

It was at this time that both the OROHENA and the Hira, running in close to the shore, began firing guns and signalling frantically.The three men stepped outside in time to see the two schooners go hastily about and head off shore, dropping mainsails and flying jibs on the run in the teeth of the squall that heeled them far over on the whitened water.Then the rain blotted them out.

"They'll be back after it's over," said Toriki."We'd better be getting out of here.""I reckon the glass has fallen some more," said Captain Lynch.

He was a white-bearded sea-captain, too old for service, who had learned that the only way to live on comfortable terms with his asthma was on Hikueru.He went inside to look at the barometer.

"Great God!" they heard him exclaim, and rushed in to join him at staring at a dial, which marked twenty-nine-twenty.

Again they came out, this time anxiously to consult sea and sky.The squall had cleared away, but the sky remained overcast.The two schooners, under all sail and joined by a third, could be seen making back.A veer in the wind induced them to slack off sheets, and five minutes afterward a sudden veer from the opposite quarter caught all three schooners aback, and those on shore could see the boom-tackles being slacked away or cast off on the jump.The sound of the surf was loud, hollow, and menacing, and a heavy swell was setting in.A terrible sheet of lightning burst before their eyes, illuminating the dark day, and the thunder rolled wildly about them.

Toriki and Levy broke into a run for their boats, the latter ambling along like a panic-stricken hippopotamus.As their two boats swept out the entrance, they passed the boat of the Aorai coming in.In the stern sheets, encouraging the rowers, was Raoul.Unable to shake the vision of the pearl from his mind, he was returning to accept Mapuhi's price of a house.

He landed on the beach in the midst of a driving thunder squall that was so dense that he collided with Huru-Huru before he saw him.

"Too late," yelled Huru-Huru."Mapuhi sold it to Toriki for fourteen hundred Chili, and Toriki sold it to Levy for twenty-five thousand francs.And Levy will sell it in France for a hundred thousand francs.Have you any tobacco?"Raoul felt relieved.His troubles about the pearl were over.He need not worry any more, even if he had not got the pearl.But he did not believe Huru-Huru.Mapuhi might well have sold it for fourteen hundred Chili, but that Levy, who knew pearls, should have paid twenty-five thousand francs was too wide a stretch.Raoul decided to interview Captain Lynch on the subject, but when he arrived at that ancient mariner's house, he found him looking wide-eyed at the barometer.

"What do you read it?" Captain Lynch asked anxiously, rubbing hisspectables and staring again at the instrument.

"Twenty-nine-ten," said Raoul."I have never seen it so low before.""I should say not!" snorted the captain."Fifty years boy and man on all the seas, and I've never seen it go down to that.Listen!"They stood for a moment, while the surf rumbled and shook the house.Then they went outside.The squall had passed.They could see the Aorai lying becalmed a mile away and pitching and tossing madly in the tremendous seas that rolled in stately procession down out of the northeast and flung themselves furiously upon the coral shore.One of the sailors from the boat pointed at the mouth of the passage and shook his head.Raoul looked and saw a white anarchy of foam and surge.

"I guess I'll stay with you tonight, Captain," he said; then turned to the sailor and told him to haul the boat out and to find shelter for himself and fellows.

"Twenty-nine flat," Captain Lynch reported, coming out from another look at the barometer, a chair in his hand.

He sat down and stared at the spectacle of the sea.The sun came out, increasing the sultriness of the day, while the dead calm still held.The seas continued to increase in magnitude.

"What makes that sea is what gets me," Raoul muttered petulantly."There is no wind, yet look at it, look at that fellow there!"Miles in length, carrying tens of thousands of tons in weight, its impact shook the frail atoll like an earthquake.Captain Lynch was startled.

"Gracious!" he bellowed, half rising from his chair, then sinking back."But there is no wind," Raoul persisted."I could understand it if therewas wind along with it."

"You'll get the wind soon enough without worryin' for it," was the grim reply.

The two men sat on in silence.The sweat stood out on their skin in myriads of tiny drops that ran together, forming blotches of moisture, which, in turn, coalesced into rivulets that dripped to the ground.They panted for breath, the old man's efforts being especially painful.A sea swept up the beach, licking around the trunks of the cocoanuts and subsiding almost at their feet.

"Way past high water mark," Captain Lynch remarked; "and I've been here eleven years." He looked at his watch."It is three o'clock."A man and woman, at their heels a motley following of brats and curs, trailed disconsolately by.They came to a halt beyond the house, and, after much irresolution, sat down in the sand.A few minutes later another family trailed in from the opposite direction, the men and women carrying a heterogeneous assortment of possessions.And soon several hundred persons of all ages and sexes were congregated about the captain's dwelling.He called to one new arrival, a woman with a nursing babe in her arms, and in answer received the information that her house had just been swept into the lagoon.

This was the highest spot of land in miles, and already, in many places on either hand, the great seas were making a clean breach of the slender ring of the atoll and surging into the lagoon.Twenty miles around stretched the ring of the atoll, and in no place was it more than fifty fathoms wide.It was the height of the diving season, and from all the islands around, even as far as Tahiti, the natives had gathered.

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