seems a good deal younger, don't you think? Iwonder how soon they begin to feel old?"

"Oh, not till along in the forties, I should say. It's a good deal in temperament. I don't suppose that either of them realises yet that they're old, and they must be nearly fifty.""How strange it must be," said the girl, "fifty years old! Twenty seems old enough, goodness knows.""How should you like to be a dotard of twenty-seven?" Kendricks asked, and she laughed at his joke.

"I don't suppose I should mind it so much if I were a man."I had promised myself that if the talk became at all confidential Iwould drop behind out of earshot; but though it was curiously intimate for me to be put apart in the minds of these young people on account of my years as not of the same race or fate as themselves, there was nothing in what they said that I might not innocently overhear, as far as they were concerned, and I listened on.

But they had apparently given me quite enough attention. After some mutual laughter at what she said last, they were silent a moment, and then he said soberly, "There's something fine in this isolation the dark gives you, isn't there? You're as remote in it from our own time and place as if you were wandering in interplanetary space.""I suppose we ARE doing that all the time--on the earth," she suggested.

"Yes; but how hard it is to realise that we are on the earth now.

  • 谍血森森


  • 思想和运动


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 总裁王朝的覆灭


    所谓狼性精神,原来是蒙蔽初入职场的你;所谓百万年薪 原来是吞噬人性的深渊;所谓民企儒商 原来是披着羊皮的狼。首部曝光民企王朝内部的职场小说!告诉初入职场的你:民企王朝台前幕后你不知道而应该知道的那些事儿 这是一部初入职场的女大学生的血泪史! 本书用事实深度解剖中国企业中存在的种种独裁与专制现象,以及给个人和家庭、公司和员工所带来的伤害和损失。故事以“山木事件”为原型,讲述刚毕业女大学生进入民企的故事,以第一人称记录了民企泯灭人性的管理方式。“儒商”总裁儒雅背后的卑鄙行为,同事之间激烈的利益之争,职场中脆弱飘摇的爱情……
  • 黑族禁咒


  • 心里的白云


  • 凡尔纳科幻故事6


    《凡尔纳科幻故事》不仅趣味盎然,惊险刺激,引人入胜,而且包含了极其丰富的科学知识、动植物知识,以及地理知识等等。更重要的是,凡尔纳在其科幻故事中融入了各种宝贵的精神品质,具有很强的教育意义。使读者在通过阅读感受到丰富多彩的探险经历后,留下对人类正义更深层次的思考,从而获得丰富的心灵收益。   这些科幻小说既能培养青少年读者坚强的意志和克服困难的勇气,又能丰富他们的科技、地理、文化知识。
  • 网游之法魂传说


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 在那个纯真的年代

