Walpole retired from the service of his ungrateful country to his woods and paintings at Houghton; and his power devolved on the daring and eccentric Carteret.As were the ministers, so were the nations.Thirty years during which Europe had, with few interruptions, enjoyed repose, had prepared the public mind for great military efforts.A new generation had grown up, which could not remember the siege of Turin or the slaughter of Malplaquet; which knew war by nothing but its trophies; and which, while it looked with pride on the tapestries at Blenheim, or the statue in the Place of Victories, little thought by what privations, by what waste of private fortunes, by how many bitter tears, conquests must be purchased.
For a time fortune seemed adverse to the Queen of Hungary.
Frederic invaded Moravia.The French and Bavarians penetrated into Bohemia, and were there joined by the Saxons.Prague was taken.The Elector of Bavaria was raised by the suffrages of his colleagues to the Imperial throne, a throne which the practice of centuries had almost entitled the House of Austria to regard as a hereditary possession.
Yet was the spirit of the haughty daughter of the Caesars unbroken.Hungary was still hers by an unquestionable title; and although her ancestors had found Hungary the most mutinous of all their kingdoms, she resolved to trust herself to the fidelity of a people, rude indeed, turbulent, and impatient of oppression, but brave, generous, and simple-hearted.In the midst of distress and peril she had given birth to a son, afterwards the Emperor Joseph the Second.Scarcely had she arisen from her couch, when she hastened to Presburg.There, in the sight of an innumerable multitude, she was crowned with the crown and robed with the robe of St.Stephen.No spectator could restrain his tears when the beautiful young mother, still weak from child-bearing, rode, after the fashion of her fathers, up the Mount of Defiance, unsheathed the ancient sword of state, shook it towards north and south, east and west, and, with a glow on her pale face, challenged the four corners of the world to dispute her rights and those of her boy.At the first sitting of the Diet she appeared clad in deep mourning for her father, and in pathetic and dignified words implored her people to support her just cause.Magnates and deputies sprang up, half drew their sabres, and with eager voices vowed to stand by her with their lives and fortunes.Till then, her firmness had never once forsaken her before the public eye; but at that shout she sank down upon her throne, and wept aloud.Still more touching was the sight when, a few days later, she came again before the Estates of her realm, and held up before them the little Archduke in her arms.Then it was that the enthusiasm of Hungary broke forth into that war-cry which soon resounded throughout Europe, "Let us die for our King, Maria Theresa!"In the meantime, Frederic was meditating a change of policy.He had no wish to raise France to supreme power on the Continent, at the expense of the House of Hapsburg.His first object was to rob the Queen of Hungary.His second object was that, if possible, nobody should rob her but himself.He had entered into engagements with the powers leagued against Austria; but these engagements were in his estimation of no more force than the guarantee formerly given to the Pragmatic Sanction.His plan now was to secure his share of the plunder by betraying his accomplices.Maria Theresa was little inclined to listen to any such compromise; but the English Government represented to her so strongly the necessity of buying off Frederic, that she agreed to negotiate.The negotiation would not, however, have ended in a treaty, had not the arms of Frederic been crowned with a second victory.Prince Charles of Lorraine, brother-in-law to Maria Theresa, a bold and active, though unfortunate general, gave battle to the Prussians at Chotusitz, and was defeated.The King was still only a learner of the military art.He acknowledged, at a later period, that his success on this occasion was to be attributed, not at all to his own generalship, but solely to the valour and steadiness of his troops.He completely effaced, however, by his personal courage and energy, the stain which Molwitz had left on his reputation.
A peace, concluded under the English mediation, was the fruit of this battle.Maria Theresa ceded Silesia: Frederic abandoned his allies: Saxony followed his example; and the Queen was left at liberty to turn her whole force against France and Bavaria.She was everywhere triumphant.The French were compelled to evacuate Bohemia, and with difficulty effected their escape.The whole line of their retreat might be tracked by the corpses of thousands who had died of cold, fatigue, and hunger.Many of those who reached their country carried with them the seeds of death.Bavaria was overrun by bands of ferocious warriors from that bloody debatable land which lies on the frontier between Christendom and Islam.The terrible names of the Pandoor, the Croat, and the Hussar, then first became familiar to Western Europe.The unfortunate Charles of Bavaria, vanquished by Austria, betrayed by Prussia, driven from his hereditary states, and neglected by his allies, was hurried by shame and remorse to an untimely end.An English army appeared in the heart of Germany, and defeated the French at Dettingen.The Austrian captains already began to talk of completing the work of Marlborough and Eugene, and of compelling France to relinquish Alsace and the three Bishoprics.