

We sat down to our supper of corn and beans and venison, of all of which our guest ate sparingly.He, too, was a silent man, and scarcely a word was spoken during the meal.Several times he looked at me with such a kindly expression in his blue eyes, a trace of a smile around his broad mouth, that I wished he might stay with us always.

But once, when my father said something about Indians, the eyes grew hard as flint.It was then I remarked, with a boy's wonder, that despite his dark hair he had yellow eyebrows.

After supper the two men sat on the log step, while Iset about the task of skinning the deer my father had shot that day.Presently I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder.

``What's your name, lad?'' he said.

I told him Davy.

``Davy, I'll larn ye a trick worth a little time,'' said he, whipping out a knife.In a trice the red carcass hung between the forked stakes, while I stood with my mouth open.He turned to me and laughed gently.

``Some day you'll cross the mountains and skin twenty of an evening,'' he said.``Ye'll make a woodsman sure.

You've got the eye, and the hand.''

This little piece of praise from him made me hot all over.

``Game rare?'' said he to my father.

``None sae good, now,'' said my father.

``I reckon not.My cabin's on Beaver Creek some forty mile above, and game's going there, too.''

``Settlements,'' said my father.But presently, after a few whiffs of his pipe, he added, ``I hear fine things of this land across the mountains, that the Indians call the Dark and Bluidy Ground.''

``And well named,'' said the stranger.

``But a brave country,'' said my father, ``and all tramped down with game.I hear that Daniel Boone and others have gone into it and come back with marvellous tales.They tell me Boone was there alone three months.He's saething of a man.D'ye ken him?''

The ruddy face of the stranger grew ruddier still.

``My name's Boone,'' he said.

``What!'' cried my father, ``it wouldn't be Daniel?''

``You've guessed it, I reckon.''

My father rose without a word, went into the cabin, and immediately reappeared with a flask and a couple of gourds, one of which he handed to our visitor.

``Tell me aboot it,'' said he.

That was the fairy tale of my childhood.Far into the night I lay on the dewy grass listening to Mr.Boone's talk.It did not at first flow in a steady stream, for he was not a garrulous man, but my father's questions presently fired his enthusiasm.I recall but little of it, being so small a lad, but I crept closer and closer until I could touch this superior being who had been beyond the Wall.

Marco Polo was no greater wonder to the Venetians than Boone to me.

He spoke of leaving wife and children, and setting out for the Unknown with other woodsmen.He told how, crossing over our blue western wall into a valley beyond, they found a ``Warrior's Path'' through a gap across another range, and so down into the fairest of promised lands.And as he talked he lost himself in the tale of it, and the very quality of his voice changed.He told of a land of wooded hill and pleasant vale, of clear water running over limestone down to the great river beyond, the Ohio--a land of glades, the fields of which were pied with flowers of wondrous beauty, where roamed the buffalo in countless thousands, where elk and deer abounded, and turkeys and feathered game, and bear in the tall brakes of cane.And, simply, he told how, when the others had left him, he stayed for three months roaming the hills alone with Nature herself.

``But did you no' meet the Indians?'' asked my father.

``I seed one fishing on a log once,'' said our visitor, laughing, ``but he fell into the water.I reckon he was drowned.''

My father nodded comprehendingly,--even admiringly.

``And again!'' said he.

``Wal,'' said Mr.Boone, ``we fell in with a war party of Shawnees going back to their lands north of the great river.The critters took away all we had.It was hard,''

he added reflectively; ``I had staked my fortune on the venter, and we'd got enough skins to make us rich.But, neighbor, there is land enough for you and me, as black and rich as Canaan.''

`` `The Lord is my shepherd,' '' said my father, lapsing into verse.`` `The Lord is my shepherd.I shall not want.He leadeth me into green pastures, and beside still waters.' ''

For a time they were silent, each wrapped in his own thought, while the crickets chirped and the frogs sang.

From the distant forest came the mournful hoot of an owl.

``And you are going back?'' asked my father, presently.

``Aye, that I am.There are many families on the Yadkin below going, too.And you, neighbor, you might come with us.Davy is the boy that would thrive in that country.''

My father did not answer.It was late indeed when we lay down to rest, and the night I spent between waking and dreaming of the wonderland beyond the mountains, hoping against hope that my father would go.The sun was just flooding the slopes when our guest arose to leave, and my father bade him God-speed with a heartiness that was rare to him.But, to my bitter regret, neither spoke of my father's going.Being a man of understanding, Mr.Boone knew it were little use to press.He patted me on the head.

``You're a wise lad, Davy,'' said he.``I hope we shall meet again.''

He mounted his roan and rode away down the slope, waving his hand to us.And it was with a heavy heart that I went to feed our white mare, whinnying for food in the lean-to.

  • 人潮拥挤只为放弃你


  • EXO之桃香四溢


  • 快穿之论女配的道德修养


  • 汉域无疆


  • 超级近身狂少


  • 叫我:老板


  • 以汐之名


  • 末世之变异终结者


  • 眯眼落浮生


  • 栀香四溢又名四海

