

Gaetano, who had proposed the expedition, had taken all the responsibility on himself; the four sailors fixed their eyes on him, while they got out their oars and held themselves in readiness to row away, which, thanks to the darkness, would not be difficult.As for Franz, he examined his arms with the utmost coolness; he had two double-barrelled guns and a rifle; he loaded them, looked at the priming, and waited quietly.During this time the captain had thrown off his vest and shirt, and secured his trousers round his waist;his feet were naked, so he had no shoes and stockings to take off; after these preparations he placed his finger on his lips, and lowering himself noiselessly into the sea, swam towards the shore with such precaution that it was impossible to hear the slightest sound; he could only be traced by the phosphorescent line in his wake.This track soon disappeared; it was evident that he had touched the shore.Every one on board remained motionless for half an hour, when the same luminous track was again observed, and the swimmer was soon on board."Well?" exclaimed Franz and the sailors in unison.

"They are Spanish smugglers," said he; "they have with them two Corsican bandits.""And what are these Corsican bandits doing here with Spanish smugglers?""Alas," returned the captain with an accent of the most profound pity, "we ought always to help one another.Very often the bandits are hard pressed by gendarmes or carbineers; well, they see a vessel, and good fellows like us on board, they come and demand hospitality of us; you can't refuse help to a poor hunted devil; we receive them, and for greater security we stand out to sea.This costs us nothing, and saves the life, or at least the liberty, of a fellow-creature, who on the first occasion returns the service by pointing out some safe spot where we can land our goods without interruption.""Ah!" said Franz, "then you are a smuggler occasionally, Gaetano?""Your excellency, we must live somehow," returned the other, smiling impenetrably.

"Then you know the men who are now on Monte Cristo?""Oh, yes, we sailors are like freemasons, and recognize each other by signs.""And do you think we have nothing to fear if we land?""Nothing at all; smugglers are not thieves.""But these two Corsican bandits?" said Franz, calculating the chances of peril.

"It is not their fault that they are bandits, but that of the authorities.""How so?"

"Because they are pursued for having made a stiff, as if it was not in a Corsican's nature to revenge himself.""What do you mean by having made a stiff? -- having assassinated a man?" said Franz, continuing his investigation.

"I mean that they have killed an enemy, which is a very different thing," returned the captain.

"Well," said the young man, "let us demand hospitality of these smugglers and bandits.Do you think they will grant it?""Without doubt."

"How many are they?"

"Four, and the two bandits make six."

"Just our number, so that if they prove troublesome, we shall be able to hold them in check; so, for the last time, steer to Monte Cristo.""Yes, but your excellency will permit us to take all due precautions.""By all means, be as wise as Nestor and as prudent as Ulysses; I do more than permit, I exhort you.""Silence, then!" said Gaetano.

Every one obeyed.For a man who, like Franz, viewed his position in its true light, it was a grave one.He was alone in the darkness with sailors whom he did not know, and who had no reason to be devoted to him; who knew that he had several thousand francs in his belt, and who had often examined his weapons, -- which were very beautiful, -- if not with envy, at least with curiosity.On the other hand, he was about to land, without any other escort than these men, on an island which had, indeed, a very religious name, but which did not seem to Franz likely to afford him much hospitality, thanks to the smugglers and bandits.The history of the scuttled vessels, which had appeared improbable during the day, seemed very probable at night;placed as he was between two possible sources of danger, he kept his eye on the crew, and his gun in his hand.The sailors had again hoisted sail, and the vessel was once more cleaving the waves.Through the darkness Franz, whose eyes were now more accustomed to it, could see the looming shore along which the boat was sailing, and then, as they rounded a rocky point, he saw the fire more brilliant than ever, and about it five or six persons seated.The blaze illumined the sea for a hundred paces around.Gaetano skirted the light, carefully keeping the boat in the shadow; then, when they were opposite the fire, he steered to the centre of the circle, singing a fishing song, of which his companions sung the chorus.At the first words of the song the men seated round the fire arose and approached the landing-place, their eyes fixed on the boat, evidently seeking to know who the new-comers were and what were their intentions.They soon appeared satisfied and returned (with the exception of one, who remained at the shore) to their fire, at which the carcass of a goat was roasting.When the boat was within twenty paces of the shore, the man on the beach, who carried a carbine, presented arms after the manner of a sentinel, and cried, "Who comes there?" in Sardinian.Franz coolly cocked both barrels.Gaetano then exchanged a few words with this man which the traveller did not understand, but which evidently concerned him."Will your excellency give your name, or remain incognito?" asked the captain.

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