
第16章 Chapter III(4)

Here I call to mind our former observation of that Royall Commodity Tinne, which above one hundred yeares past, was sold for 40 shillings the hundreth, when the best velvets were sold for 10 shillings the yard: how the Merchants trading Turky found fault of his Majesties Praemption, and caused the same to be abolished, to keepe the price at 55 shillings the hundred; and bringing in Corints, Levant wines, Spices, and Indicoe (at deare rates:) used all meanes to suppresse the rising thereof: which caused forraine nations to fall into consideration thereof, and using meanes to incorporate the same, it brought that Commoditiy in estimation againe. And the saide Praemption was reestablished againe, which hath advanced the price to double the rate; whereby the stocke or wealth of the kingdome, hath been since increased 600 thousand pounds Starlin, and his Majestie hath received for his benefite 150 thousand pounds, which was gotten by forraine nations, who justly paid the same according to the value; the price of forraine Commodities considered. On the contrary, another Commodity minerall, namely Copperas, which was sold for 10 and 12 pound the Tunne, and whereof a great Trade might have beene made for other Countries: hath beene so ill governed by workmens underselling one another, and for want of good order, that the same is sold for 3 pounds the Tunne, and is become out of request in all countreys. For the best things may be marr'd in handling, which by the wisedome of the State, is to be foreseene by meanes of Merchants of experience, who might have maintained the same.

In like manner the sole importation of Spanish Tobacco, doth gaine and save the kingdome many thousand pounds yearely. For Bayes, Sayes, Perpetuanoes, and the like Commodities, which these two yeares have been solde in Spaine with 15 upon the hundred losse to procure money to buy the same, are now sold to so much profite, besides the benefite of his Majesties imposition and advancement of the Virginia and Bermodaes Plantation: the like may bee practised upon other Commodities, without incurring the inconvenciences of Monopolie.

Concerning Companies or Societies to deale in a joynt Stocke or apart: it may be thought convenient to have joynt Stockes for Remote places, as the East Indies and Persia. And albeit that some would have the same to be only outward in the employment, but in Returne to bee divided in kinde or Species of the Commodities which they Receive: yet the manner of the Portugals, is (by experience) found better to sell aslo joyntly, considering we sell unto other Nations, who pay for it, although some part thereof is sold deerer thereby within the Realme to the Subjects and inhabitants. But for other places neerer, the Merchants to deale apart under some Government, may seeme convenient.

The generall intention of all Grants by Letters Patents, for the making of any kinde of Manufactures hath Relation to set the people on worke, to recompence the Inventor for some yeares with a priviledge: but most especially, that thereby the said Manufactures or Commodities may be sold better cheape to the Subjects. What shall wee say then of those Grants, which make the Commoditie deerer to the Subject, and sell the same better cheape to the Transporter or Stranger? Surely they may be thought to be, for to set the people on worke upon the common Purse, but otherwise there is but little pollicie in it; much like unto the Silver Mines of the Duke of Brownswicke, which he maintained to his charges, called the Wilde man: which causeth him to coyne Dollers, having on the one side his Armes, and on the other side a Savage man, holding a burning Candle in his hand with an inscription, Alijs inserviendo, Consumor.

To end this point, wherein the said Author hath made good distinctions, I shall onely adde moreover, that when new inventions are found out, for the good of the Common-wealth: That the next is, to augment them by Trade in forraine parts. And to prevent that the same be not overthrowne by the knowledge of their servants or others, but that by some good priviledges and meanes, they may be maintained to the increase of Trade, for the Generall welfare of the Kingdome.

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