

We now come to the conversations which pass between Mr.Southey and Sir Thomas More, or rather between two Southeys, equally eloquent, equally angry, equally unreasonable, and equally given to talking about what they do not understand.[A passage in which some expressions used by Mr.Southey were misrepresented, certainly without any unfair intention, has been here omitted.]

Perhaps we could not select a better instance of the spirit which pervades the whole book than the passages in which Mr.Southey gives his opinion of the manufacturing system.There is nothing which he hates so bitterly.It is, according to him, a system more tyrannical than that of the feudal ages, a system of actual servitude, a system which destroys the bodies and degrades the minds of those who are engaged in it.He expresses a hope that the competition of other nations may drive us out of the field;that our foreign trade may decline; and that we may thus enjoy a restoration of national sanity and strength.But he seems to think that the extermination of the whole manufacturing population would be a blessing, if the evil could be removed in no other way.

Mr.Southey does not bring forward a single fact in support of these views; and, as it seems to us, there are facts which lead to a very different conclusion.In the first place, the poor-rate is very decidedly lower in the manufacturing than in the agricultural districts.If Mr.Southey will look over the Parliamentary returns on this subject, he will find that the amount of parochial relief required by the labourers in the different counties of England is almost exactly in inverse proportion to the degree in which the manufacturing system has been introduced into those counties.The returns for the years ending in March 1825, and in March 1828, are now before us.In the former year we find the poor-rate highest in Sussex, about twenty shillings to every inhabitant.Then come Buckinghamshire, Essex, Suffolk, Bedfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Kent, and Norfolk.

In all these the rate is above fifteen shillings a head.We will not go through the whole.Even in Westmoreland and the North Riding of Yorkshire, the rate is at more than eight shillings.In Cumberland and Monmouthshire, the most fortunate of all the agricultural districts, it is at six shillings.But in the West Riding of Yorkshire, it is as low as five shillings.and when we come to Lancashire, we find it at four shillings, one-fifth of what it is in Sussex.The returns of the year ending in March 1828 are a little, and but a little, more unfavourable to the manufacturing districts.Lancashire, even in that season of distress, required a smaller poor-rate than any other district, and little more than one-fourth of the poor-rate raised in Sussex.Cumberland alone, of the agricultural districts, was as well off as the West Riding of Yorkshire.These facts seem to indicate that the manufacturer is both in a more comfortable and in a less dependent situation than the agricultural labourer.

As to the effect of the manufacturing system on the bodily health, we must beg leave to estimate it by a standard far too low and vulgar for a mind so imaginative as that of Mr.Southey, the proportion of births and deaths.We know that, during the growth of this atrocious system, this new misery, to use the phrases of Mr.Southey, this new enormity, this birth of a portentous age, this pest which no man can approve whose heart is not scared or whose understanding has not been darkened, there has been a great diminution of mortality, and that this diminution has been greater in the manufacturing towns than anywhere else.The mortality still is, as it always was, greater in towns than in the country.But the difference has diminished in an extraordinary degree.There is the best reason to believe that the annual mortality of Manchester, about the middle of the last century, was one in twenty-eight.It is now reckoned at one in forty-five.In Glasgow and Leeds a similar improvement has taken place.Nay, the rate of mortality in those three great capitals of the manufacturing districts is now considerably less than it was, fifty years ago, over England and Wales, taken together, open country and all.We might with some plausibility maintain that the people live longer because they are better fed, better lodged, better clothed, and better attended in sickness, and that these improvements are owing to that increase of national wealth which the manufacturing system has produced.

Much more might be said on this subject.But to what end? It is not from bills of mortality and statistical tables that Mr.

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