
第52章 The Magic(4)

"He was one of the Large Family,the little one with the round legs--the one I call Guy Clarence.I suppose his nursery was crammed with Christmas presents and hampers full of cakes and things,and he could see I had nothing."

Ermengarde gave a little jump backward.The last sentences had recalled something to her troubled mind and given her a sudden inspiration.

"Oh,Sara!"she cried."What a silly thing I am not to have thought of it!"

"Of what?"

"Something splendid!"said Ermengarde,in an excited hurry.

"This very afternoon my nicest aunt sent me a box.It is full of good things.I never touched it,I had so much pudding at dinner,and I was so bothered about papa's books."Her words began to tumble over each other."It's got cake in it,and little meat pies,and jam tarts and buns,and oranges and red-currant wine,and figs and chocolate.I'll creep back to my room and get it this minute,and we'll eat it now."

Sara almost reeled.When one is faint with hunger the mention of food has sometimes a curious effect.She clutched Ermengarde's arm.

"Do you think--you COULD>?she ejaculated.

"I know I could,"answered Ermengarde,and she ran to the door--opened it softly--put her head out into the darkness,and listened.

Then she went back to Sara."The lights are out.Everybody's in bed.

I can creep--and creep--and no one will hear."

It was so delightful that they caught each other's hands and a sudden light sprang into Sara's eyes.

"Ermie!"she said."Let us PRETEND>!Let us pretend it's a party!

And oh,won't you invite the prisoner in the next cell?"

"Yes!Yes!Let us knock on the wall now.The jailer won't hear."

Sara went to the wall.Through it she could hear poor Becky crying more softly.She knocked four times.

"That means,`Come to me through the secret passage under the wall,'she explained.`I have something to communicate.'"

Five quick knocks answered her.

"She is coming,"she said.

Almost immediately the door of the attic opened and Becky appeared.

Her eyes were red and her cap was sliding off,and when she caught sight of Ermengarde she began to rub her face nervously with her apron.

"Don't mind me a bit,Becky!"cried Ermengarde.

"Miss Ermengarde has asked you to come in,"said Sara,"because she is going to bring a box of good things up here to us."

Becky's cap almost fell off entirely,she broke in with such excitement.

"To eat,miss?"she said."Things that's good to eat?"

"Yes,"answered Sara,"and we are going to pretend a party."

"And you shall have as much as you WANT to eat,"put in Ermengarde.

"I'll go this minute!"

She was in such haste that as she tiptoed out of the attic she dropped her red shawl and did not know it had fallen.No one saw it for a minute or so.Becky was too much overpowered by the good luck which had befallen her.

"Oh,miss!oh,miss!"she gasped;"I know it was you that asked her to let me come.It--it makes me cry to think of it."And she went to Sara's side and stood and looked at her worshipingly.

But in Sara's hungry eyes the old light had begun to glow and transform her world for her.Here in the attic--with the cold night outside--with the afternoon in the sloppy streets barely passed--with the memory of the awful unfed look in the beggar child's eyes not yet faded--this simple,cheerful thing had happened like a thing of magic.

She caught her breath.

"Somehow,something always happens,"she cried,"just before things get to the very worst.It is as if the Magic did it.If I could only just remember that always.The worst thing never QUITE comes."

She gave Becky a little cheerful shake.

"No,no!You mustn't cry!"she said."We must make haste and set the table."

"Set the table,miss?"said Becky,gazing round the room.

"What'll we set it with?"

Sara looked round the attic,too.

"There doesn't seem to be much,"she answered,half laughing.

That moment she saw something and pounced upon it.It was Ermengarde's red shawl which lay upon the floor.

"Here's the shawl,"she cried."I know she won't mind it.

It will make such a nice red tablecloth."

They pulled the old table forward,and threw the shawl over it.

Red is a wonderfully kind and comfortable color.It began to make the room look furnished directly.

"How nice a red rug would look on the floor!"exclaimed Sara.

"We must pretend there is one!"

Her eye swept the bare boards with a swift glance of admiration.

The rug was laid down already.

"How soft and thick it is!"she said,with the little laugh which Becky knew the meaning of;and she raised and set her foot down again delicately,as if she felt something under {i}t.

"Yes,miss,"answered Becky,watching her with serious rapture.

She was always quite serious.

"What next,now?"said Sara,and she stood still and put her hands over her eyes."Something will come if I think and wait a little"--in a soft,expectant voice."The Magic will tell me."

One of her favorite fancies was that on "the outside,"as she called it,thoughts were waiting for people to call them.

Becky had seen her stand and wait many a time before,and knew that in a few seconds she would uncover an enlightened,laughing face.

In a moment she did.

"There!"she cried."It has come!I know now!I must look among the things in the old trunk I had when I was a princess."

She flew to its corner and kneeled down.It had not been put in the attic for her benefit,but because there was no room for it elsewhere.Nothing had been left in it but rubbish.

But she knew she should find something.The Magic always arranged that kind of thing in one way or another.

In a corner lay a package so insignificant-looking that it had been overlooked,and when she herself had found it she had kept it as a relic.It contained a dozen small white handkerchiefs.

She seized them joyfully and ran to the table.She began to arrange them upon the red table-cover,patting and coaxing them into shape with the narrow lace edge curling outward,her Magic working its spells for her as she did it.

"These are the plates,"she said."They are golden plates.

  • Brother Jacob

    Brother Jacob

  • 古意


  • 佛说普法义经


  • 北窗炙輠录


  • 词旨


  • 半鬼坡


  • 坠仙落


  • 梦里,风轻扬


  • 现世神


  • 星魂大陆


  • 楞头保镖


  • 樱兰贵族学院:王子请留步


  • 金刚般若波罗蜜经-菩提流支


  • 小确幸:生如夏花


  • 夏锦希年

