

"Suppose they call for the steward?" she suggested. ("Don't, Launce!")"Never mind. We shall be safe enough if they do. The steward has only to show himself on deck, and they will suspect nothing.""Do be quiet, Launce! I have got dreadful news to tell you. And, besides, my aunt will expect to see me with my braid sewn on again."She had brought her needle and thread with her. Whipping up the skirt of her dress on her knee, she bent forward over it, and set herself industriously to the repair of the torn trimming. In this position her lithe figure showed charmingly its firm yet easy line. The needle, in her dexterous brown fingers, flew through its work. The locker was a broad one; Launce was able to seat himself partially behind her. In this position who could have resisted the temptation to lift up her great knot of broadly-plaited black hair, and to let the warm, dusky nape of her neck disclose itself to view? Who, looking at it, could fail to revile the senseless modern fashion of dressing the hair, which hides the double beauty of form and color that nestles at the back of a woman's neck? From time to time, as the interview proceeded, Launce's lips emphasized the more important words occurring in his share of the conversation on the soft, fragrant skin which the lifted hair let him see at intervals. In Launce's place, sir, you would have done it too.

"Now, Natalie, what is the news?"

"He has spoken to papa, Launce."

"Richard Turlington?"


"D--n him!"

Natalie started. A curse addressed to the back of your neck, instantly followed by a blessing in the shape of a kiss, is a little trying when you are not prepared for it.

"Don't do that again, Launce! It was while you were on deck smoking, and when I was supposed to be fast asleep. I opened the ventilator in my cabin door, dear, and I heard every word they said. He waited till my aunt was out of the way, and he had got papa all to himself, and then he began it in that horrible, downright voice of his--'Graybrooke! how much longer am I to wait?'""Did he say that?"

"No more swearing, Launce! Those were the words. Papa didn't understand them. He only said (poor dear!)--'Bless my soul, Richard, what do you want?' Richard soon explained himself. 'Who could he be waiting for--but Me?' Papa said something about my being so young. Richard stopped his mouth directly. 'Girls were like fruit; some ripened soon, and some ripened late. Some were women at twenty, and some were women at sixteen. It was impossible to look at me, and not see that I was like a new being after my two months at sea,' and so on and so on. Papa behaved like an angel. He still tried to put it off. 'Plenty of time, Richard, plenty of time.' 'Plenty of time for _her_' (was the wretch's answer to that); 'but not for _me_. Think of all I have to offer her' (as if I cared for his money!); 'think how long Ihave looked upon her as growing up to be my wife' (growing up for _him_--monstrous!), 'and don't keep me in a state of uncertainty, which it gets harder and harder for a man in my position to endure!' He was really quite eloquent. His voice trembled. There is no doubt, dear, that he is very, very fond of me.""And you feel flattered by it, of course?""Don't talk nonsense. I feel a little frightened at it, I can tell you.""Frightened? Did _you_ notice him this morning?""I? When?"

"When your father was telling that story about the man overboard.""No. What did he do? Tell me, Launce."

"I'll tell you directly. How did it all end last night? Did your father make any sort of promise?""You know Richard's way; Richard left him no other choice. Papa had to promise before he was allowed to go to bed.""To let Turlington marry you?"

"Yes; the week after my next birthday."

"The week after next Christmas-day?"

"Yes. Papa is to speak to me as soon as we are at home again, and my married life is to begin with the New Year.""Are you in earnest, Natalie? Do you really mean to say it has gone as far as that?""They have settled everything. The splendid establishment we are to set up, the great income we are to have. I heard papa tell Richard that half his fortune should go to me on my wedding-day.

It was sickening to hear how much they made of Money, and how little they thought of Love. What am I to do, Launce?""That's easily answered, my darling. In the first place, you are to make up your mind not to marry Richard Turlington--""Do talk reasonably. You know I have done all I could. I have told papa that I can think of Richard as a friend, but not as a husband. He only laughs at me, and says, 'Wait a little, and you will alter your opinion, my dear.' You see Richard is everything to him; Richard has always managed his affairs, and has saved him from losing by bad speculations; Richard has known me from the time when I was a child; Richard has a splendid business, and quantities of money. Papa can't even imagine that I can resist Richard. I have tried my aunt; I have told her he is too old for me. All she says is, 'Look at your father; he was much older than your mother, and what a happy marriage theirs was.' Even if Isaid in so many words, 'I won't marry Richard,' what good would it do to us? Papa is the best and dearest old man in the world;but oh, he is so fond of money! He believes in nothing else. He would be furious--yes, kind as he is, he would be furious--if Ieven hinted that I was fond of _you_. Any man who proposed to marry me--if he couldn't match the fortune that I should bring him by a fortune of his own--would be a lunatic in papa's eyes.

He wouldn't think it necessary to answer him; he would ring the bell, and have him shown out of the house. I am exaggerating nothing, Launce; you know I am speaking the truth. There is no hope in the future--that I can see--for either of us.

"Have you done, Natalie? I have something to say on my side if you have.""What is it?"

"If things go on as they are going on now, shall I tell you how it will end? It will end in your being Turlington's wife.""Never!"

  • 我的男神权志龙老公


  • TFBOYS的夏天爱恋


  • 水浒传之谜


  • 你的薪水从哪里来


  • 贞观公子哥


  • 九界异之孽龙道


  • 门派之前世因果


  • 圣域九重天


  • 福妻驾到


  • 无端惹桃花:捡到翘家首富

