


So imagine me seated in a grassy corner, with my knapsack open on the ground and my petticoat and silk stockings spread out in front of me,--an odd picture, to be sure, for any passer by to come upon.I suppose I could have passed for a pedlar, but undoubtedly it would have been very embarrassing.However, as it happened, I remained undisturbed, and was able to examine my purchases at leisure.I had never seen a petticoat so near before,--at all events I had never given one such close attention.What delicious dainty things they are! How essentially womanly--as I hope no one would call a pair of trousers essentially manly.

How pretty it looked spread out on the grass in front of me! How soft! how wondrously dainty the finish of every little seam! And the lace! It almost tempts one to change one's sex to wear such things.There was a time indeed, and not so long ago, when brave men wore garments no less dainty.

Rupert's Cavaliers were every bit as particular about their lace collars and frills as the lady whose pretty limbs once warmed this cambric.

But where is the name? Ah! here it is! What sweet writing!

"Sylvia Joy, No.6."

Sylvia Joy! What a perfectly enchanting name! and as I repeated it enthusiastically, it seemed to have a certain familiarity for my ear,--as though it were the name of some famous beauty or some popular actress,--yet the exact association eluded me, and obviously it was better it should remain a name of mystery.

Sylvia Joy! Who could have hoped for such a pretty name!

Indeed, to tell the truth, I had dreaded to find a "Mary Jones"or an "Ann Williams"-- but Sylvia Joy! The name was a romance in itself.I already felt myself falling in love with its unseen owner.With such a petticoat and such a name, Sylvia herself could not be otherwise than delightful too.Already, you see, Iwas calling her by her Christian name! And the more I thought of her, the stronger grew the conviction-- which has no doubt already forced itself upon the romantic reader--that we were born for each other.

But who is Sylvia, who is she? and likewise where is Sylvia, where is she? Obviously they were questions not to be answered off-hand.Was not my future--at all events my immediate future--to be spent in answering them?

Indeed, curiously enough, my recent haste to have them answered had suddenly died down.A sort of matrimonial security possessed me.I felt as I imagine a husband may feel on a solitary holiday--if there are husbands unnatural enough to go holidaying without their wives--pleasantly conscious of a home tucked somewhere beneath the distant sunset, yet in no precipitate hurry to return there before the appointed day.

In fact, a chill tremor went through me as I realised that, to all intent, I was at length respectably settled down, with quite a considerable retrospect of happy married life.To come to a decision is always to bring something to an end.And, with something of a pang, resolutely stifled, I realised for a moment the true blessedness of the single state I was so soon to leave behind.At all events, a little golden fragment of bachelorhood remained.There was yet a fertile strip of time wherein to sow my last handful of the wild oats of youth.So festina lente, my destined Sylvia, festina lente!

  • 快穿之寻寻觅觅


  • 混沌弃少


  • 网游之永恒天律


  • 傲慢与偏贱


  • 项目时间管理


    本书力求按照人们对项目时间管理的认识规律以及项目时间管理的顺序,结合实例对项目时间管理的理论和方法加以介绍,使读者在掌握有关项目时间管理的基本理论和知识以后,能够解决项目时间管理的实际问题。 另外,本书还在每一章的末尾加入了与本章内容密切相关的本章小结、关键概念及思考题,有助于读者对本章所讲述的有关知识加强理解。 该书可供各大专院校作为教材使用,也可供从事相关工作的人员作为参考用书使用。
  • 殿下,你家狐妃下崽了


  • 问何方


  • 戒指与桂冠


  • 茅山外门


  • 弃妃女将

