

11. Whole nations reject several moral rules. Here perhaps it will be objected, that it is no argument that the rule is not known, because it is broken. I grant the objection good where men, though they transgress, yet disown not the law; where fear of shame, censure, or punishment carries the mark of some awe it has upon them. But it is impossible to conceive that a whole nation of men should all publicly reject and renounce what every one of them certainly and infallibly knew to be a law; for so they must who have it naturally imprinted on their minds. It is possible men may sometimes own rules of morality which in their private thoughts they do not believe to be true, only to keep themselves in reputation and esteem amongst those who are persuaded of their obligation. But it is not to be imagined that a whole society of men should publicly and professedly disown and cast off a rule which they could not in their own minds but be infallibly certain was a law; nor be ignorant that all men they should have to do with knew it to be such: and therefore must every one of them apprehend from others all the contempt and abhorrence due to one who professes himself void of humanity: and one who, confounding the known and natural measures of right and wrong, cannot but be looked on as the professed enemy of their peace and happiness. Whatever practical principle is innate, cannot but be known to every one to be just and good. It is therefore little less than a contradiction to suppose, that whole nations of men should, both in their professions and practice, unanimously and universally give the lie to what, by the most invincible evidence, every one of them knew to be true, right, and good. This is enough to satisfy us that no practical rule which is anywhere universally, and with public approbation or allowance, transgressed, can be supposed innate.- But Ihave something further to add in answer to this objection.

12. The generally allowed breach of a rule, proof that it is not innate. The breaking of a rule, say you, is no argument that it is unknown. I grant it: but the generally allowed breach of it anywhere, I say, is a proof that it is not innate. For example: let us take any of these rules, which, being the most obvious deductions of human reason, and comformable to the natural inclination of the greatest part of men, fewest people have had the impudence to deny or inconsideration to doubt of. If any can be thought to be naturally imprinted, none, I think, can have a fairer pretence to be innate than this: "Parents, preserve and cherish your children." When, therefore, you say that this is an innate rule, what do you mean?

Either that it is an innate principle which upon all occasions excites and directs the actions of all men; or else, that it is a truth which all men have imprinted on their minds, and which therefore they know and assent to. But in neither of these senses is it innate. First, that it is not a principle which influences all men's actions, is what I have proved by the examples before cited: nor need we seek so far as Mingrelia or Peru to find instances of such as neglect, abuse, nay, and destroy their children; or look on it only as the more than brutality of some savage and barbarous nations, when we remember that it was a familiar and uncondemned practice amongst the Greeks and Romans to expose, without pity or remorse, their innocent infants. Secondly, that it is an innate truth, known to all men, is also false. For, "Parents preserve your children," is so far from an innate truth, that it is no truth at all: it being a command, and not a proposition, and so not capable of truth or falsehood. To make it capable of being assented to as true, it must be reduced to some such proposition as this: "It is the duty of parents to preserve their children." But what duty is, cannot be understood without a law; nor a law be known or supposed without a lawmaker, or without reward and punishment; so that it is impossible that this, or any other, practical principle should be innate, i.e. be imprinted on the mind as a duty, without supposing the ideas of God, of law, of obligation, of punishment, of a life after this, innate:

for that punishment follows not in this life the breach of this rule, and consequently that it has not the force of a law in countries where the generally allowed practice runs counter to it, is in itself evident. But these ideas (which must be all of them innate, if anything as a duty be so) are so far from being innate, that it is not every studious or thinking man, much less every one that is born, in whom they are to be found clear and distinct; and that one of them, which of all others seems most likely to be innate, is not so, (I mean the idea of God,) I think, in the next chapter, will appear very evident to any considering man.

  • Richard III

    Richard III

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  • 圣月城(已完结)


    流淌着墨绿色剧毒眼泪、异于常人的少女姬梦滢在姬族被灭门之后,踏上了寻找身世、为家人复仇之路。路程中,魔界伽羽的到来,引她走向了自己的归处——圣月城。  一层又一层的身世渐渐拨开,她骤然明白了自己经历了三世的爱恋,而自己命中注定的人,是七枫还是飘旋?第一世为雪姬,第二世为鱼依,第三世为梦滢。几世的纠结间,伽羽用死化作了自己的剑,飘旋用自己的修为拯救自己,魅姬为自己的不顾一切,以及毁去的面容都在疼痛的十九年间灰飞烟灭。弹指一瞬,谁是谁注定的爱恋?梦滢真正的身世真的只有月圣那么简单?心的结局究竟是什么?真正的三世又是什么?最终的沉睡,便是守护了圣月城到永远。一篇我用爱去写的文章,献给所有爱我和我爱的人。——姬梦滢(PS:这是一篇人物较多较为复杂的文章,如果大家坚持看完了它,并为里面的主人公小小感动了一下。那么,我的目的也就达到了。我相信我的爱,但是它却因为我的信任而变得支离破碎。我想守护我的爱,但是,它却因为我的守护,而消逝不存在。回来了?会不来了?还是,这原本就是虚幻的?忘却,是否在后悔以后?泪落满地花散尽,抬头间,洒下来的阳光迸发着重生的气息。明明说了不疼的,可为何,在转身间,却又零零落落的疼呢?漫游和延伸中,我伸开双手。我知道我错了,可是我无法更正我的错误。甚至,我愿意永远永远的错下去。寂寞曾因为消逝而存在悲哀曾因为痛苦而回来凄凄泪淡淡雨蒙而等之却许然飘飘落落数不尽梦的几方只相隔宿命千转流长化之去之也了之看不清千年虚幻又含几度摇摆只长叹哀圣月城——献给电脑前的你。
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