To the three writers above named,Roscher,Hildebrand,and Knies,the foundation of the German historical school ofpolitical economy belongs.It does not appear that Roscher in his own subsequent labours has been much under the influenceof the method which he has in so many places admirably characterised.In his System der Volkswirthschaft (vol.i.,Grundlagen der Nationale?konomie ,1854;23rd ed.,1900; J.J.Lalor,1878;vol.ii.,N.O.des Ackerbaues ,1860;13th ed.,1903;vol.iii.,N.O.des Handels und Gewerbfleisses ,7th ed.,1887)the dogmatic and the historical matterare rather juxtaposed than vitally combined.It is true that he has most usefully applied his vast learning to special historicalstudies,in relation especially to the progress of the science itself.His treatise Ueber das Verhdltniss der National?konomiezum classischen Alterthume (1849),his Zur Geschichte der Englischen Voikswirthschaftslehre (18512),and,above all,that marvellous monument of erudition and industry,his Gesehichie der National-Oekonomik in Deutschland (1874),towhich he is said to have devoted fifteen years of study,are among the most valuable extant works of this kind,though thelast by its accumulation of detail is unfitted for general study outside of Germany itself.Several interesting and usefulmonographs are collected in his Ansichten der Volkswirthschaft vom geschichtlichen Standpunkte (1861,3d ed.,1878).Hissystematic treatise,too,above referred to,abounds in historical notices of the rise and development of the several doctrinesof the science.But it cannot be alleged that he has done much towards the transformation of political economy which hisearliest labours seemed to announce;and Cossa appears to be right in saying that his dogmatic work has not effected anysubstantial modification of the principles of Hermann and Rau.
The historical method has exhibited its essential features more fully in the hands of the younger generation of scientificeconomists in Germany,amongst whom may be reckoned Lujo Brentano,Adolf Held,Erwin Nasse,Gustav Schmoller,H.