

[83] Dealing with a common subject, the works of Georg Ludwig Maurer (12 volumes) study the agrarian, urban and state system of mediaeval Germany. These works are: Einleitung zur Geschichte der Mark- , Hof- , Dorf- und Stadt Verfassung und der öffentlichen Gewalt , Munchen, 1854; Geschichte der Markenverfassung in Deutschland , Erlangen, 1856; Geschichte der Fronhöfe , der Bauernhöfe und der Hofverfassung in Deutschland , Bd. I-IV, Erlangen, 1862-63; Geschichte der Dorfverfassung in Deutschland , Bd. 1-11, Erlangen, 1865-66; Geschichte der Städteverfassung in Deutschechland Bd. I-IV, Erlangen, 1869-71. The first, second and fourth of these works are devoted to a study of the German mark system.

[84] Engels ironically changes the title of Heinrich LXXII -- one of the two influential Reuss princes of the Younger branch (Reuss-Lobenstein-Ebersdorf). Greiz -- capital of the Reuss principality (Elder branch, Reuss-Greece). Schleiz -- a domain of the Reuss princes (Younger branch, Reuss-Schleiz) -- was not a possession of Heinrich LXXII.

[85] This is an expression from Frederick William IV's New Year message January 1, 1849) to the Prussian Army. For a critical assessment of this message see Marx's article "A New-Year Greeting"( MECW , Vol. 8, pp. 222-26).

[86] The reference is to the laws on maximum prices adopted by the revolutionary government during the War of Independence in North America and the National Convention during the French Revolution.

[87] A detailed criticism of the Lassallean slogan of "full" or unlimited "proceeds of labour" is given in Section 1 of Marx's Critique of the Gotha Programme .

[88] Marx intended to include the third book in Vol. II of Capital .

[89] According to a Biblical story, when Jericho was besieged by the Israelites under Joshua, its impregnable walls came tumbling down at the sound of holy trumpets and the shouts of the besiegers (Joshua 6: 1-4, 9, 19).

[90] This is an allusion to King Frederick Wilhelm IV's speech from the throne at the opening of the United Diet in Prussia on April 11, 1847, in which he stated that he would never allow "the natural relations between the monarch and the people" to be turned into "conventional, constitutional ones" and "the used up sheet of paper"take the place of "primordial holy loyalty".

[91] Engels enumerates a number of major battles in European wars of the nineteenth century.

The battle of Austerlitz (now Slavkov in Czechoslovakia), December 2, 1805, ; in which Napoleon I defeated a combined Russo-Austrian army.

The battle of Jena , October 14, 1806, in which Napoleon I crushed the Prussian army.

The battle of Königgrätz (now Hradec Kralove), or of Sadowa, July 3, 1866, in Bohemia, in which Prussian forces defeated the army of Austria and Saxony, thereby securing Prussia's victory over Austria in the war of 1866.

The battle of Sedan , September 1-2, 1870, in which Prussian forces defeated -the French army under MacMahon and compelled it to surrender.

This was the decisive battle in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71.

[92] This chapter, based on Marx's manuscript of 1877 was evidently edited by Engels in the second half of May 1894, while he was preparing the third German edition of Anti-Dühring. That is why this chapter contains a reference to the third German edition of Marx's Capital (1883). Engels restored Marx's original text as fully as possible. The main object of Marx's criticism here was the second edition of Dühring's Kritische Geschichte der Nationalökonomie und des Sozialismus , in which the author attempted to describe the history of political economy and in which Marx's teaching was the object of his libellous attacks.

[93] Mercantilism -- a school of bourgeois political economy, that emerged in the last third of the fifteenth century; it expressed the interests of the merchant bourgeoisie in the age of the primitive accumulation of capital, identified the wealth of the country with the accumulation of money and attached primary importance in this to the state. Marx called the early period of mercantilism the monetary system (see MECW , Vol. 36).

[94] William Petty's Quantulumcunque concerning Money was written in 1682 in the form of an address to Lord Halifax and published in London in 1695. Marx used the 1760 edition.

Petty's The Political anatomy of Ireland was written in 1672 and published in London in 1691.

[95] The reference here is to the French chemist A. L. Lavoisier's "De la richesse territoriale du royaume de France"and "Essai sur la population de la ville de Paris, sur la richesse et ses consommations", as well as the joint work "Essai d'arithmétique politique", written by Lavoisier and the French mathematician Lagrange published in Mélanges d'économie politique. Précédés de notices historiques sur chaque auteur , et accompagnés de commentaires et de notes explicatives , par MM E. Daire et G.

de Molinari , Vol. 1, Paris, 1847, pp. 575-620.

[96] Engels is referring here to the attempt by John Law, a Scottish economist, to put paper money into circulation in France, where his idea received support in court quarters. In 1716 he founded a private bank, the Banque generale which, in 1718, was reorganised into the state Banque royale. The unlimited issue of bank-notes by Law's bank was accompanied by the withdrawal of coins from circulation. As a result, Stock Exchange speculation reached an unprecedented scale and culminated, in 1720, in the bankruptcy of the bank and of the Law system itself.

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