

"To your apartments, perhaps; but he will not make any difficulty at entering mine." The count went to the window of the apartment that looked on to the street, and whistled in a peculiar manner.The man in the mantle quitted the wall, and advanced into the middle of the street."Salite!"said the count, in the same tone in which he would have given an order to his servant.The messenger obeyed without the least hesitation, but rather with alacrity, and, mounting the steps at a bound, entered the hotel; five seconds afterwards he was at the door of the room."Ah, it is you, Peppino," said the count.But Peppino, instead of answering, threw himself on his knees, seized the count's hand, and covered it with kisses."Ah," said the count, "you have, then, not forgotten that I saved your life; that is strange, for it is a week ago.""No, excellency; and never shall I forget it," returned Peppino, with an accent of profound gratitude.

"Never? That is a long time; but it is something that you believe so.Rise and answer." Peppino glanced anxiously at Franz."Oh, you may speak before his excellency," said he;"he is one of my friends.You allow me to give you this title?" continued the count in French, "it is necessary to excite this man's confidence.""You can speak before me," said Franz; "I am a friend of the count's.""Good!" returned Peppino."I am ready to answer any questions your excellency may address to me.""How did the Viscount Albert fall into Luigi's hands?""Excellency, the Frenchman's carriage passed several times the one in which was Teresa.""The chief's mistress?"

"Yes.The Frenchman threw her a bouquet; Teresa returned it -- all this with the consent of the chief, who was in the carriage.""What?" cried Franz, "was Luigi Vampa in the carriage with the Roman peasants?""It was he who drove, disguised as the coachman," replied Peppino.

"Well?" said the count.

"Well, then, the Frenchman took off his mask; Teresa, with the chief's consent, did the same.The Frenchman asked for a rendezvous; Teresa gave him one -- only, instead of Teresa, it was Beppo who was on the steps of the church of San Giacomo.""What!" exclaimed Franz, "the peasant girl who snatched his mocoletto from him" --"Was a lad of fifteen," replied Peppino."But it was no disgrace to your friend to have been deceived; Beppo has taken in plenty of others.""And Beppo led him outside the walls?" said the count.

"Exactly so; a carriage was waiting at the end of the Via Macello.Beppo got in, inviting the Frenchman to follow him, and he did not wait to be asked twice.He gallantly offered the right-hand seat to Beppo, and sat by him.Beppo told him he was going to take him to a villa a league from Rome; the Frenchman assured him he would follow him to the end of the world.The coachman went up the Via di Ripetta and the Porta San Paola; and when they were two hundred yards outside, as the Frenchman became somewhat too forward, Beppo put a brace of pistols to his head, the coachman pulled up and did the same.At the same time, four of the band, who were concealed on the banks of the Almo, surrounded the carriage.The Frenchman made some resistance, and nearly strangled Beppo;but he could not resist five armed men.and was forced to yield.They made him get out, walk along the banks of the river, and then brought him to Teresa and Luigi, who were waiting for him in the catacombs of St.Sebastian.""Well," said the count, turning towards Franz, "it seems to me that this is a very likely story.What do you say to it?""Why, that I should think it very amusing," replied Franz, "if it had happened to any one but poor Albert.""And, in truth, if you had not found me here," said the count, "it might have proved a gallant adventure which would have cost your friend dear; but now, be assured, his alarm will be the only serious consequence.""And shall we go and find him?" inquired Franz.

"Oh, decidedly, sir.He is in a very picturesque place -- do you know the catacombs of St.Sebastian?""I was never in them; but I have often resolved to visit them.""Well, here is an opportunity made to your hand, and it would be difficult to contrive a better.Have you a carriage?""No."

"That is of no consequence; I always have one ready, day and night.""Always ready?"

"Yes.I am a very capricious being, and I should tell you that sometimes when I rise, or after my dinner, or in the middle of the night, I resolve on starting for some particular point, and away I go." The count rang, and a footman appeared."Order out the carriage," he said, "and remove the pistols which are in the holsters.You need not awaken the coachman; Ali will drive." In a very short time the noise of wheels was heard, and the carriage stopped at the door.The count took out his watch."Half-past twelve,"he said."We might start at five o'clock and be in time, but the delay may cause your friend to pass an uneasy night, and therefore we had better go with all speed to extricate him from the hands of the infidels.Are you still resolved to accompany me?""More determined than ever."

"Well, then, come along."

Franz and the count went downstairs, accompanied by Peppino.

At the door they found the carriage.Ali was on the box, in whom Franz recognized the dumb slave of the grotto of Monte Cristo.Franz and the count got into the carriage.Peppino placed himself beside Ali, and they set off at a rapid pace.

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