These conclusions as to the revolutionary tendencies of the school are not at all affected by the fact that the form ofgovernment preferred by Quesnay and some of his chief followers was what they called a legal despotism,which shouldembrace within itself both the legislative and the executive function.The reason for this preference was that an enlightenedcentral power could more promptly and efficaciously introduce the policy they advocated than an assembly representingdivergent opinions,and fettered by constitutional checks and limitations.Turgot,as we know,used the absolute power ofthe crown to carry into effect some of his measures for the liberation of industry,though he ultimately failed becauseunsustained by the requisite force of character in Louis XVI.But what the physiocratic idea with respect to the normalmethod of government was appears from Quesnay's advice to the dauphin,that when he became king he should "do nothing,but let the laws rule,"the laws having been of course first brought into conformity with the jus naturae .The partiality of theschool for agriculture was in harmony with the sentiment in favour of "nature"and primitive simplicity which then showeditself in so many forms in France,especially in combination with the revolutionary spirit,and of which Rousseau was themost eloquent exponent.It was also associated in these writers with a just indignation at the wretched state in which therural labourers of France had been left by the scandalous neglect of the superior orders of society --a state of which theterrible picture drawn by La Bruyère is an indestructible record.The members of the physiocratic group were undoubtedlymen of thorough uprightness,and inspired with a sincere desire for the public good,especially for the material and moralelevation of the working classes.Quesnay was physician to Louis XV,and resided in the palace at Versailles;but in themidst of that corrupt court he maintained his integrity,and spoke with manly frankness what he believed to be the truth.Andnever did any statesman devote himself with greater singleness of purpose or more earnest endeavour to the service of hiscountry than Turgot,who was the principal practical representative of the school.