Hother returned from Sweden and attacked him.They both coveted sway, and the keenest contest for the sovereignty began between them; but it was cut short by the flight of Hother.He retired to Jutland, and caused to be named after him the village in which he was wont to stay.Here he passed the winter season, and then went back to Sweden alone and unattended.There he summoned the grandees, and told them that he was weary of the light of life because of the misfortunes wherewith Balder had twice victoriously stricken him.Then he took farewell of all, and went by a circuitous path to a place that was hard of access, traversing forests uncivilised.For it oft happens that those upon whom has come some inconsolable trouble of spirit seek, as though it were a medicine to drive away their sadness, far and sequestered retreats, and cannot bear the greatness of their grief amid the fellowship of men; so dear, for the most part, is solitude to sickness.For filthiness and grime are chiefly pleasing to those who have been stricken with ailments of the soul.Now he had been wont to give out from the top of a hill decrees to the people when they came to consult him; and hence when they came they upbraided the sloth of the king for hiding himself, and his absence was railed at by all with the bitterest complaints.
But Hother, when he had wandered through remotest byways and crossed an uninhabited forest, chanced to come upon a cave where dwelt some maidens whom he knew not; but they proved to be the same who had once given him the invulnerable coat.Asked by them wherefore he had come thither, he related the disastrous issue of the war.So he began to bewail the ill luck of his failures and his dismal misfortunes, condemning their breach of faith, and lamenting that it had not turned out for him as they had promised him.But the maidens said that though he had seldom come off victorious, he had nevertheless inflicted as much defeat on the enemy as they on him, and had dealt as much carnage as he had shared in.Moreover, the favour of victory would be speedily his, if he could first lay hands upon a food of extraordinary delightsomeness which had been devised to increase the strength of Balder.For nothing would be difficult if he could only get hold of the dainty which was meant to enhance the rigour of his foe.
Hard as it sounded for earthborn endeavours to make armed assault upon the gods, the words of the maidens inspired Hother's mind with instant confidence to fight with Balder.Also some of his own people said that he could not safely contend with those above; but all regard for their majesty was expelled by the boundless fire of his spirit.For in brave souls vehemence is not always sapped by reason, nor doth counsel defeat rashness.
Or perchance it was that Hother remembered how the might of the lordliest oft proveth unstable, and how a little clod can batter down great chariots.
On the other side, Balder mustered the Danes to arms and met Hother in the field.Both sides made a great slaughter; the carnage of the opposing parties was nearly equal, and night stayed the battle.About the third watch, Hother, unknown to any man, went out to spy upon the enemy, anxiety about the impending peril having banished sleep.This strong excitement favours not bodily rest, and inward disquiet suffers not outward repose.So, when he came to the camp of the enemy he heard that three maidens had gone out carrying the secret feast of Balder.He ran after them (for their footsteps in the dew betrayed their flight), and at last entered their accustomed dwelling.When they asked him who he was, he answered, a lutanist, nor did the trial belie his profession.For when the lyre was offered him, he tuned its strings, ordered and governed the chords with his quill, and with ready modulation poured forth a melody pleasant to the ear.Now they had three snakes, of whose venom they were wont to mix a strengthening compound for the food of Balder, and even now a flood of slaver was dripping on the food from the open mouths of the serpents.And some of the maidens would, for kindness sake, have given Hother a share of the dish, had not eldest of the three forbidden them, declaring that Balder would be cheated if they increased the bodily powers of his enemy.He had said, not that he was Hother, but that he was one of his company.Now the same nymphs, in their gracious kindliness, bestowed on him a belt of perfect sheen and a girdle which assured victory.
Retracing the path by which he had come, he went back on the same road, and meeting Balder plunged his sword into his side, and laid him low half dead.When the news was told to the soldiers, a cheery shout of triumph rose from all the camp of Hother, while the Danes held a public mourning for the fate of Balder.He, feeling no doubt of his impending death, and stung by the anguish of his wound, renewed the battle on the morrow; and, when it raged hotly, bade that he should be borne on a litter into the fray, that he might not seem to die ignobly within his tent.On the night following, Proserpine was seen to stand by him in a vision, and to promise that on the morrow he should have her embrace.The boding of the dream was not idle; for when three days had passed, Balder perished from the excessive torture of his wound; and his body given a royal funeral, the army causing it to be buried in a barrow which they had made.