

The agonized appeal went too straight to Mrs.Dornell's heart for her to hear it unmoved.Yet,things having come to this pass,what could she do?She was distracted,and for a moment was on Betty's side.Her original thought had been to write an affirmative reply to Reynard,allow him to come on to King's-Hintock,and keep her husband in ignorance of the whole proceeding till he should arrive from Falls on some fine day after his recovery,and find everything settled,and Reynard and Betty living together in harmony.But the events of the day,and her daughter's sudden outburst of feeling,had overthrown this intention.Betty was sure to do as she had threatened,and communicate instantly with her father,possibly attempt to fly to him.Moreover,Reynard's letter was addressed to Mr.Dornell and herself conjointly,and she could not in conscience keep it from her husband.

'I will send the letter on to your father instantly,'she replied soothingly.'He shall act entirely as he chooses,and you know that will not be in opposition to your wishes.He would ruin you rather than thwart you.I only hope he may be well enough to bear the agitation of this news.Do you agree to this?'

Poor Betty agreed,on condition that she should actually witness the despatch of the letter.Her mother had no objection to offer to this;but as soon as the horseman had cantered down the drive toward the highway,Mrs.Dornell's sympathy with Betty's recalcitration began to die out.The girl's secret affection for young Phelipson could not possibly be condoned.Betty might communicate with him,might even try to reach him.Ruin lay that way.Stephen Reynard must be speedily installed in his proper place by Betty's side.

She sat down and penned a private letter to Reynard,which threw light upon her plan.

'It is Necessary that I should now tell you,'she said,'what I have never Mentioned before--indeed I may have signified the Contrary--that her Father's Objection to your joining her has not as yet been overcome.As I personally Wish to delay you no longer--am indeed as anxious for your Arrival as you can be yourself,having the good of my Daughter at Heart--no course is left open to me but to assist your Cause without my Husband's Knowledge.He,I am sorry to say,is at present ill at Falls-Park,but I felt it my Duty to forward him your Letter.He will therefore be like to reply with a peremptory Command to you to go back again,for some Months,whence you came,till the Time he originally stipulated has expir'd.My Advice is,if you get such a Letter,to take no Notice of it,but to come on hither as you had proposed,letting me know the Day and Hour (after dark,if possible)at which we may expect you.Dear Betty is with me,and I warrant ye that she shall be in the House when you arrive.'

Mrs.Dornell,having sent away this epistle unsuspected of anybody,next took steps to prevent her daughter leaving the Court,avoiding if possible to excite the girl's suspicions that she was under restraint.But,as if by divination,Betty had seemed to read the husband's approach in the aspect of her mother's face.

'He is coming!'exclaimed the maiden.

'Not for a week,'her mother assured her.

'He is then--for certain?'


Betty hastily retired to her room,and would not be seen.

To lock her up,and hand over the key to Reynard when he should appear in the hall,was a plan charming in its simplicity,till her mother found,on trying the door of the girl's chamber softly,that Betty had already locked and bolted it on the inside,and had given directions to have her meals served where she was,by leaving them on a dumb-waiter outside the door.

Thereupon Mrs.Dornell noiselessly sat down in her boudoir,which,as well as her bed-chamber,was a passage-room to the girl's apartment,and she resolved not to vacate her post night or day till her daughter's husband should appear,to which end she too arranged to breakfast,dine,and sup on the spot.It was impossible now that Betty should escape without her knowledge,even if she had wished,there being no other door to the chamber,except one admitting to a small inner dressing-room inaccessible by any second way.

But it was plain that the young girl had no thought of escape.Her ideas ran rather in the direction of intrenchment:she was prepared to stand a siege,but scorned flight.This,at any rate,rendered her secure.As to how Reynard would contrive a meeting with her coy daughter while in such a defensive humour,that,thought her mother,must be left to his own ingenuity to discover.

Betty had looked so wild and pale at the announcement of her husband's approaching visit,that Mrs.Dornell,somewhat uneasy,could not leave her to herself.She peeped through the keyhole an hour later.Betty lay on the sofa,staring listlessly at the ceiling.

'You are looking ill,child,'cried her mother.'You've not taken the air lately.Come with me for a drive.'

Betty made no objection.Soon they drove through the park towards the village,the daughter still in the strained,strung-up silence that had fallen upon her.They left the park to return by another route,and on the open road passed a cottage.

Betty's eye fell upon the cottage-window.Within it she saw a young girl about her own age,whom she knew by sight,sitting in a chair and propped by a pillow.The girl's face was covered with scales,which glistened in the sun.She was a convalescent from smallpox--a disease whose prevalence at that period was a terror of which we at present can hardly form a conception.

An idea suddenly energized Betty's apathetic features.She glanced at her mother;Mrs.Dornell had been looking in the opposite direction.Betty said that she wished to go back to the cottage for a moment to speak to a girl in whom she took an interest.Mrs.

  • Persuasion


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