

Still the wind continued to blow harder.By no conscious process could he measure it, for it had long since passed beyond all his experience of wind; but he knew somehow, nevertheless, that it was blowing harder.Notfar away a tree was uprooted, flinging its load of human beings to the ground.A sea washed across the strip of sand, and they were gone.Things were happening quickly.He saw a brown shoulder and a black head silhouetted against the churning white of the lagoon.The next instant that, too, had vanished.Other trees were going, falling and criss-crossing like matches.He was amazed at the power of the wind.His own tree was swaying perilously, one woman was wailing and clutching the little girl, who in turn still hung on to the cat.

The man, holding the other child, touched Raoul's arm and pointed.He looked and saw the Mormon church careering drunkenly a hundred feet away.It had been torn from its foundations, and wind and sea were heaving and shoving it toward the lagoon.A frightful wall of water caught it, tilted it, and flung it against half a dozen cocoanut trees.The bunches of human fruit fell like ripe cocoanuts.The subsiding wave showed them on the ground, some lying motionless, others squirming and writhing.They reminded him strangely of ants.He was not shocked.He had risen above horror.Quite as a matter of course he noted the succeeding wave sweep the sand clean of the human wreckage.A third wave, more colossal than any he had yet seen, hurled the church into the lagoon, where it floated off into the obscurity to leeward, half-submerged, reminding him for all the world of a Noah's ark.

He looked for Captain Lynch's house, and was surprised to find it gone.Things certainly were happening quickly.He noticed that many of the people in the trees that still held had descended to the ground.The wind had yet again increased.His own tree showed that.It no longer swayed or bent over and back.Instead, it remained practically stationary, curved in a rigid angle from the wind and merely vibrating.But the vibration was sickening.It was like that of a tuning-fork or the tongue of a jew's-harp.It was the rapidity of the vibration that made it so bad.Even though its roots held, it could not stand the strain for long.Something would have to break.

Ah, there was one that had gone.He had not seen it go, but there it stood, the remnant, broken off half-way up the trunk.One did not know what happened unless he saw it.The mere crashing of trees and wails of human despair occupied no place in that mighty volume of sound.Hechanced to be looking in Captain Lynch's direction when it happened.He saw the trunk of the tree, half-way up, splinter and part without noise.The head of the tree, with three sailors of the Aorai and the old captain sailed off over the lagoon.It did not fall to the ground, but drove through the air like a piece of chaff.For a hundred yards he followed its flight, when it struck the water.He strained his eyes, and was sure that he saw Captain Lynch wave farewell.

Raoul did not wait for anything more.He touched the native and made signs to descend to the ground.The man was willing, but his women were paralayzed from terror, and he elected to remain with them.Raoul passed his rope around the tree and slid down.A rush of salt water went over his head.He held his breath and clung desperately to the rope.The water subsided, and in the shelter of the trunk he breathed once more.He fastened the rope more securely, and then was put under by another sea.One of the women slid down and joined him, the native remaining by the other woman, the two children, and the cat.

The supercargo had noticed how the groups clinging at the bases of the other trees continually diminished.Now he saw the process work out alongside him.It required all his strength to hold on, and the woman who had joined him was growing weaker.Each time he emerged from a sea he was surprised to find himself still there, and next, surprised to find the woman still there.At last he emerged to find himself alone.He looked up.The top of the tree had gone as well.At half its original height, a splintered end vibrated.He was safe.The roots still held, while the tree had been shorn of its windage.He began to climb up.He was so weak that he went slowly, and sea after sea caught him before he was above them.Then he tied himself to the trunk and stiffened his soul to face the night and he knew not what.

He felt very lonely in the darkness.At times it seemed to him that it was the end of the world and that he was the last one left alive.Still the wind increased.Hour after hour it increased.By what he calculated was eleven o'clock, the wind had become unbelievable.It was a horrible, monstrous thing, a screaming fury, a wall that smote and passed on but that continued to smite and pass on--a wall without end.It seemed to himthat he had become light and ethereal; that it was he that was in motion; that he was being driven with inconceivable velocity through unending solidness.The wind was no longer air in motion.It had become substantial as water or quicksilver.He had a feeling that he could reach into it and tear it out in chunks as one might do with the meat in the carcass of a steer; that he could seize hold of the wind and hang on to it as a man might hang on to the face of a cliff.

  • 刀神意志


  • 墨火战姬


  • 心理罪


  • 风雨无归


  • 极品混血游天下


  • EXO之夏日恋语——初心


  • 三国缥缈录


  • 光环之主


  • 富贵长安


  • 女人好交际,职场好人气


    “女子无才便是德”的年代已经过去,从女人进入职场的那一刻起,就注定了她们要告别平庸的自己,成就辉煌的人生。而我们的Office Lady展现在众人面前的姿态万千、谈吐优雅、气质高贵、集美丽智慧于一身的形象,也说明了这一点。但是,如花般绽放的职场女性要怎样才能把最有魅力的一面展现给大家,得到大家的支持和认可,进而取得事业上的成功呢?秘诀就是:经营人际,利用人力,成就人气!人力是职场中最大的资源,职业女性若想取得成功就不能让资源浪费。而只有你的人际得到了提升,你的人脉才会贯通,人力才能发挥,人气才会上扬,人生才能成功!