
第16章 AN OLD STORY.(2)

"I really do not know," she said. "She is not engaged?""Not that I know of." "You speak hesitatingly.""Because I am not sure. But he may ask. She cannot but be flattered.""Quite so. I tell him that it is the most practical compliment which a man can pay to a woman. He is a little shy, but when he sets himself to do it he will do it. He is very much in love with her, I assure you. These little lively people always do attract the slow and heavy ones, which is nature's device for the neutralizing of bores. But they are all going in. I think if you will allow me that I will just take the opportunity to tell him that, as far as you know, there is no positive obstacle in the way.""As far as I know, "Clara repeated, as the widow moved away towhere the players were grouped round the net, or sauntering slowly towards the house. She rose to follow her, but her head was in a whirl with new thoughts, and she sat down again. Which would be best for Ida, Harold or Charles? She thought it over with as much solicitude as a mother who plans for her only child. Harold had seemed to her to be in many ways the noblest and the best young man whom she had known. If ever she was to love a man it would be such a man as that. But she must not think of herself. She had reason to believe that both these men loved her sister. Which would be the best for her? But perhaps the matter was already decided. She could not forget the scrap of conversation which she had heard the night before, nor the secret which her sister had refused to confide to her. If Ida would not tell her, there was but one person who could. She raised her eyes and there was Harold Denver standing before her.

"You were lost in your thoughts," said he, smiling. "I hope that they were pleasant ones.""Oh, I was planning," said she, rising. "It seems rather a waste of time as a rule, for things have a way of working themselves out just as you least expect.""What were you planning, then?" "The future.""Whose?"

"Oh, my own and Ida's."

"And was I included in your joint futures? "I hope all our friends were included.""Don't go in," said he, as she began to move slowly towards the house. "I wanted to have a word. Let us stroll up and down the lawn. Perhaps you are cold. If you are, I could bring you out a shawl.""Oh, no, I am not cold."

"I was speaking to your sister Ida last night." She noticed that there was a slight quiver in his voice, and, glancing up at his dark, clear-cut face, she saw that he was very grave. She felt that it was settled, that he had come to ask her for her sister's hand.

"She is a charming girl," said he, after a pause.

"Indeed she is," cried Clara warmly. "And no one who has not lived with her and known her intimately can tell how charming and good she is. She is like a sunbeam in the house.""No one who was not good could be so absolutely happy as she seems to be. Heaven's last gift, I think, is a mind so pure and a spirit so high that it is unable even to see what is impure and evil in the world around us. For as long as we can see it, how can we be truly happy?""She has a deeper side also. She does not turn it to the world, and it is not natural that she should, for she is very young. But she thinks, and has aspirations of her own.""You cannot admire her more than I do. Indeed, Miss Walker, I only ask to be brought into nearer relationship with her, and to feel that there is a permanent bond between us."It had come at last. For a moment her heart was numbed within her, and then a flood of sisterly love carried all before it. Down with that dark thought which would still try to raise its unhallowed head! She turned to Harold with sparkling eyes and words of pleasure upon her lips.

  • 梦魔之荒园


  • 愚庵智及禅师语录


  • 天行健1:奔掠如火


    《天行健1》是一部波澜壮阔的虚构史书,作者架构了一个战争时代。战争的惨烈、勇士的无畏、情节的万变都牵动人心。武侯率领的帝国军攻下了 共和军的最后一座城池——高鹫城。作为前锋营百夫长的我(楚休红),因为第一个劈开了城门,而被武侯器重,赐予一把名为“百辟”的宝刀。但灾难随之降临,还沉浸在胜利狂欢中的帝国军,突然遭到了一群蛇人的袭击。这些蛇人怎么会突然出现?他们来自哪里?在蛇人的营地里,有伏羲和女娲的形象,这 一切能否解开蛇人的谜团?重重封锁之下,我和另外七人乘坐飞行机逃离了高鹫城,其中一位就是我心仪的人,但迎接我们的命运却露出了狰狞的面目……
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  • 进击的前妻


  • 心随彩虹天堂


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