

Like dragon-flies the hansoms hover With jewelled eyes to catch the lover;"and so on, with a gusto of appreciation that must have been very gratifying to the author had he been present.

Thus perceiving a taste for a certain modern style of poetry in my companion, I bethought me of a poem which I had written on the roadside a few days before, and which, I confess, I was eager to confide to some sympathetic ear.I was diffident of quoting it after such lines as Rosalind had recalled, but by the time we had reached our coffee, I plucked up courage to mention it.I had, however, the less diffidence in that it would have a technical interest for her, being indeed no other than a song of cycling a deux which had been suggested by one of those alarmist danger-posts always placed at the top of the pleasantest hills, sternly warning the cyclist that "this hill is dangerous,"--just as in life there is always some minatory notice-board frowning upon us in the direction we most desire to take.

But I omit further preface and produce the poem:--"This hill is dangerous," I said, As we rode on together Through sunny miles and sunny miles Of Surrey heather;"This hill is dangerous--don't you think We'd better walk it?""Or sit it out--more danger still!"

She smiled--"and talk it?"

"Are you afraid?" she turned and cried So very brave and sweetly,--Oh that brave smile that takes the heart Captive completely!

"Afraid?" I said, deep in her eyes Recklessly gazing;"For you I'd ride into the sun And die all blazing!""I never yet saw hill," I said, "And was afraid to take it;I never saw a foolish law, And feared to break it.

Who fears a hill or fears a law With you beside him?

Who fears, dear star, the wildest sea With you to guide him?"Then came the hill--a cataract, A dusty swirl, before us;The world stood round--a village world--

In fearful chorus.

Sure to be killed! Sure to be killed!

O fools, how dare ye!

Sure to be killed--and serve us right!

Ah I love, but were we?

The hill was dangerous, we knew, And knew that we must take it;The law was strong,--that too we knew Yet dared to break it.

And those who'd fain know how we fared Follow and find us, Safe on the hills, with all the world Safely behind us.

Rosalind smiled as I finished."I'm afraid," she said, "the song is as dangerous as the hill.Of course it has more meanings than one?""Perhaps two," I assented.

"And the second more important than the first.""Maybe," I smiled; "however, I hope you like it."Rosalind was very reassuring on that point, and then said musingly, as if half to herself, "But that hill is dangerous, you know; and young people would do well to pay attention to the danger-board!"Her voice shook as she spoke the last two or three words, and Ilooked at her in some surprise.

"Yes, I know it," she added, her voice quite broken; and before I realised what was happening, there she was with her beautiful head down upon the table, and sobbing as if her heart would break.

"Forgive me for being such a fool," she managed to wring out.

Now, usually I never interrupt a woman when she is crying, as it only encourages her to continue; but there was something so unexpected and mysterious about Rosalind's sudden outburst that it was impossible not to be sympathetic.I endeavoured to soothe her with such words as seemed fitting; and as she was crying because she really couldn't help it, she didn't cry long.

These tears proved, what certain indications of manner had already hinted to me, that Rosalind was more artless than I had at first supposed.She was a woman of the world, in that she lived in it, and loved its gaieties, but there was still in her heart no little of the child, as is there not in the hearts of all good women--or men?

And this you will realise when I tell you the funny little story which she presently confided to me as the cause of her tears.

  • 鸡肋编


  • 善说


  • 太上老君说救生真经


  • 答洛阳主人


  • 十四经发挥


  • 福妻驾到


  • 恋上小甜心:hello会长大人


  • 道途轮回


  • 沿途,有你


  • 破神皇


  • 狂女逆天主神大人追妻忙


  • TFBOYS之棉花糖之棉花糖


  • 读懂孩子“说明书”:如何当好孩子的启蒙老师


  • 时空美食家


  • 忠犬反派黑化了

