

In one point Montrose changed his mind.Having judged it unfit to take the boy Kenneth into his own service,lest,in case of his birth being discovered,it should be resented as an offence by the numerous clans who entertained a feudal enmity to this devoted family,he requested the Major to take him in attendance upon himself;and as he accompanied this request with a handsome DOUCEUR,under pretence of clothing and equipping the lad,this change was agreeable to all parties.

It was about breakfast-time,when Major Dalgetty,being dismissed by Montrose,went in quest of his old acquaintances,Lord Menteith and the M'Aulays,to whom he longed to communicate his own adventures,as well as to learn from them the particulars of the campaign.It may be imagined he was received with great glee by men to whom the late uniformity of their military life had rendered any change of society an interesting novelty.Allan M'Aulay alone seemed to recoil from his former acquaintance,although,when challenged by his brother,he could render no other reason than a reluctance to be familiar with one who had been so lately in the company of Argyle,and other enemies.

Major Dalgetty was a little alarmed by this sort of instinctive consciousness which Allan seemed to entertain respecting the society he had been lately keeping;he was soon satisfied,however,that the perceptions of the seer in this particular were not infallible.

As Ranald MacEagh was to be placed under Major Dalgetty's protection and superintendence,it was necessary he should present him to those persons with whom he was most likely to associate.The dress of the old man had,in the meantime,been changed from the tartan of his clan to a sort of clothing peculiar to the men of the distant Isles,resembling a waistcoat with sleeves,and a petticoat,all made in one piece.This dress was laced from top to bottom in front,and bore some resemblance to that called Polonaise,still worn by children in Scotland of the lower rank.The tartan hose and bonnet completed the dress,which old men of the last century remembered well to have seen worn by the distant Islesmen who came to the Earl of Mar's standard in the year 1715.

Major Dalgetty,keeping his eye on Allan as he spoke,introduced Ranald MacEagh under the fictitious name of Ranald MacGillihuron in Benbecula,who had escaped with him out of Argyle's prison.

He recommended him as a person skilful in the arts of the harper and the senachie,and by no means contemptible in the quality of a second-sighted person or seer.While making this exposition,Major Dalgetty stammered and hesitated in a way so unlike the usual glib forwardness of his manner,that he could not have failed to have given suspicion to Allan M'Aulay,had not that person's whole attention been engaged in steadily perusing the features of the person thus introduced to him.This steady gaze so much embarrassed Ranald MacEagh,that his hand was beginning to sink down towards his dagger,in expectation of a hostile assault,when Allan,suddenly crossing the floor of the hut,extended his hand to him in the way of friendly greeting.They sat down side by side,and conversed in a low mysterious tone of voice.Menteith and Angus M'Aulay were not surprised at this,for there prevailed among the Highlanders who pretended to the second-sight,a sort of Freemasonry,which generally induced them,upon meeting,to hold communication with each other on the nature and extent of their visionary experiences.

"Does the sight come gloomy upon your spirits?"said Allan to his new acquaintance.

"As dark as the shadow upon the moon,"replied Ranald,"when she is darkened in her mid-course in heaven,and prophets foretell of evil times."

"Come hither,"said Allan,"come more this way,I would converse with you apart;for men say that in your distant islands the sight is poured forth with more clearness and power than upon us,who dwell near the Sassenach."

While they were plunged into their mystic conference,the two English cavaliers entered the cabin in the highest possible spirits,and announced to Angus M'Aulay that orders had been issued that all should hold themselves in readiness for an immediate march to the westward.Having delivered themselves of their news with much glee,they paid their compliments to their old acquaintance Major Dalgetty,whom they instantly recognised,and enquired after the health of his charger,Gustavus.

"I humbly thank you,gentlemen,"answered the soldier,"Gustavas is well,though,like his master,somewhat barer on the ribs than when you offered to relieve me of him at Darnlinvarach;and let me assure you,that before you have made one or two of those marches which you seem to contemplate with so much satisfaction in prospect,you will leave,my good knights,some of your English beef,and probably an English horse or two,behind you."

Both exclaimed that they cared very little what they found or what they left,provided the scene changed from dogging up and down Angus and Aberdeenshire,in pursuit of an enemy who would neither fight nor run away.

"If such be the case,"said Angus M'Aulay,"I must give orders to my followers,and make provision too for the safe conveyance of Annot Lyle;for an advance into M'Callum More's country will be a farther and fouler road than these pinks of Cumbrian knighthood are aware of."So saying,he left the cabin.

"Annot Lyle!"repeated Dalgetty,"is she following the campaign?"

"Surely,"replied Sir Giles Musgrave,his eye glancing slightly from Lord Menteith to Allan M'Aulay;"we could neither march nor fight,advance nor retreat,without the influence of the Princess of Harps."

"The Princess of Broadswords and Targets,I say,"answered his companion;"for the Lady of Montrose herself could not be more courteously waited upon;she has four Highland maidens,and as many bare-legged gillies,to wait upon her orders."

  • 梼杌闲评


  • 小儿肛胀门


  • 注十疑论


  • 郊庙歌辞 德明兴圣

    郊庙歌辞 德明兴圣

  • 武经总要


  • 追忆往昔


  • 步摇惜之半世倾城半世妖娆


  • 鸿武界


  • 最后一棵樱花草


  • 毅性相兮


  • 白色眷恋


  • 通天之梦幻江湖


  • 你敢说你爱我吗


  • 血羽殇


  • 终极强医

