

Of late there had been a tendency to discuss the questions relating to the true status and the legitimate social functions of woman.The most conflicting views were held on the subject.Many of the young ladies and some of the University students were strong in defence of all the "woman's rights"doctrines.Some of these young people were extreme in their views.They had read about Semiramis and Boadicea and Queen Elizabeth,until they were ready,if they could get the chance,to vote for a woman as President of the United States or as General of the United States Army.They were even disposed to assert the physical equality of woman to man,on the strength of the rather questionable history of the Amazons,and especially of the story,believed to be authentic,of the female body-guard of the King of Dahomey,--females frightful enough to need no other weapon than their looks to scare off an army of Cossacks.

Miss Lurida Vincent,gold medallist of her year at the Corinna Institute,was the leader of these advocates of virile womanhood.It was rather singular that she should have elected to be the apostle of this extreme doctrine,for she was herself far better equipped with brain than muscles.In fact,she was a large-headed,large-eyed,long-eyelashed,slender-necked,slightly developed young woman;looking almost like a child at an age when many of the girls had reached their full stature and proportions.In her studies she was so far in advance of her different classes that there was always a wide gap between her and the second scholar.So fatal to all rivalry had she proved herself that she passed under the school name of The Terror.She learned so easily that she undervalued her own extraordinary gifts,and felt the deepest admiration for those of her friends endowed with faculties of an entirely different and almost opposite nature.After sitting at her desk until her head was hot and her feet were like ice,she would go and look at the blooming young girls exercising in the gymnasium of the school,and feel as if she would give all her knowledge,all her mathematics and strange tongues and history,all those accomplishments that made her the encyclopaedia of every class she belonged to,if she could go through the series of difficult and graceful exercises in which she saw her schoolmates delighting.

One among them,especially,was the object of her admiration,as she was of all who knew her exceptional powers in the line for which nature had specially organized her.All the physical perfections which Miss Lurida had missed had been united in Miss Euthymia Tower,whose school name was The Wonder.Though of full womanly stature,there were several taller girls of her age.While all her contours and all her movements betrayed a fine muscular development,there was no lack of proportion,and her finely shaped hands and feet showed that her organization was one of those carefully finished masterpieces of nature which sculptors are always in search of,and find it hard to detect among the imperfect products of the living laboratory.

This girl of eighteen was more famous than she cared to be for her performances in the gymnasium.She commonly contented herself with the same exercises that her companions were accustomed to.Only her dumb-bells,with which she exercised easily and gracefully,were too heavy for most of the girls to do more with than lift them from the floor.She was fond of daring feats on the trapeze,and had to be checked in her indulgence in them.The Professor of gymnastics at the University came over to the Institute now and then,and it was a source of great excitement to watch some of the athletic exercises in which the young lady showed her remarkable muscular strength and skill in managing herself in the accomplishment of feats which looked impossible at first sight.How often The Terror had thought to herself that she would gladly give up all her knowledge of Greek and the differential and integral calculus if she could only perform the least of those feats which were mere play to The Wonder!Miss Euthymia was not behind the rest in her attainments in classical or mathematical knowledge,and she was one of the very best students in the out-door branches,--botany,mineralogy,sketching from nature,--to be found among the scholars of the Institute.

There was an eight-oared boat rowed by a crew of the young ladies,of which Miss Euthymia was the captain and pulled the bow oar.Poor little Lurida could not pull an oar,but on great occasions,when there were many boats out,she was wanted as coxswain,being a mere feather-weight,and quick-witted enough to serve well in the important office where brains are more needed than muscle.

  • 幼科推拿秘书


  • 冯氏锦囊秘录




  • 医原


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  • 晓惠的股神邻居


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