

They had not advanced above half way up the lake,and the young gentleman was pointing to his attendants the spot where their intended road turned northwards,and,leaving the verge of the loch,ascended a ravine to the right hand,when they discovered a single horseman coming down the shore,as if to meet them.The gleam of the sunbeams upon his head-piece and corslet showed that he was in armour,and the purpose of the other travellers required that he should not pass unquestioned."We must know who he is,"said the young gentleman,"and whither he is going."And putting spurs to his horse,he rode forward as fast as the rugged state of the road would permit,followed by his two attendants,until he reached the point where the pass along the side of the lake was intersected by that which descended from the ravine,securing thus against the possibility of the stranger eluding them,by turning into the latter road before they came up with him.

The single horseman had mended his pace,when he first observed the three riders advance rapidly towards him;but when he saw them halt and form a front,which completely occupied the path,he checked his horse,and advanced with great deliberation;so that each party had an opportunity to take a full survey of the other.The solitary stranger was mounted upon an able horse,fit for military service,and for the great weight which he had to carry,and his rider occupied his demipique,or war-saddle,with an air that showed it was his familiar seat.He had a bright burnished head-piece,with a plume of feathers,together with a cuirass,thick enough to resist a musket-ball,and a back-piece of lighter materials.These defensive arms he wore over a buff jerkin,along with a pair of gauntlets,or steel gloves,the tops of which reached up to his elbow,and which,like the rest of his armour,were of bright steel.At the front of his military saddle hung a case of pistols,far beyond the ordinary size,nearly two feet in length,and carrying bullets of twenty to the pound.A buff belt,with a broad silver buckle,sustained on one side a long straight double-edged broadsword,with a strong guard,and a blade calculated either to strike or push.On the right side hung a dagger of about eighteen inches in length;a shoulder-belt sustained at his back a musketoon or blunderbuss,and was crossed by a bandelier containing his charges of ammunition.Thigh-pieces of steel,then termed taslets,met the tops of his huge jack-boots,and completed the equipage of a well-armed trooper of the period.

The appearance of the horseman himself corresponded well with his military equipage,to which he had the air of having been long inured.He was above the middle size,and of strength sufficient to bear with ease the weight of his weapons,offensive and defensive.His age might be forty and upwards,and his countenance was that of a resolute weather-beaten veteran,who had seen many fields,and brought away in token more than one scar.At the distance of about thirty yards he halted and stood fast,raised himself on his stirrups,as if to reconnoitre and ascertain the purpose of the opposite party,and brought his musketoon under his right arm,ready for use,if occasion should require it.In everything but numbers,he had the advantage of those who seemed inclined to interrupt his passage.

The leader of the party was,indeed,well mounted and clad in a buff coat,richly embroidered,the half-military dress of the period;but his domestics had only coarse jackets of thick felt,which could scarce be expected to turn the edge of a sword,if wielded by a strong man;and none of them had any weapons,save swords and pistols,without which gentlemen,or their attendants,during those disturbed times,seldom stirred abroad.

When they had stood at gaze for about a minute,the younger gentleman gave the challenge which was then common in the mouth of all strangers who met in such circumstances--"For whom are you?"

"Tell me first,"answered the soldier,"for whom are you?--the strongest party should speak first."

"We are for God and King Charles,"answered the first speaker.--"

Now tell your faction,you know ours."

"I am for God and my standard,"answered the single horseman.

"And for which standard?"replied the chief of the other party --"Cavalier or Roundhead,King or Convention?"

"By my troth,sir,"answered the soldier,"I would be loath to reply to you with an untruth,as a thing unbecoming a cavalier of fortune and a soldier.But to answer your query with beseeming veracity,it is necessary I should myself have resolved to whilk of the present divisions of the kingdom I shall ultimately adhere,being a matter whereon my mind is not as yet preceesely ascertained."

"I should have thought,"answered the gentleman,"that,when loyalty and religion are at stake,no gentleman or man of honour could be long in choosing his party."

"Truly,sir,"replied the trooper,"if ye speak this in the way of vituperation,as meaning to impugn my honour or genteelity,I would blithely put the same to issue,venturing in that quarrel with my single person against you three.But if you speak it in the way of logical ratiocination,whilk I have studied in my youth at the Mareschal-College of Aberdeen,I am ready to prove to ye LOGICE,that my resolution to defer,for a certain season,the taking upon me either of these quarrels,not only becometh me as a gentleman and a man of honour,but also as a person of sense and prudence,one imbued with humane letters in his early youth,and who,from thenceforward,has followed the wars under the banner of the invincible Gustavus,the Lion of the North,and under many other heroic leaders,both Lutheran and Calvinist,Papist and Arminian."

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