Having shown what you ought to have done, I now proceed to show why it was not done.The caterpillar circle of the court had an interest to pursue, distinct from, and opposed to yours; for though by the independence of America and an alliance therewith, the trade would have continued, if not increased, as in many articles neither country can go to a better market, and though by defending and protecting herself, she would have been no expense to you, and consequently your national charges would have decreased, and your taxes might have been proportionably lessened thereby; yet the striking off so many places from the court calendar was put in opposition to the interest of the nation.The loss of thirteen government ships, with their appendages, here and in England, is a shocking sound in the ear of a hungry courtier.Your present king and ministry will be the ruin of you; and you had better risk a revolution and call a Congress, than be thus led on from madness to despair, and from despair to ruin.America has set you the example, and you may follow it and be free.
I now come to the last part, a war with France.This is what no man in his senses will advise you to, and all good men would wish to prevent.Whether France will declare war against you, is not for me in this place to mention, or to hint, even if I knew it; but it must be madness in you to do it first.The matter is come now to a full crisis, and peace is easy if willingly set about.Whatever you may think, France has behaved handsomely to you.She would have been unjust to herself to have acted otherwise than she did; and having accepted our offer of alliance she gave you genteel notice of it.
There was nothing in her conduct reserved or indelicate, and while she announced her determination to support her treaty, she left you to give the first offence.America, on her part, has exhibited a character of firmness to the world.Unprepared and unarmed, without form or government, she, singly opposed a nation that domineered over half the globe.The greatness of the deed demands respect; and though you may feel resentment, you are compelled both to wonder and admire.
Here I rest my arguments and finish my address.Such as it is, it is a gift, and you are welcome.It was always my design to dedicate a Crisis to you, when the time should come that would properly make it a Crisis; and when, likewise, I should catch myself in a temper to write it, and suppose you in a condition to read it.That time has now arrived, and with it the opportunity for conveyance.For the commissioners- poor commissioners! having proclaimed, that "yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown," have waited out the date, and, discontented with their God, are returning to their gourd.And all the harm I wish them is, that it may not wither about their ears, and that they may not make their exit in the belly of a whale.
P.S.- Though in the tranquillity of my mind I have concluded with a laugh, yet I have something to mention to the commissioners, which, to them, is serious and worthy their attention.Their authority is derived from an Act of Parliament, which likewise describes and limits their official powers.Their commission, therefore, is only a recital, and personal investiture, of those powers, or a nomination and description of the persons who are to execute them.Had it contained any thing contrary to, or gone beyond the line of, the written law from which it is derived, and by which it is bound, it would, by the English constitution, have been treason in the crown, and the king been subject to an impeachment.He dared not, therefore, put in his commission what you have put in your proclamation, that is, he dared not have authorised you in that commission to burn and destroy any thing in America.You are both in the act and in the commission styled commissioners for restoring peace, and the methods for doing it are there pointed out.Your last proclamation is signed by you as commissioners under that act.You make Parliament the patron of its contents.Yet, in the body of it, you insert matters contrary both to the spirit and letter of the act, and what likewise your king dared not have put in his commission to you.The state of things in England, gentlemen, is too ticklish for you to run hazards.You are accountable to Parliament for the execution of that act according to the letter of it.Your heads may pay for breaking it, for you certainly have broke it by exceeding it.And as a friend, who would wish you to escape the paw of the lion, as well as the belly of the whale, I civilly hint to you, to keep within compass.
Sir Harry Clinton, strictly speaking, is as accountable as the rest;for though a general, he is likewise a commissioner, acting under a superior authority.His first obedience is due to the act; and his plea of being a general, will not and cannot clear him as a commissioner, for that would suppose the crown, in its single capacity, to have a power of dispensing with an Act of Parliament.
Your situation, gentlemen, is nice and critical, and the more so because England is unsettled.Take heed! Remember the times of Charles the First! For Laud and Stafford fell by trusting to a hope like yours.
Having thus shown you the danger of your proclamation, I now show you the folly of it.The means contradict your design: you threaten to lay waste, in order to render America a useless acquisition of alliance to France.I reply, that the more destruction you commit (if you could do it) the more valuable to France you make that alliance.You can destroy only houses and goods; and by so doing you increase our demand upon her for materials and merchandise; for the wants of one nation, provided it has freedom and credit, naturally produce riches to the other; and, as you can neither ruin the land nor prevent the vegetation, you would increase the exportation of our produce in payment, which would be to her a new fund of wealth.In short, had you cast about for a plan on purpose to enrich your enemies, you could not have hit upon a better.C.S.