


"I fear," thought Mr.Lavender, as they sped towards Town, "that I have inadvertently taken a joy-ride which belonged to that distinguished person with the eyeglass.No matter, my spirit is now bright for the adventure I have in hand.If only I knew where I could find the Unseen Power--but possibly its movements may be recorded in these journals.

"And taking from his pocket his morning papers, which he had not yet had time to peruse, he buried himself in their contents.He was still deeply absorbed when the cab stopped and the driver knocked on the window.Mr.

Lavender got out, followed by Blink, and was feeling in his pocket for the fare when an exclamation broke from the driver:

"Gorblimy! I've brought the wrong baby!"

And before Mr.Lavender had recovered from his surprise, he had whipped the car round and was speeding back towards the flying ground.

"How awkward!" thought Mr.Lavender, who was extremely nice in money matters; "what shall I do now?" And he looked around him.There, as it were by a miracle, was the office of a great journal, whence obviously his distinguished colleague had set forth to the flying grounds, and to which he had been returned in error by the faithful driver.

Perceiving in all this the finger of Providence, Mr.Lavender walked in.

Those who have followed his experiences so far will readily understand how no one could look on Mr.Lavender without perceiving him to be a man of extreme mark, and no surprise need be felt when he was informed that the Personage he sought was on the point of visiting Brighton to open a hospital, and might yet be overtaken at Victoria Station.

With a beating heart he took up the trail in another taxi-cab, and, arriving at Victoria, purchased tickets for himself and Blink, and inquired for the Brighton train.

"Hurry up!" replied the official.Mr.Lavender ran, searching the carriage windows for any indication of his objective.The whistle had been blown, and he was in despair, when his eye caught the label "Reserved" on a first-class window, and looking in he saw a single person evidently of the highest consequence smoking a cigar, surrounded by papers.Without a moment's hesitation he opened the door, and, preceded by Blink, leaped in."This carriage is reserved, sir," said the Personage, as the train moved out.

"I know," said Mr.Lavender, who had fallen on to the edge of the seat opposite; "and only the urgency of my business would have caused me to violate the sanctity of your retreat, for, believe me, I have the instincts if not the habits of a gentleman."The Personage, who had made a move of his hand as if to bring the train to a standstill, abandoning his design, replaced his cigar, and contemplated Mr.Lavender from above it.

The latter remained silent, returning that remarkable stare, while Blink withdrew beneath the seat and pressed her chin to the ground, savouring the sensation of a new motion.

"Yes," he thought, "those eyes have an almost superhuman force and cunning.They are the eyes of a spider in the centre of a great web.

They seem to draw me."

"You are undoubtedly the Unseen Power, sir," he said suddenly, "and Ihave reached the heart of the mystery.From your own lips I shall soon know whether I am a puppet or a public man."The Personage, who by his movements was clearly under the impression that he had to do with a lunatic, sat forward with his hands on his knees ready to rise at a moment's notice; he kept his cigar in his mouth, however, and an enforced smile on the folds of his face.

"What can I do for you, sir?" he said.

"Will you have a cigar?"

"No, thank you," replied Mr.Lavender, "I must keep the eyes of my spirit clear, and come to the point.Do you rule this country or do you not?

For it is largely on the answer to this that my future depends.In telling others what to do am I speaking as my conscience or as your conscience dictates; and, further, if indeed I am speaking as your conscience dictates, have you a conscience?"The Personage, who had evidently made up his mind to humour the intruder, flipped the ash off his cigar.

  • 瞧瞧这些奇迹


  • 减肥顺带修个仙


  • 重生相爷本红妆


  • 魔灵传之道修魔灵转世成


  • 承运奉天


  • 超级孙悟空


  • 魂武双修


  • 20世纪大富豪


  • 以前的,现在都成了故事


  • 血忌大陆

