All the good sayings of the facetious houses of Absolute and Surface might have been clipped from the single character of Falstaff, without being missed.It would have been easy for that fertile mind to have given Bardolph and Shallow as much wit as Prince Hal, and to have made Dogberry and Verges retort on each other in sparkling epigrams.But he knew that such indiscriminate prodigality was, to use his own admirable language, "from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at the first and now, was, and is, to hold, as it were, the mirror up to Nature."This digression will enable our readers to understand what we mean when we say that in the Mandragola, Machiavelli has proved that he completely understood the nature of the dramatic art, and possessed talents which would have enabled him to excel in it.By the correct and vigorous delineation of human nature, it produces interest without a pleasing or skilful plot, and laughter without the least ambition of wit.The lover, not a very delicate or generous lover, and his adviser the parasite, are drawn with spirit.The hypocritical confessor is an admirable portrait.He is, if we mistake not, the original of Father Dominic, the best comic character of Dryden.But old Nicias is the glory of the piece.We cannot call to mind anything that resembles him.The follies which Moliere ridicules are those of affection, not those of fatuity.Coxcombs and pedants, not absolute simpletons, are his game.Shakspeare has indeed a vast assortment of fools; but the precise species of which we speak is not, if we remember right, to be found there.Shallow is a fool.But his animal spirits supply, to a certain degree, the place of cleverness.His talk is to that of Sir John what soda water is to champagne.It has the effervescence though not the body or the flavour.Slender and Sir Andrew Aguecheek are fools, troubled with an uneasy consciousness of their folly, which in the latter produces meekness and docility, and in the former, awkwardness, obstinacy, and confusion.Cloten is an arrogant fool, Osric a foppish fool, Ajax a savage fool; but Nicias is, as Thersites says of Patroclus, a fool positive.His mind is occupied by no strong feeling; it takes every character, and retains none; its aspect is diversified, not by passions, but by faint and transitory semblances of passion, a mock joy, a mock fear, a mock love, a mock pride, which chase each other like shadows over its surface, and vanish as soon as they appear.He is just idiot enough to be an object, not of pity or horror, but of ridicule.He bears some resemblance to poor Calandrino, whose mishaps, as recounted by Boccaccio, have made all Europe merry for more than four centuries.He perhaps resembles still more closely Simon da Villa, to whom Bruno and Buffalmacco promised the love of the Countess Civillari.Nicias is, like Simon, of a learned profession; and the dignity with which he wears the doctoral fur, renders his absurdities infinitely more grotesque.The old Tuscan is the very language for such a being.Its peculiar simplicity gives even to the most forcible reasoning and the most brilliant wit an infantine air, generally delightful, but to a foreign reader sometimes a little ludicrous.Heroes and statesmen seem to lisp when they use it.It becomes Nicias incomparably, and renders all his silliness infinitely more silly.
We may add, that the verses with which the Mandragola is interspersed, appear to us to be the most spirited and correct of all that Machiavelli has written in metre.He seems to have entertained the same opinion; for he has introduced some of them in other places.The contemporaries of the author were not blind to the merits of this striking piece.It was acted at Florence with the greatest success.Leo the Tenth was among its admirers, and by his order it was represented at Rome.
[Nothing can be more evident than that Paulus Jovius designates the Mandragola under the name of the Nicias.We should not have noticed what is so perfectly obvious.were it not that this natural and palpable misnomer has led the sagacious and industrious Bayle into a gross error.]
The Clizia is an imitation of the Casina of Plautus, which is itself an imitation of the lost kleroumenoi of Diphilus.Plautus was, unquestionably, one of the best Latin writers; but the Casina is by no means one of his best plays; nor is it one which offers great facilities to an imitator.The story is as alien from modern habits of life, as the manner in which it is developed from the modern fashion of composition.The lover remains in the country and the heroine in her chamber during the whole action, leaving their fate to be decided by a foolish father, a cunning mother, and two knavish servants.Machiavelli has executed his task with judgment and taste.He has accommodated the plot to a different state of society, and has very dexterously connected it with the history of his own times.
The relation of the trick put on the doting old lover is exquisitely humorous.It is far superior to the corresponding passage in the Latin comedy, and scarcely yields to the account which Falstaff gives of his ducking.