

In a firm, though cautious tone, Elinor thus began.

"I should be undeserving of the confidence you have honoured me with, if I felt no desire for its continuance, or no farther curiosity on its subject.I will not apologize therefore for bringing it forward again.""Thank you," cried Lucy warmly, "for breaking the ice; you have set my heart at ease by it; for I was somehow or other afraid I had offended you by what Itold you that Monday."

"Offended me! How could you suppose so? Believe me,"and Elinor spoke it with the truest sincerity, "nothing could be farther from my intention than to give you such an idea.Could you have a motive for the trust, that was not honourable and flattering to me?""And yet I do assure you," replied Lucy, her little sharp eyes full of meaning, "there seemed to me to be a coldness and displeasure in your manner that made me quite uncomfortable.I felt sure that you was angry with me;and have been quarrelling with myself ever since, for having took such a liberty as to trouble you with my affairs.

But I am very glad to find it was only my own fancy, and that you really do not blame me.If you knew what a consolation it was to me to relieve my heart speaking to you of what I am always thinking of every moment of my life, your compassion would make you overlook every thing else I am sure.""Indeed, I can easily believe that it was a very great relief to you, to acknowledge your situation to me, and be assured that you shall never have reason to repent it.

Your case is a very unfortunate one; you seem to me to be surrounded with difficulties, and you will have need of all your mutual affection to support you under them.

Mr.Ferrars, I believe, is entirely dependent on his mother.""He has only two thousand pounds of his own;it would be madness to marry upon that, though for my own part, I could give up every prospect of more without a sigh.

I have been always used to a very small income, and could struggle with any poverty for him; but I love him too well to be the selfish means of robbing him, perhaps, of all that his mother might give him if he married to please her.

We must wait, it may be for many years.With almost every other man in the world, it would be an alarming prospect;but Edward's affection and constancy nothing can deprive me of I know.""That conviction must be every thing to you;and he is undoubtedly supported by the same trust in your's.

If the strength of your reciprocal attachment had failed, as between many people, and under many circumstances it naturally would during a four years' engagement, your situation would have been pitiable, indeed."Lucy here looked up; but Elinor was careful in guarding her countenance from every expression that could give her words a suspicious tendency.

"Edward's love for me," said Lucy, "has been pretty well put to the test, by our long, very long absence since we were first engaged, and it has stood the trial so well, that I should be unpardonable to doubt it now.

I can safely say that he has never gave me one moment's alarm on that account from the first."Elinor hardly knew whether to smile or sigh at this assertion.

Lucy went on."I am rather of a jealous temper too by nature, and from our different situations in life, from his being so much more in the world than me, and our continual separation, I was enough inclined for suspicion, to have found out the truth in an instant, if there had been the slightest alteration in his behaviour to me when we met, or any lowness of spirits that I could not account for, or if he had talked more of one lady than another, or seemed in any respect less happy at Longstaple than he used to be.I do not mean to say that I am particularly observant or quick-sighted in general, but in such a case I am sure I could not be deceived.""All this," thought Elinor, "is very pretty;but it can impose upon neither of us."

"But what," said she after a short silence, "are your views? or have you none but that of waiting for Mrs.Ferrars's death, which is a melancholy and shocking extremity?--Is her son determined to submit to this, and to all the tediousness of the many years of suspense in which it may involve you, rather than run the risk of her displeasure for a while by owning the truth?""If we could be certain that it would be only for a while! But Mrs.Ferrars is a very headstrong proud woman, and in her first fit of anger upon hearing it, would very likely secure every thing to Robert, and the idea of that, for Edward's sake, frightens away all my inclination for hasty measures.""And for your own sake too, or you are carrying your disinterestedness beyond reason."Lucy looked at Elinor again, and was silent.

"Do you know Mr.Robert Ferrars?" asked Elinor.

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