

Reads 'Against the Duke of Suffolk, for enclosing the commons of Melford.' How now, sir knave! Second Petitioner Alas, sir, I am but a poor petitioner of our whole township. PETER [Giving his petition] Against my master, Thomas Horner, for saying that the Duke of York was rightful heir to the crown. QUEEN MARGARET What sayst thou? did the Duke of York say he was rightful heir to the crown? PETER That my master was? no, forsooth: my master said that he was, and that the king was an usurper. SUFFOLK Who is there?

Enter Servant Take this fellow in, and send for his master with a pursuivant presently: we'll hear more of your matter before the King.

Exit Servant with PETER QUEEN MARGARET And as for you, that love to be protected Under the wings of our protector's grace, Begin your suits anew, and sue to him.

Tears the supplication Away, base cullions! Suffolk, let them go. ALL Come, let's be gone.

Exeunt QUEEN MARGARET My Lord of Suffolk, say, is this the guise, Is this the fashion in the court of England?

Is this the government of Britain's isle, And this the royalty of Albion's king?

What shall King Henry be a pupil still Under the surly Gloucester's governance?

Am I a queen in title and in style, And must be made a subject to a duke?

I tell thee, Pole, when in the city Tours Thou ran'st a tilt in honour of my love And stolest away the ladies' hearts of France, I thought King Henry had resembled thee In courage, courtship and proportion:

But all his mind is bent to holiness, To number Ave-Maries on his beads;His champions are the prophets and apostles, His weapons holy saws of sacred writ, His study is his tilt-yard, and his loves Are brazen images of canonized saints.

I would the college of the cardinals Would choose him pope, and carry him to Rome, And set the triple crown upon his head:

That were a state fit for his holiness. SUFFOLK Madam, be patient: as I was cause Your highness came to England, so will IIn England work your grace's full content. QUEEN MARGARET Beside the haughty protector, have we Beaufort, The imperious churchman, Somerset, Buckingham, And grumbling York: and not the least of these But can do more in England than the king. SUFFOLK And he of these that can do most of all Cannot do more in England than the Nevils:

Salisbury and Warwick are no simple peers. QUEEN MARGARET Not all these lords do vex me half so much As that proud dame, the lord protector's wife.

She sweeps it through the court with troops of ladies, More like an empress than Duke Humphrey's wife:

Strangers in court do take her for the queen:

She bears a duke's revenues on her back, And in her heart she scorns our poverty:

Shall I not live to be avenged on her?

Contemptuous base-born callet as she is, She vaunted 'mongst her minions t'other day, The very train of her worst wearing gown Was better worth than all my father's lands, Till Suffolk gave two dukedoms for his daughter. SUFFOLK Madam, myself have limed a bush for her, And placed a quire of such enticing birds, That she will light to listen to the lays, And never mount to trouble you again.

So, let her rest: and, madam, list to me;For I am bold to counsel you in this.

Although we fancy not the cardinal, Yet must we join with him and with the lords, Till we have brought Duke Humphrey in disgrace.

As for the Duke of York, this late complaint Will make but little for his benefit.

So, one by one, we'll weed them all at last, And you yourself shall steer the happy helm.

Sound a sennet. Enter KING HENRY VI, GLOUCESTER, CARDINAL, BUCKINGHAM, YORK, SOMERSET, SALISBURY, WARWICK, and the DUCHESS KING HENRY VI For my part, noble lords, I care not which;Or Somerset or York, all's one to me. YORK If York have ill demean'd himself in France, Then let him be denay'd the regentship. SOMERSET If Somerset be unworthy of the place, Let York be regent; I will yield to him. WARWICK Whether your grace be worthy, yea or no, Dispute not that: York is the worthier. CARDINAL Ambitious Warwick, let thy betters speak. WARWICK The cardinal's not my better in the field. BUCKINGHAM All in this presence are thy betters, Warwick. WARWICK Warwick may live to be the best of all. SALISBURY Peace, son! and show some reason, Buckingham, Why Somerset should be preferred in this. QUEEN MARGARET Because the king, forsooth, will have it so. GLOUCESTER Madam, the king is old enough himself To give his censure: these are no women's matters. QUEEN MARGARET If he be old enough, what needs your grace To be protector of his excellence? GLOUCESTER Madam, I am protector of the realm;And, at his pleasure, will resign my place. SUFFOLK Resign it then and leave thine insolence.

Since thou wert king--as who is king but thou?--The commonwealth hath daily run to wreck;The Dauphin hath prevail'd beyond the seas;And all the peers and nobles of the realm Have been as bondmen to thy sovereignty. CARDINAL The commons hast thou rack'd; the clergy's bags Are lank and lean with thy extortions. SOMERSET Thy sumptuous buildings and thy wife's attire Have cost a mass of public treasury. BUCKINGHAM Thy cruelty in execution Upon offenders, hath exceeded law, And left thee to the mercy of the law. QUEEN MARGARET They sale of offices and towns in France, If they were known, as the suspect is great, Would make thee quickly hop without thy head.

Exit GLOUCESTER. QUEEN MARGARET drops her fan Give me my fan: what, minion! can ye not?

She gives the DUCHESS a box on the ear I cry you mercy, madam; was it you? DUCHESS Was't I! yea, I it was, proud Frenchwoman:

Could I come near your beauty with my nails, I'd set my ten commandments in your face. KING HENRY VI Sweet aunt, be quiet; 'twas against her will. DUCHESS Against her will! good king, look to't in time;She'll hamper thee, and dandle thee like a baby:

Though in this place most master wear no breeches, She shall not strike Dame Eleanor unrevenged.

Exit BUCKINGHAM Lord cardinal, I will follow Eleanor, And listen after Humphrey, how he proceeds:

She's tickled now; her fume needs no spurs, She'll gallop far enough to her destruction.

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