

King Hakon, early in spring, collected a great army at Throndhjem, and fitted out ships.The people of Viken also had a great force on foot, and intended to join Hakon.King Eirik also levied people in the middle of the country; but it went badly with him to gather people, for the leading men left him, and went over to Hakon.As he saw himself not nearly strong enough to oppose Hakon, he sailed (A.D.935) out to the West sea with such men as would follow him.He first sailed to Orkney, and took many people with him from that country; and then went south towards England, plundering in Scotland, and in the north parts of England, wherever he could land.Athelstan, the king of England, sent a message to Eirik, offering him dominions under him in England; saying that King Harald his father was a good friend of King Athelstan, and therefore he would do kindly towards his sons.Messengers passed between the two kings; and it came to an agreement that King Eirik should take Northumberland as a fief from King Athelstan, and which land he should defend against the Danes or other vikings.Eirik should let himself be baptized, together with his wife and children, and all the people who had followed him.Eirik accepted this offer, and was baptized, and adopted the right faith.Northumberland is called a fifth part of England.Eirik had his residence at York, where Lodbrok's sons, it was said, had formerly been, and Northumberland was principally inhabited by Northmen.Since Lodbrok's sons had taken the country, Danes and Northmen often plundered there, when the power of the land was out of their hands.Many names of places in the country are Norwegian; as Grimsby, Haukfliot, and many others.


King Eirik had many people about him, for he kept many Northmen who had come with him from the East; and also many of his friends had joined him from Norway.But as he had little land, he went on a cruise every summer, and plundered in Scotland, the Hebrides, Ireland, and Bretland, by which he gathered property.

King Athelstan died on a sick bed, after a reign of fourteen years, eight weeds, and three days.After him his brother Jatmund was king of England, and he was no friend to the Northmen.King Eirik, also, was in no great favour with him; and the word went about that King Jatmund would set another chief over Northumberland.Now when King Eirik heard this, he set off on a viking cruise to the westward; and from the Orkneys took with him the Earls Arnkel and Erlend, the sons of Earl Torfeinar.

Then he sailed to the Hebrides, where there were many vikings and troop-kings, who joined their men to his.With all this force he steered to Ireland first, where he took with him all the men he could, and then to Bretland, and plundered; and sailed thereafter south to England, and marauded there as elsewhere.The people fled before him wherever he appeared.As King Eirik was a bold warrior, and had a great force, he trusted so much to his people that he penetrated far inland in the country, following and plundering the fugitives.King Jatmund had set a king, who was called Olaf, to defend the land; and he gathered an innumerable mass of people, with whom he marched against King Eirik.Adreadfu1 battle ensued, in which many Englishmen fell; but for one who fell came three in his place out of the country behind, and when evening came on the loss of men turned on the side of the Northmen, and many people fell.Towards the end of the day, King Eirik and five kings with him fell.Three of them were Guthorm and his two sons, Ivar and Harek: there fell, also, Sigurd and Ragnvald; and with them Torfeinar's two sons, Arnkel and Erlend.Besides these, there was a great slaughter of Northmen; and those who escaped went to Northumberland, and brought the news to Gunhild and her sons (A.D.941).


When Gunhild and her sons knew for certain that King Eirik had fallen, after having plundered the land of the King of England, they thought there was no peace to be expected for them; and they made themselves ready to depart from Northumberland, with all the ships King Eirik had left, and all the men who would go with them.They took also all the loose property, and goods which they had gathered partly as taxes in England, partly as booty on their expeditions.With their army they first steered northward to Orkney, where Thorfin Hausakljufer was earl, a son of Torfeinar, and took up their station there for a time.Eirik's sons subdued these islands and Hjaltland, took scat for themselves, and staid there all the winter; but went on viking cruises in summer to the West, and plundered in Scotland and Ireland.About this Glum Geirason sings: --"The hero who knows well to ride The sea-horse o'er the foamingtide, --He who in boyhood wild rode o'er The seaman's horse to Skanea's shore.

And showed the Danes his galley's bow, Right nobly scours the ocean now.

On Scotland's coast he lights the brand Of flaming war; with conquering hand Drives many a Scottish warrior tall To the bright seats in Odin's hall.

The fire-spark, by the fiend of war Fanned to a flame, soon spreads afar.

Crowds trembling fly, -- the southern foes Fall thick beneath the hero's blows:

The hero's blade drips red with gore, Staining the green sward on the shore."6.BATTLE IN JUTLAND.

When King Eirik had left the country, King Hakon, Athelstan's foster-son, subdued the whole of Norway.The first winter (A.D.

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