

We now approached a stile communicating with a footpath that conducted to a farm-house, where, I suppose, Mr. Weston purposed to make himself 'useful;' for he presently took leave of me, crossed the stile, and traversed the path with his usual firm, elastic tread, leaving me to ponder his words as I continued my course alone. I had heard before that he had lost his mother not many months before he came. She then was the last and dearest of his early friends; and he had NO HOME. I pitied him from my heart:


almost wept for sympathy. And this, I thought, accounted for the shade of premature thoughtfulness that so frequently clouded his brow, and obtained for him the reputation of a morose and sullen disposition with the charitable Miss Murray and all her kin.

'But,' thought I, 'he is not so miserable as I should be under such a deprivation: he leads an active life; and a wide field for useful exertion lies before him. He can MAKE friends; and he can make a home too, if he pleases; and, doubtless, he will please some time. God grant the partner of that home may be worthy of his choice, and make it a happy one - such a home as he deserves to have! And how delightful it would be to - ' But no matter what Ithought.

I began this book with the intention of concealing nothing; that those who liked might have the benefit of perusing a fellow-creature's heart: but we have some thoughts that all the angels in heaven are welcome to behold, but not our brother-men - not even the best and kindest amongst them.

By this time the Greens had taken themselves to their own abode, and the Murrays had turned down the private road, whither Ihastened to follow them. I found the two girls warm in an animated discussion on the respective merits of the two young officers; but on seeing me Rosalie broke off in the middle of a sentence to exclaim, with malicious glee -'Oh-ho, Miss Grey! you're come at last, are you? No WONDER you lingered so long behind; and no WONDER you always stand up so vigorously for Mr. Weston when I abuse him. Ah-ha! I see it all now!'

'Now, come, Miss Murray, don't be foolish,' said I, attempting a good-natured laugh; 'you know such nonsense can make no impression on me.'

But she still went on talking such intolerable stuff - her sister helping her with appropriate fiction coined for the occasion - that I thought it necessary to say something in my own justification.

'What folly all this is!' I exclaimed. 'If Mr. Weston's road happened to be the same as mine for a few yards, and if he chose to exchange a word or two in passing, what is there so remarkable in that? I assure you, I never spoke to him before: except once.'

'Where? where? and when?' cried they eagerly.

'In Nancy's cottage.'

'Ah-ha! you've met him there, have you?' exclaimed Rosalie, with exultant laughter. 'Ah! now, Matilda, I've found out why she's so fond of going to Nancy Brown's! She goes there to flirt with Mr.


'Really, that is not worth contradicting - I only saw him there once, I tell you - and how could I know he was coming?'

Irritated as I was at their foolish mirth and vexatious imputations, the uneasiness did not continue long: when they had had their laugh out, they returned again to the captain and lieutenant; and, while they disputed and commented upon them, my indignation rapidly cooled; the cause of it was quickly forgotten, and I turned my thoughts into a pleasanter channel. Thus we proceeded up the park, and entered the hall; and as I ascended the stairs to my own chamber, I had but one thought within me: my heart was filled to overflowing with one single earnest wish.

Having entered the room, and shut the door, I fell upon my knees and offered up a fervent but not impetuous prayer: 'Thy will be done,' I strove to say throughout; but, 'Father, all things are possible with Thee, and may it be Thy will,' was sure to follow.

That wish - that prayer - both men and women would have scorned me for - 'But, Father, THOU wilt NOT despise!' I said, and felt that it was true. It seemed to me that another's welfare was at least as ardently implored for as my own; nay, even THAT was the principal object of my heart's desire. I might have been deceiving myself; but that idea gave me confidence to ask, and power to hope I did not ask in vain. As for the primroses, I kept two of them in a glass in my room until they were completely withered, and the housemaid threw them out; and the petals of the other I pressed between the leaves of my Bible - I have them still, and mean to keep them always.

  • 残简


  • 你的世界曾有一个我


  • Lady Susan

    Lady Susan

  • 巨商书架


    世界商业世子最不为人知的财富秘密,没有人能经易地抵制名著的诱惑,更没有人会拒绝财富与智慧的造访。比尔·盖茨因为一本书成为哈佛最成功的辍学生;亨利·福特说被一本书“洗脑”是自己的运气;有一本书,拥有令人无法不相信的神奇咒语;有一本书,被查禁70年后再次激起财富思维的风暴…… 这些书都是全球商业巨头财智书架里的珍藏。《沉思录》——两千年前古罗马皇帝用灵魂书写的智慧独白;《道德情操论》——《国富论》之外,亚当·斯密的又一传世经典;《不抱怨的世界》——出版30天内,全球有600万人加入“不抱怨”运动;《秘密》——全世界都曾注目这本书的出版;《唤起心中的巨人》——世界顶尖激励学大师的潜能学著作;《失落的致富经典》——全球亿万渎者都在阅读的百年财富古籍;《高效能人士的七个习惯》——美国政府公务员、公司员工、军队官兵的装备书;  《世界上最伟大的推销员》——出版当年即突破100万册,40余年经久不衰;《硅谷禁书》——从硅谷起家的百万、亿万富翁人人部凑过此书 。
  • 总裁太傲娇


  • 异能灵师之凤临苍穹


  • 冒险岛召唤使


  • 学长大人你好


  • 心桥


  • 重生之嫁给温情总裁

